good shit buckeyes.
punt time, bitch.
punt time, bitch.
Gotta change the Ohio scorebox to be mostly white. Poor planning, ESPN.
They usually blow it dead when it reaches the endzone and stops.
They shouldn't, its a live ball on kickoffs. It's only dead on punts. No touchbacks on kickoffs without downing by the player. PEACE.They usually blow it dead when it reaches the endzone and stops.
Except he touched it making it a live ball.
Umm, tons of people said this. Most thought they didn't belong in due to how they played, while simultaneously grudgingly admitting that it would be probably unfair to keep out the defending champs out while undefeated.FSU went undefeated and won a P-5 conference as the reigning national champions with the reigning Heisman trophy winner. In what world does that not have enough credentials to make the playoff.
For everyone in this thread posting "FSU never deserved to be in the playoffs, TCU did," (and there are multiple of you, even on this page), PLEASE go back and point out where you stated this when the playoff selection was initially made (that TCU should be in rather than FSU).
I'll wait. Because there wasn't a single person, that I can recall, that stated that TCU should've been in over FSU. Ohio State, maybe. But not FSU. Not a single person.
It's really easy to spout the answer after you've seen it.
Gotta change the Ohio scorebox to be mostly white. Poor planning, ESPN.
Alex had comparable numbers and was seen as slightly more athletic I think. IMO he would have been fine if they gave him a real nfl head coach and he didn't kill his shoulder (losing any zip he had). People forget that Rodgers was able to develop for 3-4 years before being asked to start. Alex got half a season.
How on earth was that not a catch????
President Palmer was our first black president not Obama
Ground was more of a factor in him coming down with it
Lol wut