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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

brain_stew said:
Tough shit. Its valid and important discussion and has been part of every single OT for a PC game on GAF. What would your prefer this thread becomes? A coordinated circle jerk?

Stew you are fantastic man.
nickslicl said:
once again, pc master race dudes shitting up OTs trying to get their damn game running @ 300 fps, 16xAA, etc ;)

Once again, people without anything constructive to add to an OT, shitting it up by bitching incessantly.

Discussion of bugs and performance issues preventing people from playing their game and potential fixes are worthy topics of discussion. Mindless bitching is not. The only person shitting up this thread is you.
Corky said:
- Playing it on a i5@4ghz and sli 470s
- Game looks pretty darn good

- the performance is not acceptable, the first 15minutes of the game were a choppy mess

If that is the case, it's not just dual core CPUs for sure and it's not Hyper Threading.
brain_stew said:
Tough shit. Its valid and important discussion and has been part of every single OT for a PC game on GAF. What would your prefer this thread becomes? A coordinated circle jerk?
No need to be a prick. This isn't just a PC game. It's also a console game. And I would bet that many more people (not necessarily on GAF) are playing it on consoles than on their PCs. And, to be fair, I don't care about PC specs at all. Nobody that's playing this on their 360 or PS3 does. Not one bit. But does everyone care how the game plays? Yes, they do.

Ideally, I'd like to hear impressions of the gameplay at this point. You know, what the game is about. I know that it's not something that PC gamers are usually concerned with, but I actually am. I'm not trying to back seat moderate or any of that, but that's just what I, personally, would like to hear.


It's just like the last one. Seems to be tied to glitching thrown weapons. I'm not sure why this has consistently been a problem.
brain_stew said:
Tough shit. Its valid and important discussion and has been part of every single OT for a PC game on GAF. What would your prefer this thread becomes? A coordinated circle jerk?

Im not the dude your responding to, but couldnt there be a PC thread to deal with that stuff?

Its a valid and important discussion, but talking about gameplay does not equal a "coordinated circle jerk" :lol

Belfast said:
It's just like the last one. Seems to be tied to glitching thrown weapons. I'm not sure why this has consistently been a problem.

Hopefully they can patch it out quickly, MW2 annoying during the care package glitching - it was funny at first, but kinda grew old fast. Am I right in thinking that this game has been in development for about a year? I hate the yearly cycles CoD games go through, I garuntee the game will have a ton of bugs this side of christmas. :( Im gonna play the hell out of it while its a pure experience then as soon as these exploits roll in wait for the patches.


Corky said:
Whoa, I think I'm really really enjoying the campaign. Never thought I'd ever admit to enjoying a "modern" CoD campaign.

- for the first time I actually feel like my bullets are hurting people instead of somekind of magic peashooter that puts people to sleep

Wait, so I haven't been following enough to know, are you saying that like WaW, there is more blood and such when shooting someone? Is gibbing back in? That was one thing that disappointing about MW2...


Impression after playing the Multiplayer on PS3 for three hours:

Frame rate...ugh:
The frame rate problems the PS3 version currently has don’t bother me that much anymore. They’re still there, of course, and Treyarch really has to do something about it soon, because they really do make the multiplayer significantly worse. It’s pretty sad that Treyarch shipped a product das was clearly not what they wanted it to be. Even worse is the fact that the major gaming sites don’t talk about the frame rate problem enough. The problems are way more noticeable in this game than they were in Modern Warfare 2. In fact, I have never experienced noticeable frame rate drops in the PS3 version of Modern Warfare 2. I own it for the Xbox 360 and for the PS3 and think that both are on par. I don't have a problem with the brightness. Everything seems fine and I've not adjusted anything. I haven't tried the SP, though.

Unlocking stuff not as much fun as it used to be:
Aside from the technical problems it’s a solid multiplayer game. I don’t think I’ll play it as much as I played Call of Duty 4 or even Modern Warfare 2, but I’ll at least play until I reach Level 50. I don’t like that pretty much everything is locked from the beginning. While the start-weapons in CoD 4 and MW2 (even in World at War) felt really powerful and good enough to play with them until you unlock the new ones, the weapons here all feel weak (except the MP5). I wouldn’t have a problem with unlocking weapons with CoD-Points (you earn them for playing the game ;-) ) if you didn’t also have to reach a certain level to have the weapons available. This is bullshit and makes the CoD-Points completely worthless. It’s not like you would save up some points to then buy a better weapon, because you almost always have enough money to buy the weapons that are currently available. My verdict: CoD-Points are bullshit. The system they had in the previous games was perfectly fine and there was no need to implement a currency.

Quick-Scoping is still possible, 360° + quick-scope is still possible, but it’s almost impossible to be consistent at it. Treyarch’s solution is/was horrible. Quick-scoping, just like no-scoping, is nothing new and it’s been done forever. Quick-scoping in Modern Warfare 2 became a problem when it didn’t take any “skill” to do it and the aim-assist was basically holding your hand all the time. Treyarch’s solution, however, breaks the sniping completely. You don’t want people camping, just looking through their scopes until someone appears in front of them. That’s (probably) no fun for the sniper and doesn’t help the Team in any way. There are other ways to fix the quick-scope problem Modern Warfare 2 had. Disable the aim assist completely, or make the “zoom-in” slower, for example. It bugs me that they have a half-assed solution patched in on the day of release, but haven’t fixed the technical problem this game has. It’s a shame.

I only quick-scope from time to time and I’m not even mad that they don’t want people to do it. I’m pissed, because their solution is shitty.

BUT:Overall this CoD seems to be the most balanced CoD-game I’ve ever played. At least once you have unlocked all the weapons. :)

The manual is as shitty as it’s always been, by the way. :lol

If you want to play on the PS3, add me. My PSN ID is Zeschitz.
Corky said:
Whoa, I think I'm really really enjoying the campaign. Never thought I'd ever admit to enjoying a "modern" CoD campaign.

- Playing it on a i5@4ghz and sli 470s
- Game looks pretty darn good

- the performance is not acceptable, the first 15minutes of the game were a choppy mess even with triplebuffering on and the whole shebang
- I really love the way the story is told

- for the first time I actually feel like my bullets are hurting people instead of somekind of magic peashooter that puts people to sleep

- I must reiterate how much better the campaign has been thus far compared to the wtfstory and preposterous narrative of mw2
- played 3-4hours and apparently I'm barely halfway through

Thanks for the confirmation. So its neither a dual core or hyperthreading issue. The game really is fucked.

My advice then is that anyone interested in the PC version holds out for now
. We've had confirmation it can affect any type of CPU from trusted GAF posters now, no one is safe. :/


bobs99 ... said:
Im not the dude your responding to, but couldnt there be a PC thread to deal with that stuff?

Its a valid and important discussion, but talking about gameplay does not equal a "coordinated circle jerk" :lol
Did you somehow miss all the 360/PS3 comparison pics and talk.

Stop trying to fucking say its PC gamers who don't want to talk gameplay.

This is the |OT| thread. Getting the best experience for all gamers is a perfectly suitable topic.
Anyone playing the single player on Veteran? Is more akin to Modern Warfare 2 which finally did away with the invisible line that stopped continuous enemy respawning or are we back to Call of Duty 4/World at War ball busting Veteran mode?
DennisK4 said:
Did you somehow miss all the 360/PS3 comparison pics and talk.

Stop trying to fucking say its PC gamers who don't want to talk gameplay.

This is the |OT| thread. Getting the best experience for all gamers is a perfectly suitable topic.

Also, if there were ways to tweak the performance of a console version, the discussion would certainly be happening here as well.
Futurevoid said:
Anyone playing the single player on Veteran? Is more akin to Modern Warfare 2 which finally did away with the invisible line that stopped continuous enemy respawning or are we back to Call of Duty 4/World at War ball busting Veteran mode?
somewhere in between


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
jiien said:
Wait, so I haven't been following enough to know, are you saying that like WaW, there is more blood and such when shooting someone? Is gibbing back in? That was one thing that disappointing about MW2...

oh yeah baby, shooting someone with a largecalibre round in the shin really does a number on it
backflip10019 said:
No need to be a prick. This isn't just a PC game. It's also a console game. And I would bet that many more people (not necessarily on GAF) are playing it on consoles than on their PCs. And, to be fair, I don't care about PC specs at all. Nobody that's playing this on their 360 or PS3 does. Not one bit. But does everyone care how the game plays? Yes, they do.

Ideally, I'd like to hear impressions of the gameplay at this point. You know, what the game is about. I know that it's not something that PC gamers are usually concerned with, but I actually am. I'm not trying to back seat moderate or any of that, but that's just what I, personally, would like to hear.

This isn't just a console game. Its also a PC game.

See, it works both ways, and console gamers don't have a monopoly on OT threads so quit pretending they do, sales figures are utterly irrelevant.

The only person being a "prick" is the guy that's stopping vital information getting through to prospective buyers of the game. Why the fuck do you want people to blind buy the game if it is straight up broken on one platform,a s it appears to be. Why the fuck should we hide information like that. Sorry, but I'd rather fellow PC gamers don't get dicked over, and the best place to disseminate that information and piece it together is the OT.

No one is stopping you or anyone else from discussing gameplay, in fact there's plenty of people doing just that. Both threads of discussion can coexist if people like yourself didn't incessantly bitch and force a thread derail.


I've been kind of blacked out on this game (no pun intended, well maybe it was a little bit intended), but I am just finding out it has no co-op campaign? What the fuck is that all about?
DennisK4 said:
Did you somehow miss all the 360/PS3 comparison pics and talk.

Stop trying to fucking say its PC gamers who don't want to talk gameplay.

This is the |OT| thread. Getting the best experience for all gamers is a perfectly suitable topic.

Nah I didnt miss them, I was just generalizing because the post I responded to was about PC gamers specifically. I dont see why we cant have a thread for the technicalities (PC, 360 and PS3) and a thread for gameplay specific stuff.

It seems like theres 2 seperate conversations going on in here, and its annoying trying to follow one with the other one constantly there going on around it. Wouldnt it be better for everyone if it was just split up?

Either way, im shocked at the problems the game does seem to be having, but again theyve gotta stop trying to churn out AAA games on a yearly basis, it just doesnt work.


Sometimes I feel bad for Treyarch. All the reviews seem to carry this "Treyarch has to be 'worse' than Infinity Wards" mentality and therefore "we have to find something to go against it to prove this 'fact'". Looking at Modern Warfare 2, everyone is giving the game benefit of the doubt and ended up overrating it a lot. A different set of mind is used when reviewing Treyarch games.


Corky said:
- I must reiterate how much better the campaign has been thus far compared to the wtfstory and preposterous narrative of mw2
- played 3-4hours and apparently I'm barely halfway through

This is what I wanted to hear. Better and longer than MW2.
Futurevoid said:
Anyone playing the single player on Veteran? Is more akin to Modern Warfare 2 which finally did away with the invisible line that stopped continuous enemy respawning or are we back to Call of Duty 4/World at War ball busting Veteran mode?
more like world at war imo.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Who plays the campaign in a COD title?
I do.
brain_stew said:
Thanks for the confirmation. So its neither a dual core or hyperthreading issue. The game really is fucked.

My advice then is that anyone interested in the PC version holds out for now
. We've had confirmation it can affect any type of CPU from trusted GAF posters now, no one is safe. :/
WOW : [

i was so torn between cracking this open on 360 as I've been doing with CoD since MW or enjoying it on PC that i'm shocked it's busted on the platform that i figured would have been the safest bet. went with 360 out of habit but god damn... this thread ain't happy
no Co-Op campaign? FUCK ME, its going to hard to talk a few of my friends into picking this up now.

Why take out features that were in your last game Trey?
brain_stew said:
This isn't just a console game. Its also a PC game.

See, it works both ways, and console gamers don't have a monopoly on OT threads so quit pretending they do, sales figures are utterly irrelevant.

The only person being a "prick" is the guy that's stopping vital information getting through to prospective buyers of the game. Why the fuck do you want people to blind buy the game if it is straight up broken on one platform,a s it appears to be. Why the fuck should we hide information like that. Sorry, but I'd rather fellow PC gamers don't get dicked over, and the best place to disseminate that information and piece it together is the OT.

No one is stopping you or anyone else from discussing gameplay, in fact there's plenty of people doing just that. Both threads of discussion can coexist if people like yourself didn't incessantly bitch and force a thread derail.
I don't really understand why you're taking this so personally. Daddy problems maybe? I guess that's just how some people are. There's no need for hostility.

That's fine and dandy. As bobs was saying above, I just feel like both parties (people who want to talk about the tech specs and people who want to talk about the actual game) would benefit from having two separate threads, one technical (for all consoles/PC) and one about the actual game.
Mr. Spinnington said:
WOW : [

i was so torn between cracking this open on 360 as I've been doing with CoD since MW or enjoying it on PC that i'm shocked it's busted on the platform that i figured would have been the safest bet. went with 360 out of habit but god damn... this thread ain't happy

Apparently even the PS3 version has major issues (read: a shitty framerate) as well. Focus definitely seems to have been on the 360 version, if that wasn't already obvious enough.

And again, because its so important and some might of missed it:

In its current state it is confirmed and verified to be broken and the issue can affect any hardware configuration.


grap3fruitman said:
So if I don't like shooting guns there may be a chance I won't like this game??


Well, you could probably knife your way through...
BruceLeeRoy said:
:lol That's classic. Like buying a hummer for the gas mileage.
i'm not planning touching the MP in black ops at all, if that says anything. i'm on the hunt for a really good FPS campaign and black ops looks like it can be a winner for that. you're going to find people on both ends of MP/SP and some in between, as shocking as that may seem
brain_stew said:
Apparently even the PS3 version has major issues (read: a shitty framerate) as well. Focus definitely seems to have been on the 360 version, if that wasn't already obvious enough.

And again, because its so important and some might of missed it:

In its current state it is confirmed and verified to be broken and the issue can affect any hardware configuration.
because you bolded it i quoted and i'll qote again so it's not missed by newcomers to the thread, because i haven't looked in this OT for a week myself

just relieved i'll have a competent experience on 360
backflip10019 said:
I don't really understand why you're taking this so personally. Daddy problems maybe? I guess that's just how some people are. There's no need for hostility.

Twattish behaviour like this is somehow acceptable on GAF these days?
JetBlackPanda said:
Why take out features that were in your last game Trey?
This campaign is specifically centered around a single character, though at times you do take the place of other people in other scenarios, but it's centered around one main character so a co-op campaign wouldn't really work.


Does Zombie mode support any sort of split-screen? I probably won't get that much mileage out of it, but split screen would certainly help.
brain_stew said:
Twattish behaviour like this is somehow acceptable on GAF these days?
Well excuse me for trying to engage in sophisticated conversation.

Aside: How are the characters in the SP? Anyone have any story impressions?


Hearing about performance problems with the PC version is a bummer, I decided to skip the friends-list aspect and chose the PC version over the 360 version for this game. My copy is already on its way from UPS, so not like I can easily back out now :(

Hope we get word from Treyarch about possible fixes or solutions.
Struct09 said:
Hearing about performance problems with the PC version is a bummer, I decided to skip the friends-list aspect and chose the PC version over the 360 version for this game. My copy is already on its way from UPS, so not like I can easily back out now :(

Hope we get word from Treyarch about possible fixes or solutions.
at least the PC version can be patched up, there's still hope!
snap0212 said:
Impression after playing the Multiplayer on PS3 for three hours:

Frame rate...ugh:
The frame rate problems the PS3 version currently has don’t bother me that much anymore. They’re still there, of course, and Treyarch really has to do something about it soon, because they really do make the multiplayer significantly worse. It’s pretty sad that Treyarch shipped a product das was clearly not what they wanted it to be. Even worse is the fact that the major gaming sites don’t talk about the frame rate problem enough. The problems are way more noticeable in this game than they were in Modern Warfare 2. In fact, I have never experienced noticeable frame rate drops in the PS3 version of Modern Warfare 2. I own it for the Xbox 360 and for the PS3 and think that both are on par. I don't have a problem with the brightness. Everything seems fine and I've not adjusted anything. I haven't tried the SP, though.

I'm sorry but, I lack the amount of tolerance you have on this issue dude. It's hampering my enjoyment of this game. 60 fps is a bullet point and for me, one of the main reasons I still play current CoD titles (on consoles). I had no idea this issue was even present, I purchased based on actual player impressions, which was a bad call -- because most were based on the 360 version. I'm definitely trading this in when GT5 comes around...


Jungle is awesome, 9v9 won the game but I had negative ratio unfortunately, basically we had 1 Sniper owning the other team I believe :lol

Also one thing I've noticed specifically for this map, this game has far better sound then Modern Warfare 2. The atmosphere, gun noises etc..all of it sounds fantastic.

besides the Lag the PC version is fine for me, its frustrating but occasionally you get round where it works near perfectly, I expect a patch within a few days if not hours on PC.


Can anyone confirm/deny that if PC version supports 360 pad in single-player? I read somewhere that it does, it's a first if true.
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