They were super, super-admirable before. A little 'ol rape scandal only knocks them down to "fairly admirable."How is Vandy, with their own rape scandal and cover up, admirable?
They were super, super-admirable before. A little 'ol rape scandal only knocks them down to "fairly admirable."How is Vandy, with their own rape scandal and cover up, admirable?
The 90's weren't 'THAT' long ago Carolina fans. You should still remember the sweet embrace of bottom rung of the SEC.
Because they parade around acting like they have high academic standards for the athletes that in reality is a crock of shit.How is Vandy, with their own rape scandal and cover up, admirable?
True, the Gatas were good then too.I couldn't resist
It's so true though![]()
A little late but I said the TAMU O-line would be a factor, both because they're good and because SCar lost Clowney and one or two other AA DLs.
Big dudes for TAMU gave Kenny Hill time pretty much all game.
TAMU secondary/defense is suspect but then it has never been good so that's not a surprise.
Still, I would not be surprised if SCar beats Jawja and wins the East, but let's see what happens before that game.
Go Gators. Glad we dodged a bullet with Josh Shaw.
fuck gata
They're taking over!Too many Gatas.
Yeah. Not too worried about that.Cal and USF are better than you guys according to that power ranking.
edit. So is Kansas and Colorado.
Posted? WSJ "grid of shame". The power ratings are based only on the current year, shame ratings on multiple years.
Gatas everywhere.
This is not respectful.Fuck the fucking Gators.
Hi, I'm here for the, I mean, gata hating?
Everyone hates Gata here too? Maybe I'll hang around for longer than I was planning.
Welp, we got our dumb uniforms re-banned.
Photo I took at the game last night... thought I'd hunt for a good one since we won't be seeing them again!
Torren McGaster (5, Anchor Down) by blakedover, on Flickr
Such an embarrassing night for the program and school. Horrid rain delay that left the stadium empty, a pathetic looking team that couldn't hold onto the ball and now this. Can't wait for us to get punked again next weekend against Ole Miss at the Titans Stadium... even a bigger stage to fuck up on!
Everyone hates Gata here too? Maybe I'll hang around for longer than I was planning.
Welp, we got our dumb uniforms re-banned.
Photo I took at the game last night... thought I'd hunt for a good one since we won't be seeing them again!
Torren McGaster (5, Anchor Down) by blakedover, on Flickr
Such an embarrassing night for the program and school. Horrid rain delay that left the stadium empty, a pathetic looking team that couldn't hold onto the ball and now this. Can't wait for us to get punked again next weekend against Ole Miss at the Titans Stadium... even a bigger stage to fuck up on!
Welcome to the promised land.Fuck Gata. Go Noles.
RTR!!!! Good luck this season GAFers.
Remember when the bulldogs won the sec and won a national championship
You mean aside from Jeff Sagarin?How about a Pac 12 fan or two? Do those even exist?
Raise the roof?No more Bammers either!!
The narrative for the next 6 months has been set!I would say something here, but I'll just go with lol ESPN
Remember when the bulldogs won the sec and won a national championship
Stooge, please ban all newcomers who aren't longhorns fans pls.
ok I asked this in the USC thread in off topic, but why UCF?