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College Football Playoff Thread | Setting A Daggerous Precedent

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Overall, outside of Swoopes and maybe McCoy, their recruiting hasn't been full of a lot of reaches or big gambles over the last 4 or 5 years IMO. From an outsider's perspective it just seems like they got hit by a flurry of worst-case-scenarios in a row.
It's either that or their staff was terrible at developing the talent that they *did* get.


Eason flip to Michigan inc (no inside info or anything, just thinking Harbaugh will go after him).

Michigan's already been interested in him, everyone is going to be interested in him once this recruiting class wraps up. I feel pretty good about him sticking with us. He and his dad have said he's still 100% solid and Bobo leaving has no effect on him. Decision is mainly about Richt, the school, and the conference.
So good.



First tragedy, then farce.
The nice thing about college football is there's always a new recruiting class coming in.

The problem (for them, muahahaha) is I don't know if Texas has any good QBs in theirs.

We've got a 4 star out of New Mexico or Arizona.

In on a few others.
@tomdangelo44 17m17 minutes ago
#FSU has been told it's on list of schools Ohio State QB Braxton Miller is interested in playing for next year.

Some local guys are now admitting that transfer is in play and Braxton has talked that he would like to play in a more pro style offense.

I personally still dont buy any of the transfer rumors.


First tragedy, then farce.
We'll never know what Ash could have been without the injuries, and Garrett Gilbert could have gone anywhere he wanted so that caught everybody by surprise. Don't know enough about what happened to Connor Wood or Connor Brewer to have much of an opinion but they both also had enough offers to go basically anywhere they wanted to go so they could have burned a lot of schools.

Case McCoy I think was the real recruiting miss of the group as there was likely a bit of the old boy network going on there, though he did have some other good offers (Auburn, Arizona, Texas A&M) and Texas took him in the same class as Wood.

Swoopes had a fantastic offer list and somehow made it to the Elite 11 finals, so there was definitely some potential there, but as I've mentioned before that 1-9 record as a high school senior is a huge red flag at the level of play he was facing. The best athlete on the field (as he was marketed as) should have been worth a .500 record almost all by himself in 2A football (or was it 1A?).

Overall, outside of Swoopes and maybe McCoy, their recruiting hasn't been full of a lot of reaches or big gambles over the last 4 or 5 years IMO. From an outsider's perspective it just seems like they got hit by a flurry of worst-case-scenarios in a row.

McCoy was very likely never supposed to play. He was a legacy pick up, and no one was recruiting Case as a starter I don't think.

Swoopes was a miss. He was recruited under Harsin, and taken over Barrett (edit, got the wrong OSU QB) against Harsin's wishes (which is why Harsin left). Mack loved his size, and saw him as a project player that would slot in behind Conor Wood/Gibert and would either become great or not, and would never see the field.

We basically got hit with a bevy of issues:

1) Gilbert flopped hard.
2) Ash beat out Connor Wood, so Wood transferred.
3) Ash become a one man concussion machine
4) Herp Derp started way too many games.
5) Swoopes was a total and complete miss. Strong and company have made him look a lot better than he did in limited play last year, which says more about how big of a miss he was.
6) Ash continued to be a one man concussion machine.

The most overlooked problem at Texas is our Offensive Line is absolutely the worst it has been since the 90s. Maybe the worst in my life and Mack Brown decided to convert to a Bama style power game after Colt got hurt in the title game. He then brought Harsin in to run said Power Offense for exactly no reason that can be understood by humans.

So we had a team without an offensive line, a coach being hired to coach an offensive style totally outside of his comfort zone and not a QB in sight.

No talent was developed on either side of the ball to compound issues, which has left us just devastated.

Texas needs the following to happen:

1) Get an Oline - Wickline is here, so I like our chances.
2) Get a QB - Heard is redshirting, we are bringing in some 4 star kid and I think another 3 star. And our offensive coordinator for all his boring offensive issues seems to develop QBs well enough.
3) Get a run game - see number 1.
4) continue to play good defense. Strong turned a horribly developed but talent rich defense into a good squad, so I think as he gets his guys in place that will keep improving.

I think we can put all 4 together by 2016 at the latest and be back into the top 10.
@tomdangelo44 17m17 minutes ago
#FSU has been told it's on list of schools Ohio State QB Braxton Miller is interested in playing for next year.

Some local guys are now admitting that transfer is in play and Braxton has talked that he would like to play in a more pro style offense.

More proof that truly101 is on mass ignore.

But really, I questioned many weeks ago if Miller would graduate and transfer. It made no sense for him to return to Ohio State is he's not going to be the starter, and it makes no sense for Ohio State to not go with Barrett. If Miller wants to play, he needs to go somewhere else. If he just loves Ohio State, then by all means, stay and enjoy holding a clipboard.

That said, I'm still not a fan of the rule where you can play immediately, just from a fan's perspective. One school puts 3 or 4 years of work into you and you go play for another one at the peak of your undergraduate career? You ingrate!


First tragedy, then farce.
I would love to take Miller, but it seems there is zero interest on his part.. which makes sense given that he needs to one and done and make a statement to NFL GMs.


@tomdangelo44 17m17 minutes ago
#FSU has been told it's on list of schools Ohio State QB Braxton Miller is interested in playing for next year.

Some local guys are now admitting that transfer is in play and Braxton has talked that he would like to play in a more pro style offense.

I personally still dont buy any of the transfer rumors.

He wants to play in a pro-style offense? Ha, little late for that. I wouldn't be shocked if he transfers somewhere, but I'm not sure what big program would want a guy like him for only a year.
He wants to play in a pro-style offense? Ha, little late for that. I wouldn't be shocked if he transfers somewhere, but I'm not sure what big program would want a guy like him for only a year.

One bridging the gap between quarterbacks.

Florida State will likely lose Winston this offseason, they're getting a top QB in the 2016 class, but they have a gap to fill for next season (I know they have Maguire, but I'm not sure of the rest of the depth chart because I don't take fandom to ridiculous levels, nevermind how I know about the 2016 QB). A guy like Miller could fit somewhere with such a problem. I don't know enough about Miller, of course, to say whether FSU would indeed be a good fit, just speaking in hypotheticals.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
@tomdangelo44 17m17 minutes ago
#FSU has been told it's on list of schools Ohio State QB Braxton Miller is interested in playing for next year.

Some local guys are now admitting that transfer is in play and Braxton has talked that he would like to play in a more pro style offense.

I personally still dont buy any of the transfer rumors.
I'm not sure why you still find them so far-fetched. I know, I know Ohio State is great and all, but why would he want to sit (and, potentially be the third string quarterback) when he can transfer and play his senior year?
I'm not sure why you still find them so far-fetched. I know, I know Ohio State is great and all, but why would he want to sit (and, potentially be the third string quarterback) when he can transfer and play his senior year?

I don't agree with your thoughts, and I agree as well. Just goes against everything I've heard and what him and his parents have expressed in the past.
I don't agree with your thoughts, and I agree as well. Just goes against everything I've heard and what him and his parents have expressed in the past.

He'll be a company man right up to the point he isn't: when he transfers. No point into becoming the pariah while you're still on the roster.
One bridging the gap between quarterbacks.

Florida State will likely lose Winston this offseason, they're getting a top QB in the 2016 class, but they have a gap to fill for next season (I know they have Maguire, but I'm not sure of the rest of the depth chart because I don't take fandom to ridiculous levels, nevermind how I know about the 2016 QB). A guy like Miller could fit somewhere with such a problem. I don't know enough about Miller, of course, to say whether FSU would indeed be a good fit, just speaking in hypotheticals.

Pretty much, just look at Jeremiah Masoli or Russell Wilson for past examples.
Tyrone Swoopes was chosen over JT Barrett because Mack was tired of taking criticism from recent heisman QBs, RGIII in particular.it was known during recruiting that Barrett was more polished and Swoopes was raw, but Swoopes' ceiling was higher. Mack didn't want to be critisized for letting another highly successful QB get away, so he chose Swoopes. Obviously, Swoopes never hit that ceiling, and remained on the floor with no progression. Thanks Mack


Man, LSU looking porous on defense.

One bridging the gap between quarterbacks.

Florida State will likely lose Winston this offseason, they're getting a top QB in the 2016 class, but they have a gap to fill for next season (I know they have Maguire, but I'm not sure of the rest of the depth chart because I don't take fandom to ridiculous levels, nevermind how I know about the 2016 QB). A guy like Miller could fit somewhere with such a problem. I don't know enough about Miller, of course, to say whether FSU would indeed be a good fit, just speaking in hypotheticals.

But didn't Miller primarily play under a spread style offense? Now he wants to be a pro-style QB? I mean, really UGA would be a good candidate for a school looking for a one year QB, but we have good options. I don't see them pursuing Miller, too much to learn in our system in one offseason.
God I hate sportswriters.

John U. Bacon said:
The private jet cut through the clouds and eased onto the airstrip at Detroit Metro Airport, just a few miles from where Charles Lindbergh once tested World War II bombers.

This plane’s mission wasn’t nearly so serious. But the joy it gave to the people below probably exceeded just about everything since V-J Day.

The jet’s cargo happened to be one James Joseph Harbaugh. He’s just a football coach, but that day he had done what so many experts said he never would: Leave the bright lights of the NFL for the cornfields of the Big Ten. This decision—mystifying to many NFL followers—explains why the masses might be forgiven if they mistook Harbaugh for their savior.

Mr. Bacon's most ardent dream is to write the next great American novel. You can practically taste his desperation in that small excerpt.

He'd probably be better off writing romance novels.

James Joseph Harbaugh sounds like someone who'd be pretty skilled at bodice-ripping.


QB who has taken several significant injuries playing in a system where the QB takes a lot of hits wants to play in a system that protects the QB.

Well, it's nice to want things. Has Miller ever taken a snap from under center? How is his footwork? Has his decision making improved in this year that he hasn't been able to play? Those are all qualities that you look for in a pro-style QB. Still, I get what he seems to be wanting. He wants to go to a top tier program where he can not have to do everything and be able to sit back and try to put up gaudy stats to get a good draft grade. I don't blame him for wanting that.
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