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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


HomShaBom said:
from sa:

What am I supposed to be seeing?


Wasn't planning on getting it, but screw it, long day at work, and i had to use that KMart coupon this month.

Playing on PS3. Cool opening.


I dont really get the frame rate complaints, unless its people mistaking something for something else.

Played half of SP, and every MAP with bots - no consistent framey issues

And no the game doesnt look "ugly as shit". Seriously, some people are TRYING TO HARD.

In the end, it still feels like COD. Which makes it even more lame that people are complaining about silly crap like 520p vs. 600p. It's like asking for less grease on a McDonalds hamburger.
Finished the single player. Other than a couple cool scenes/arenas, I thought it was pretty forgettable, and at times downright bad. The AI scripting is pretty atrocious, even for a CoD game. This will be the first CoD in a while that I definitely won't be going back to replay the campaign. Fortunately, I'm loving the multiplayer.

Though I do agree with this post from a few pages back:

X26 said:
Why there is no kowloon MP map is beyond me.

It is completely ridiculous that they didn't include a Kownloon multiplayer map. Ignoring all other aspects of this chapter, the Kowloon stage design and atmosphere were by far the highlight of the campaign for me. It would have made an incredible multiplayer map.


So I load up Black Ops on my PC for the first time. Start a new singleplayer game. Then I get to play some sort of slideshow of lag. So I think, okay, lets turn down some settings, take AA off, normal textures etc. But nope. Still the same crappy slideshow except it's blurrier and worse looking.

MW2 ran silky smooth on my PC on all settings max. Silky smooth. What on Earth has Treyarch done? This game is broken to play without some patches. I really wanted to play it on launch, but now it looks like I'll have to wait so they can fix it first.


thanks for the laugh
someone really needs to fire up a thread re:pc gamers getting another kick to the dick courtesy of call of duty.

maybe it's time to move on, may i suggest shattered horizon? it'll probably run better. let's pump that community into triple figures.
ok so after playing a good 2nd days worth of this I have come to the conclusion that the netcode is working differently to MW2 and is overall worse, the game shows my ping as full green, I use local only yet I am getting rather large delays between doing something like throwing a grenade or seeing the lag in a kill came in about 80% of the matches I have played.

It feels horrible and it looks like there is nothing on my end I can do to improve it, it's such bullshit to jump someone and shoot first to see in a kill cam that to him all I did was appear and stare at him, the delay is terrible, others must be seeing this problem too surely. I'm not saying MW2 was void of these problems because it wasn't but it was no where near as bad as this, and it's not my internet provider because I play enough games online to know.

Terrible netcode :/ if it doesn't disapear at some point soon i'll sell it, not going to keep it around if I just get angry at the unavoidable lag.
How do you use the valkyrie rockets? Each time I shot one it blew up in my face, and yes I made sure there was nothing in front of me. Do I have to keep holding the fire or ads button after firing? The thing literally gave me five extra deaths.
ehh, just finished the first mission on the pc version.

Pretty much runs like crap. Don't even try to mess with the settings while in the game either, the game like practically freezes for 3 minutes or so if you change anything under graphics in the pause menu. MW1/MW2 ran much better than this on my 8800GT that I replaced a couple months ago :\

Hopefully it's patched soon.


Played the first three chapters of campaign. This is some pretty engrossing stuff, and I'm definitely enjoying it much more than I did WaW. Props to Treyarch.
-viper- said:
so the PS3 version is terrible? what the fuck? in this day and age, this shit should be completely unacceptable - especially since MW2 was fault free in the framerate department.
Treyarch is simply not as awesome as IW.
Diablohead said:
ok so after playing a good 2nd days worth of this I have come to the conclusion that the netcode is working differently to MW2 and is overall worse, the game shows my ping as full green, I use local only yet I am getting rather large delays between doing something like throwing a grenade or seeing the lag in a kill came in about 80% of the matches I have played.

It feels horrible and it looks like there is nothing on my end I can do to improve it, it's such bullshit to jump someone and shoot first to see in a kill cam that to him all I did was appear and stare at him, the delay is terrible, others must be seeing this problem too surely. I'm not saying MW2 was void of these problems because it wasn't but it was no where near as bad as this, and it's not my internet provider because I play enough games online to know.

Terrible netcode :/ if it doesn't disapear at some point soon i'll sell it, not going to keep it around if I just get angry at the unavoidable lag.
this game does that great thing of giving the laggiest connection hosts.
foomfoom415 said:
It is completely ridiculous that they didn't include a Kownloon multiplayer map. Ignoring all other aspects of this chapter, the Kowloon stage design and atmosphere were by far the highlight of the campaign for me. It would have made an incredible multiplayer map.

DLC. I'm calling it.
DevelopmentArrested said:
this game does that great thing of giving the laggiest connection hosts.
Spawns are rather terrible to, I have died many times near instantly at spawn because the enemy was sprinting through a doorway and knifed me, at one point me and the enemy spawned just around the corner of each other and I saw him spawn on the killcam because he killed me so quickly. I have also seen people pop up around the corner from me too.

MW2 is so much better even with noob tubes then the current black ops online setup, a shame.
Animal said:
After a couple of hours on SP I have to say I'm impressed. Game looks great on 360 with no slowdowns so far. This is my first CoD game though.
Lucky you. If you dig it you should really give Modern Warfare 1 and 2 a shot. They're both excellent games. Infinity Ward does not fuck around.

As far as Treyarch goes, they're still weak in my book until I get to play this tonight. I'm hoping this installment changes my mind about them.
Net Code is still shit. What a surprise there.

Maps are ok.

Parties being split up when searching is still shit.

Spawning is shit.

You'd think that by the fourth game there would be some fucking effort.

Honestly, this game will be a huge success, but if there are any Treyarch people lurking, you guys should be ashamed of yourself. What a joke.
valeo said:
The same IW that somehow took a very good game in MW and fucked it up?
they may have fucked up the gameplay with some design choices they made, but the PS3 version ran just as well as its 360 counterpart.
Lead Based Paint said:
Net Code is still shit. What a surprise there.

Maps are ok.

Parties being split up when searching is still shit.

Spawning is shit.

You'd think that by the fourth game there would be some fucking effort.

Honestly, this game will be a huge success, but if there are any Treyarch people lurking, you guys should be ashamed of yourself. What a joke.
jesus dude.. Like it's that easy to please gaffers.
So I just spent a few hours in the mission and a bit online. I don't know what to say except I am totally loving it. I am not a huge FPS person so maybe thats why I don't see some of the problems others do but I think its freaking awesome. The lag is still there a bit but that will be fixed. BTW, I'm on the PC version.
Technosteve said:
is the superman style knifing still in the game? I love getting killed buy some guy that's across the map with a knfie

Yes it is. But now they don't even lunge super far, you use the power of telepathy to will the force of your knife into them from many feet away.

DevelopmentArrested said:
huh? this isn't halo melee.. but yeah enjoy the projectiles!!

nice stealth edit

NullPointer said:
They nerfed melee distance but also added a knife launcher, so, yes and no ;P

I really have trouble believing this after playing. They took out commando, but the range of your melee knife is still absolutely too far.
Technosteve said:
is the superman style knifing still in the game? I love getting killed buy some guy that's across the map with a knfie
They nerfed melee distance but also added a knife launcher, so, yes and no ;P


Just played MP for about 20 minutes, the counter thing says there's 2,312,940 players currently online (360 version). Holy cow.


Wow, since Modern Warfare, everytime I play a new single player Call of Duty campaign, it just depresses me. Feels like I'm watching a large explosion that's on a loop. Looking forward to multiplayer though.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Technosteve said:
is the superman style knifing still in the game? I love getting killed buy some guy that's across the map with a knfie

Do you mean like Commando in MW2? Not nearly as bad as that. I've seen a few crazy lunges but its pretty rare.
PC version is absolutely fucked. All of my graphical settings are cranked down, yet the lag takes me to literally 5 fps when enemies appear on the screen.

It'll get smoothed over eventually, but it's unplayable in its current state.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
How many missions are there in total in the Campaign and do you get an Achievement for completing each mission on Veteran?

(Going through the Campaign on Veteran first time through; already on the 4th mission)


After spending all night with the game, I'm impressed by also a little disappointed. They've spent time to fix a lot of things, and added many new interesting elements, but they didn't really think everything through...

Something that annoyed me right now:
I've been working on a contract for about 30 minutes straight, and it's not a very fun one. I needed to score 75 shotgun kills in 40 minutes. First of all, that contract is inherently unfair because you don't get to pick your map, so you can easily end up losing 5-10 minutes because the game picked a non-shotgun map... Second of all, the game still throws you into games that you have no hope of ever winning, or even doing decently in, meaning you lose 5-10 minutes of your 40.

It's not a huge deal and I'm not saying the game sucks, but it's just...really fucking dumb. :/
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