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College Football 2015 Week Four Thread: Keep Calm - There Is No God


LMAO why did Arizona try to settle for the field goal there.

Coach must have one of those charts that says when to go for a touchdown versus a field goal based on point deficit and time remaining. I imagine at 28 points the chart just has a sad face and a middle finger so the coach didnt know what to do.
Ducks are getting that ass kicked, I see people fleeing the bandwagon

Speaking as an ASU fan, it's nice to see Oregon fall off sometime. They're a blast to watch, but most of the other teams are tired of watching them roll over everybody else. I for one enjoy watching them get upset by Stanford every season. If only one school in Arizona could actually upset them instead of the other school....
wait... why are Arkansas and A&M playing a conference game at a neutral site

The size matches his ego

edit- Too big for me i can't handle it

heres a smaller one


Why did you go out of bounds?!

Reynolds seems kind of indifferent at times. There was deep ball earlier where he gave little effort to fight for. But hard to doubt his talent and play on that drive

Really impressed with Allen's arm. Not many college QBs can get the ball accurately to the field side
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