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CoD: United Offensive Out Now!!


Buy it!

I got it this morning. Already finished off the American part of the campaign. Its pretty difficult actually and I was only playing on the second difficulty setting, wowie. Much harder then the first one so far. The game is vastly improved IMO. The new particle effects are awesome and the new deployable MG and Bazooka is great. The action is also ramped up 100%. Call of Duty was focused on intense action with a small squad or 2 of guys. The new alliance missions first has you racing through a snowy forest on the back of a jeep with the MG mowing down germans untill you get to a little hill with trenches you have to fend off from an entire army of german soldiers and tanks untill the Air support gets in. Then they through right into the assault on Foy and the defense of Noville. Foy is sweet. 100 american soldiers and a crap load of tanks storm the city held by the Germans. Then you have to hold it down for awhile as a sniper in a bell tower taking out the bazooka troops that are popping up and assaulting your tanks.

Noville is even better, you and a few other squads have to hold down this mansion untill support comes, but the Germans wont make it easy. 100s of troops and tanks coming from everywhere. Armed to the teeth with every weapon imaginable you have to hold out while the german tanks turn the mansion into swiss cheese.

Then comes the British missions, Its awesome. You start off in a flying fortress on your way to Holland to bomb the shit out of some German factories. Like 10 bombers with fighter support, then the German planes come...100s of them and you have to man the turrets to defend the bombers. Its 100% pure fun because your plane gets ripped up and holes get blown in it, and you have take periodic breaks from the turrets to play with gas and elctric valves and what not to repair your plane. You get to walk around in it too and choose what turrets yo uwant :D

Thats as far as I got. Not to many people online yet becasue I guess not many people have it yet.

Call of Duty fans your game has arrived. Every since we beat CoD we have wanted more, and now here it is and its even better.


Multiplayer is great now. The new ranking system, vehicles and base assault mode are great. It feels a bit like Battlefield but not too much. Its a pretty good balance between Quake/Battlefield like I guess. Its fun. The new deployable MGs make for good defense strategies as do the flak turrets and wide assortment of vehicles. The new levels are really great though. Very very well done.

Now some screen shots... Run away 56k

Defending the mansion in Noville

Some multiplayer tank action, althoug hI was the only one in the game :(

Bazooka>>> Sniper in the assault on Foy

Cool dust and dirt effects from mortar fire. :p

The Americans assault the city of Foy in full force

The first American mission. Defending the hill from Nazi troops


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
IIRC, this was done by another developer. Does it 'feel' like it?


DaCocoBrova said:
IIRC, this was done by another developer. Does it 'feel' like it?

Yes , but it feels better i think. The action is more intense. Noville is so sweet. I actually felt like I was in Steven Speilburg/Tim Hanks WW2 movie. The music and the fear as your teammates all start dying and crying out "German tanks coming in from the south" "Enemy Armor from the north" "German Patrols from the east" And the cool music is going and you ar just getting pulverized. Feels like the last scene battle Saving Private Ryan. These developers were the guys that did Return to Castle Wolfenstin, they know action. They are like Quake 3 engine gurus also, they pulled off some amazing shit with this game.

Its great. Grey Matter did a terrific job.


Good to hear it's just as good as the original (if not better)! I'm sure I'll love the single player.. hopefully, it doesn't make any bad changes to the MP.


Yes you need the first one to play.

SyNapSe, its doesnt make multiplayer worse at all. It makes it even better. Russia and germany finally have a rifle to compete with the Americans and the new modes are fantastic. Everything is pretty balanced out. Good additions. :D


Time ta STEP IT UP
AeroGod said:
Yes you need the first one to play.

SyNapSe, its doesnt make multiplayer worse at all. It makes it even better. Russia and germany finally have a rifle to compete with the Americans and the new modes are fantastic. Everything is pretty balanced out. Good additions. :D

Wah-wah-wah?! The Mosin-Nagant owned every rifle in that game.


The demo for United Offensive is out now. Head over to www.fileplanet.com or your other favorite download sites and check it out. It does not require the original Call of Duty to pla ythe demo. 200 MB worth of download will get you, Im guessing, the first American mission set which is helluva cool. If its the full thing, it starts you off in a jeep chase with you playing gunner untill you can get to the trenched up hill to defend an army of German soldiers and tanks.

Also after spending pretty much all of yesterday playing Multiplayer, totally ignoring Fable, Burnout 3 and Demon Stone I can say without any doubt Call of Duty UO is now one of THE best online FPS out there. No doubt. The new levels are amazing. Just amazing. The one Holland level. Probably one of the better levels in the game now. It has shades of Day of Defeat to it. Its just a giant bombed out city with a snaking street, its a crazy advancment of nook and cranny shootouts untill you can manage to get to the flag. It plays fantastic for CTF. Fun as hell. And the vehicles are just...wow. So cool its just great. This definatly competes with Battlefield.

I am a COD whore. TOTAL SLUT FOR COD. I just can't believe I haven't installed it and played it yet. Will report back here with a sitrep later today. Over and out.


There's a double pack called 'deluxe edition'. It contains the original and the add-on for the price of the orignal (when it was first released).


It's definitely a bit harder than the original game, which you expect from an expansion. But some of the deaths are total cheese just like in CoD... like clearing a small section of farmyard and running behind cover at the side of a house with no open windows or doors only to have a german either warp in or jump through the walls behind you and shoot you in the back. And the respawning still annoys me because it's just too blatant and fast in some sections.

Mainly I'm a bit annoyed because the americans' first few missions are pretty dull IMO. Challenging enough, and pretty fun really but just way, way too similar to not only a bunch of missions in the first game but reminescent of every WWII shooter released in the last 5 years. Clearing ruined farm houses and in Belgium is fun, but didn't we do that shit for a solid 5 hours in France last game? Add a few new weapons and the snow from the CoD Russian missions to the opening US CoD campaign levels and it's pretty much exactly the same as UO so far. I wish they'd started with a more gimmicky mission like the British commando ones from CoD, just something clearly different. Even the very first mission with the jeep wasn't that much different from the jeep CoD missions despite the fact the .50 cal was more fun than the thompson.

And the scripted events that started to irk me in CoD are doing it again, they're just too canned and they always seem to look dumb unless you're standing in the 'right' area to see it from the correct angle. Not to mention how often my idiot fellow GI's let one attacking german run RIGHT UP TO MY FOXHOLE to club me to death despite the fact they're standing 5 feet behind me shooting at nothing while I gun down my 400th victim.

Heh, despite what it might sound like I'm still liking the game, but it just brings up all the little things that I didn't really like about CoD (meh scripted events, dumbass allied AI, cheap deaths, same old missions you've played a hundred times in MoH) and sort of whacked me over the head with them all at once.


Chili Con Carnage!
The single player portion of this pack SUCKS, i feel totally let down by it. (following rant does not concern multiplay United Offensive, which is, as described by the rest of this thread, great)

The settings are good enough, the British one especially is good but the actuall levels themselves are so poorly scripted in parts that it just becomes frustrating to the point where i cant bring myself to finish the last russian mission.

Scripting in the original was great, people knew exactly what they were doing and where they were going, even if you fucked around and broke things you knew it was your fault and as long as you went the right way everything played out like there was some really cleaver programming in place.

In United Offensive these tightly scripted NPCs seem to be replaced by virtual retards, who constantly run through rooms straight past enemies who also ignore them, then proceed to shoot you in the face as you walk through the door thinking its all clear. In Call of Duty the NPCs normally wouldnt get killshots on enemies but they would at least shoot at them all, in United Offensive it seems like each NPC has 2 or 3 enemies they can shoot at in any set piece, and once they are dead they dont care about the others, even if they are being shot by them.

Scripting enemies and allies is fine as long as you are going to do it right, like infinity ward did, Gray Matter on the other hand have shown me exactly why im looking forward to games like Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 where i know such virtual idiocy will not dare show its face.


Beat CoD last night, UO is on it's way to me. CoD was awesome, had a lot of fun with it. Not sure I should've read this thread now with all the negativity. I'll just have to make my own mind up! :)
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