Funner fact of the day: Since Saban arrived in the SEC, every single recruiting class he has signed has won a MNC.
I bet that's useful for recruiting
Funner fact of the day: Since Saban arrived in the SEC, every single recruiting class he has signed has won a MNC.
Most funnerest fact of the day: Kyle Flood was effectively fired as the Rutgers OC before somehow falling upward into the Rutgers HC position.
VA Tech sent a plane to Athens this last week to try to get our OC, Mike Bobo, to hop on it for an interview for them for the same position. He sent them back with a thank you for helping him get a substantial raise.He didn't really send a thank you note back, but he didn't get on the plane.
I figured most Bulldog fans would have forcibly put him on the plane. At gunpoint if so required.
Fixed your rookie mistake there.
Prior to this year, yeah. I was in that camp too. But something inexplicably clicked this year and his boneheaded plays were much fewer. I think a large part of it was that we had dependable running backs, and they made his plays he was calling before seem a lot better. Plus, he honestly seemed to call less plays from his Green Book.
And yeah, Washington can have Reuben Foster. Too much drama. That kid is going to be trouble. And yeah, I wouldn't complain about him coming but I expect him to land somebody some Fulmer points.
Has he gotten into actual trouble in the past? I know he's been flaky with commitments and the Auburn tattoo and all that, but has he been arrested before?
He was being recruited by Trooper "The Towel" Taylor, and was his godson IIRC. He moved to Auburn to go to highschool and since Trooper was his guardian, he could spend as much time with him as he wanted without it being a recruiting violation.
Has he been in trouble for anything? No, just a lot of red flags. Being that close to The Towel is a big one.
I guess I just have to trust that Sark and Co. have done their homework and aren't seeing anything that worries them a ton.
Goes even further back, I think. Long time Alabama commitment, originally played in LaGrange, GA, under Coach Charles Flowers (who I remember well, because he was the coach at my high school in Columbus a long time ago). Coach Flowers gets fired from that school in LaGrange, and Foster being the prototypical star high school football player, says if they don't hire him back, I'm leaving.
They don't hire him back, and he transfers to Auburn High School (so, left the state, and went to a high school 30 miles away). Not sure Trooper was his "godfather", it was because Trooper's son was also on the Auburn High School team, and this allowed for him to be at the school as much as he wanted to.
Not long after Foster gets to AHS, he flips commitment to Auburn, gets the tattoo, and thats that. Until Auburn's tires fall off, everyone gets the boot, and Foster and his ego doesn't know what to do.
Our WR Blair Holliday, who missed all of last season due to almost dying in a jet ski accident, was denied re-admissions to Duke for this semester due to a rule regarding leave of absence due to medical reasons. From what I understand, the staff is not happy
I know at UCF you have to go to a separate board before you can be re-admitted into the university from a medical leave.
Maybe he missed that step assuming Duke has a similar process? Can't see any other reason why someone would be denied.
Duke's policy is you can't be re-admitted for two semester after a medical leave of absence and Holliday did have severe head trauma. He was in excellent standing with the university, but I think its more of a PR nightmare than anything.
USC CB Nickell Robey is forgoing his Senior year.
He was the other underclassman that we were likely to lose after Robert Woods. Our secondary is going to be almost completely rebuilt next season.
Good thing you've got a DC hired and already working on it.
a DC from Cal, the Chiefs and the Cardinals???
Clancy Pendergast (born November 29, 1967) is the former defensive coordinator for the University of California Golden Bears. He is also the former defensive coordinator for the NFL's Arizona Cardinals and Kansas City Chiefs.
One of those ultrazoom Gigapixel images from the BCS NCG between Alabama and that team that got mud stomped. It's from the 1st quarter, just in time for thousands and thousands of this:
Sweet, Gus and Auburn picking up where their "Former SEC player-who was kicked off the team for stealing-and went to JUCO" scheme left off!
This time, a former UGA football player, kicked off for stealing from his teammates!
Lots of happy looking ND fans there.
Sweet, Gus and Auburn picking up where their "Former SEC player-who was kicked off the team for stealing-and went to JUCO" scheme left off!
This time, a former UGA football player, kicked off for stealing from his teammates!
And not the current incarnation of the Cards, who actually have a good defense.
New feature of Husky Stadium debuted, suites connected to a "sports bar" at field level in the east end zone. Seeing these prices makes me think I'll be able to afford more than season tickets way up in the nosebleeds, though![]()
Dykes fired everybody when he became head coach.
Including Ron Gould. :/
Theyre blocking the view of the puget sound? Boo
Nope! Well, that's not actually the Sound, it's a lake, but I get your point
The last screenshot on that page shows what the end zone there will look like. You'll still be able to see the water behind the scoreboard. Preserving the view was an emphasis when they were designing the new stadium.
Rub it in why don't you!In related news, I have it on good authority that Barry Sanders Jr easily has the best bike on campus.
I did enjoy my visit to husky stadium, although it does need a major face lift. The area surrounding it is great and the view out to the water is awesome.
It was sorely overdue. Like 20 years overdue. The football team going to shit certainly didn't help things. It seems to be a hit with recruits, so it looks like it's already paying off.
You going to Big Game?
Oh, and technically it's "Barry J. Sanders", he's not a "Junior"
Nice. Here's my quick find... the little girl on the bottom left, and the crazy mom on the right...
Cierre Wood going pro. Dude has UDFA all over him.