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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Struct09 said:
Hearing about performance problems with the PC version is a bummer, I decided to skip the friends-list aspect and chose the PC version over the 360 version for this game. My copy is already on its way from UPS, so not like I can easily back out now :(

Hope we get word from Treyarch about possible fixes or solutions.

Its not as if I don't believe it won't be patched or anything, so I wouldn't worry too much.

But I'm not about to recommend someone buys a game that is straight up broken for a huge majority of gamers with no easily identifiable correlation.
brain_stew said:
Apparently even the PS3 version has major issues (read: a shitty framerate) as well. Focus definitely seems to have been on the 360 version, if that wasn't already obvious enough.

And again, because its so important and some might of missed it:

In its current state it is confirmed and verified to be broken and the issue can affect any hardware configuration.

That's too bad, I will be getting pc version down the road but I can't suffer through it until a fix occurs. 360 version it is I guess.


Gary Whitta said:
I read on another forum that the MP is harder than MW2 and definitely not n00b-friendly. Can anyone confirm?

Grenade whores wont be happy I'll put it that way! :lol :D


grap3fruitman said:
This campaign is specifically centered around a single character, though at times you do take the place of other people in other scenarios, but it's centered around one main character so a co-op campaign wouldn't really work.

Don't mean this against you, but I have never bought this argument. I can suspend my disbelief (as I do with many, many other co-op games where there are two PCs in the place of one protagonist) and just because a story may not feature multiple people, that won't make the experience any less fun.
miladesn said:
Can anyone confirm/deny that if PC version supports 360 pad in single-player? I read somewhere that it does, it's a first if true.

Confirmed numerous times it auto configures the 360 controller. Its things like that that make the performance issues more annoying, they've got so much stuff right with the PC version that it seems ridiculous that they've fucked up on the major fundamentals.


DSN2K said:
Also one thing I've noticed specifically for this map, this game has far better sound then Modern Warfare 2. The atmosphere, gun noises etc..all of it sounds fantastic.
I heard that the constant ambient noises make listening for footsteps very hard though. Apparently, it's nowhere as easy as in MW2.


miladesn said:
Can anyone confirm/deny that if PC version supports 360 pad in single-player? I read somewhere that it does, it's a first if true.

Game has full xbox 360 Pad support, plays exactly like the xbox 360 would
h0pper said:
how do I do that?

Don't bother. Corky confirmed performance issues on an i5 750, which is a quad core and does not have Hyper Threading.

If the performance issues are as noticeable as they seem to be from this thread, I'd have to imagine they've already been working on a patch before the game was even released.


Anyone know the Split Screen options for online play and Zombie mode?

Since I play fairly often with my housemates on the same console this would be a big factor on the Pros/Cons list that is in my head and determining whether I pick it up after work.


DSN2K said:
Grenade whores wont be happy I'll put it that way! :lol :D
Apparently this game sort of forces you to do more gunplay, which is an absolutely awesome thing. Fuck the noobtube and all the people that abused it.
Gary Whitta said:
I read on another forum that the MP is harder than MW2 and definitely not n00b-friendly. Can anyone confirm?

I'd say that's true due to the nature of the weapons (6 hours in and I still haven't found "my" gun), maps (I've already shared my thought on the layouts), and challenge of spending your points wisely to create a good soldier.
Mik2121 said:
Apparently this game sort of forces you to do more gunplay, which is an absolutely awesome thing. Fuck the noobtube and all the people that abused it.
YES, that's awesome. I hated that about MW2, there was so much random crap that sometimes made the game feel like it was based more around luck than skill. More gunplay = fuck yes!
Gary Whitta said:
I read on another forum that the MP is harder than MW2 and definitely not n00b-friendly. Can anyone confirm?
You could say that, it takes more then 1-2 bullets to take someone down now due to lack of stopping power, headshots are rather vital too to do more damage.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I'm sorry but, I lack the amount of tolerance you have on this issue dude. It's hampering my enjoyment of this game. 60 fps is a bullet point and for me, one of the main reasons I still play current CoD titles (on consoles). I had no idea this issue was even present, I purchased based on actual player impressions, which was a bad call -- because most were based on the 360 version. I'm definitely trading this in when GT5 comes around...

If anything this is a bigger issue than the game breaking PC bug. Patches that bring huge sweeping performance improvements are basically none existant on consoles and unlike the PC version, we don't have some configurations running the game without issue. Of course, no review will bring this up as they just play the 360 version and assume the PS3 version is the same.

Sucks that both the PS3 and PC versions have been treat like shit.


Mik2121 said:
Apparently this game sort of forces you to do more gunplay, which is an absolutely awesome thing. Fuck the noobtube and all the people that abused it.

well for one the perk for 2 attachments wont let you have an underbarrel + scope for a start, so that's hindered basically 90% of peoples set-ups from MW2!!!!


My PC version no longer gives me any lag. I just did 5 straight games with smoothness.

To change the subject somewhat, I decided to start renting a blops server, and I want to set it up with GAFers in mind. I need some ideas on what gametypes you folks want. Was thinking of mixing SD/Domination/TDM together, but still unsure.


thanks guys. I will get it for PC at some point then, not now. haha, I always liked SP with pad more:lol , MP is another story of course.
h0pper said:
how do I do that?

Don't bother, we've already had it confirmed it wasn't the issue. It was just an early theory based on a small amount of evidence. Fuck knows what is causing the issue now but it is dependant on what CPU you are running.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
brain_stew said:

In its current state it is confirmed and verified to be broken and the issue can affect any hardware configuration.
Just want to add that on my C2D, the game goes to 100% on both cores immediately on boot, before you even reach the menu screen and remains locked at 100% with no dips below 95% even when just viewing the static press a key screen. Haven't had a chance to (try) and play the game yet, but something is definitely not right with the game.
Weenerz said:
My PC version no longer gives me any lag. I just did 5 straight games with smoothness.

There's definitely reports of people playing it smoothly, so it doesn't seem a fundamental problem, just some sort of bug. Of course, with no guarantee that you can avoid it and it being so widespread, well its impossible to recommend the game at this point.


MarshMellow96 said:
Bit late but.. Are there any videos showing a sniper going into scoped mode? I want to see how they've 'balanced' it..
Search on youtube for 'Black Ops Quick Scope', thee will be a video with something in the title regarding a patch. Check that one out.

I would post the link myself but I'm on the iPad :/


Can someone with the PC version that have played a decent bit of SP clarify if the issues are also present in the SP or is MP only?
Ugh. I haven't booted up my PC version yet but if what I'm hearing is true sounds like I'll be seeking out a 360 version later. PC gamers get BOHICA'd yet again. We used to be the dominant FPS platform - makes me sick, motherfucker, how far we done fell.
How are custom emblems supposed to work...? I've designed mine but it shows up nowhere but in the editor. I've bought the "attachment" to have it show on your gun, for example, but all I'm getting is the stripes (indicating my rank)...

Anyone else having trouble with their emblem? Or am I missing something plainly obvious?
Felix Lighter said:
Don't bother. Corky confirmed performance issues on an i5 750, which is a quad core and does not have Hyper Threading.

If the performance issues are as noticeable as they seem to be from this thread, I'd have to imagine they've already been working on a patch before the game was even released.

The backlash is going to be incredible (and Valve may even step in and start issuing refunds) if Treyarch don't get their shit together and soon. Its clearly not ready for release and I can only assume a patch must be on the way. Things are going to get real ugly if it isn't.




I've First impression on BlackOps ps3 version, make sure you haven't played, Killzone 3 beta or even Modern Warfare 2, because BlackOps looks very blurry compared to Modern Warfare 2 in multiplayer. The textures on the Jungle map are laughable it looks like cheap mod they are very muddy, plus the sound effects are low, you can't hear little movements like the roughing of your clothes or even running, also you can only hear kills and gun fire of what you see?

I'm not saying the game is rubbish, but i wasn't expecting poor textures and sound! I hope this gets patched!
nib95 said:
Is the 360 version better than the PS3 version or something? usually COD games are near identical.

Yes. The 360 version appears to be the only version without major issues at this point. Treyarch done fucked up.


So I guess they decided a post-release PC-gamer backlash would be better instead of the pre-release dedicated server headache MW2 got.


brain_stew said:
Once again, people without anything constructive to add to an OT, shitting it up by bitching incessantly.

Discussion of bugs and performance issues preventing people from playing their game and potential fixes are worthy topics of discussion. Mindless bitching is not. The only person shitting up this thread is you.

sweet jeebus, brain_stew, I was only kidding! You know, winky smile & all? Eh, hope everyone gets sorted out & enjoys the game.

Thanks for the reaming tho...
ultron87 said:
So I guess they decided a post-release PC-gamer backlash would be better instead of the pre-release dedicated server headache MW2 got.

After so many paid up for those dedi servers in advance there's going to be one hell of a major shitstorm if things aren't sorted out quickly. At least with MW2 you knew you were getting dicked over going into it and the game wasn't fundamentally broken, so no one could say they didn't know what they were buying into. No one paid big bucks to rent a server and $60 for the game expecting the game wouldn't work on release. What a fuckup.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Gary Whitta said:
I read on another forum that the MP is harder than MW2 and definitely not n00b-friendly. Can anyone confirm?
Nonsense. Plays exactly the same as the previous games.
nickslicl said:
sweet jeebus, brain_stew, I was only kidding! You know, winky smile & all? Eh, hope everyone gets sorted out & enjoys the game.

Thanks for the reaming tho...

In an ideal world posts like yours would be easily identifiable as a joke post, but as you saw afterwards, there's plenty of posters with that same asinine view that you joke about. After receiving personal abuse for defending my position, well, you can understand why I've become bitter and jaded on the topic.
brain_stew said:
In an ideal world posts like yours would be easily identifiable as a joke post, but as you saw afterwards, there's plenty of posters with that same asinine view that you joke about. After receiving personal abuse for defending my position, well, you can understand why I've become bitter and jaded on the topic.
are you just going to keep going on and on about this? this thread isn't about you.

bobs99 ... said:

Im so glad the game has shifted focus back on gunplay, because I loved the matches on MW2 which centered around gunplay, but before long someone would join and unleash a barrage of nube toobs and everyone would start doing it.

This might sound odd, but I used a ACR and didnt even bother using stopping power with it on MW2, it seemed like it killed quick enough, if the guns arent weaker than the ACR ill be happy.

Im just holding out for a gun thats as laser accurate as the ACR was. :D
noob tubes are all but gone in this. in 5 hours on MP, I haven't seen one yet. I actually feel like some of the early assaut rifles are pretty damn weak, esp. with no SP in the game. Hence why I have moved onto hardcore already.
Mik2121 said:
Apparently this game sort of forces you to do more gunplay, which is an absolutely awesome thing. Fuck the noobtube and all the people that abused it.


Im so glad the game has shifted focus back on gunplay, because I loved the matches on MW2 which centered around gunplay, but before long someone would join and unleash a barrage of nube toobs and everyone would start doing it.

This might sound odd, but I used a ACR and didnt even bother using stopping power with it on MW2, it seemed like it killed quick enough, if the guns arent weaker than the ACR ill be happy.

Im just holding out for a gun thats as laser accurate as the ACR was. :D
Not sure if this has been posted yet...

To break free from the chair (main menu):
Look Down (Right Thumb Stick)
Mash Right+Left Trigger

Then walk over to the terminal computer in the corner of the room and enter 'DOA' to play a Zombie Game.


Just starting Campaign now..


brain_stew said:
Yes. The 360 version appears to be the only version without major issues at this point. Treyarch done fucked up.

Well Tesco can have a sealed copy of the PS3 version back. 360 version it is.
Am I the only one who thinks black ops is a wonderful departure from modern warfare? It feels like call of duty again; slightly slower paced and more gunplay-heavy. The sound is great, the graphics are fine, things seem more balanced. Something about the level design feels better to me, I think the lines of sight have been markedly improved. Granted I have the 360 version, so I don't really have the framerate issues people have been discussing. Who's with me on this?

Screw the reviews, they're lower cause this game doesn't have the infinity ward stamp on it; simple as that. The game is less flashy that mw2, so I understand an initial reaction of disappointment, but all in all i'm diggin it.
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