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Come 2to buttocks. i welcom thee

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Rebel Leader

Pardon me if this sounds like topic derailing, but who is Gies and why is he hated so much around here? The other tweets by him seem like he's aware of the industry, so where does the hate spring up from?

Also, it's such a treat to post in my first CBOAT thread. Hi CBOAT!

As for the news itself, the prospect of Kinect being removed from future XONEs is intriguing. What other things will MS backtrack on? Find out next time on Console Wars 8!

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about - Gies
WIl get something up for you

HOLY DAMN! this thread made the limit 60 sec
Exactly. Give me two great consoles I want to buy, not one great console and one sorrowful gimmick-box with just enough good software that I care, but not enough to justify the cost of ownership.

Agreed. I know I'm getting a PS4, but a cheaper Kinect-free Xone would be nice for the exclusives down the road.

That prospect is why I'm glad it wasn't built directly into the box itself.
Also Sonyponies really shouldn't laugh too hard at the kinectless sku stuff. If MS gets a $399 box out there Sony could be in major trouble. Nervous laughter maybe.

Why would Sony be in "major trouble" if MS catches up?
I mean, the Ps3 was sold at a higher pricepoint than the 360 since launch and it still managed to surpass the Xbox in sales.

If MS get a 399$ box out it would make things more even, but its far from Sony beeing in major trouble.
Its not like everybody would automatically prefer Xbox if the price would be the same as the Ps4s price.


I don't know how they expect to make any impact in Japan moneyhatting Platinum, their one big ip is already moneyhatted, lol. I suppose they could be working on someone else's ip, Revengeance style.

Maybe MS is having platinum work on one of their own licenses ? Like, Crackdown done by Hideki Kamiya ? :p


platinum about to get dragged again. Nintendo: "You can have ha"

Nobody cares about specs. Xbox One will have some good exclusives and that can reel people in.

Sony is in a strong position to cost reduce. They are very much in the pound seats given the clusterfuck that is the Bone APU.

Given PS3's performance worldwide vs. 360 at a higher ASP and later time to market, Microsoft wouldn't need price parity, they'd need a cheaper box. Could happen. Realistically the only territory Sony could be in trouble is in NA, everywhere else, especially EU the game is over before it even began.


extra source of jiggaflops
I think it's a dick move to post PMs you had without consent.
But they have hundreds of employees, it's not like it's easy to precisely pinpoint one of them based on the style of writing of a few sentences

I'm telling you guys, Cboat's father works high up in MS and forgets to turn off his computer. Cboat is only 6 years old and is sensible enough to give us the details. Hence why he speaks the way he does.


benevolent sexism
But how on earth can that even be? This is the longest generation in the history of gaming, everything major should have been set in stone quite some time ago.. Right? I just fail to see how such a big company with so much time to prepare can handle a thing like this so ineptly..

My speculation is that they got too comfortable because of the 360's success. Sony had a rough start with the PS3, realized they made some perhaps regrettable hardware design decisions, and naturally they started thinking about addressing those issues much earlier than MS started thinking about their next console.

Negative outcomes prompt action, positive outcomes lead to complacency. Same theory that could explain why the PS3 was (at first) such a disaster compared to the PS2.
I just think Microsoft just don't care much about worldwide and just want to secure USA market by rushing Xbox One, USA seems to be a very loyal to the Xbox brand nowdays and Microsoft don't want to lose that.

The price tag is all that mattets right now.

Kinectless SKU should be a alunch thing not a 2014 maybe thing.
I'm a real noob when it comes to hardware related issues, but when the Xbox 1 architecture is not fully complete now, and a october release isn't happening...how long will it take MS to finish the final architecture?


bish gets all the credit :)
But they have hundreds of employees, it's not like it's easy to precisely pinpoint one of them based on the style of writing of a few sentences

The Boat has been posting here for years. It only takes one person to recognize writing patterns and ticks and the game is up.


Junior Member
That's it? This is all common sense. SDK not final, MS paying Japanese devs, Nov release...etc.

Sad about Rare but what can you do but hope for Kinect to die.


Pardon me if this sounds like topic derailing, but who is Gies and why is he hated so much around here? The other tweets by him seem like he's aware of the industry, so where does the hate spring up from?

Gies was spouting secret sauce BS for months and it turned out to be nothing. Plus he made a 10 dollar bet with a Gaffer and didn't pay up when he lost. Good riddance.


If MS is not happy with the sales and does drop the Kinect, it would make sense to do it at the same time as Titanfall is out.


While I agree, they did get away with it last gen. People just don't seem to care if it's faulty or not, they'll still re-buy it in droves so long as the software is there. They've just invested so much into CoD to make it' seem' like an exclusive, that I just can't see them giving up and letting Sony have first grabs at it. CoD is a system seller, people will drop xbone for the ps4 version if that's what's available on day one.
That still leaves a couple of things not in the Xbox One's favor. Cost being one of them. For less than the price of an Xbox One ($500) a person could purchase a PlayStation 4 ($400) and Call of Duty ($60-70). By the numbers the PS4 is the more powerful system which strictly speaking would make it the better option for gaming, granted it isn't that big of an issue if the software isn't optimized for it and is the same across all platforms.

Unless a person is a die hard Xbox fan, are they really gonna want to shell out an extra hundred dollars for at most the same gaming experience? I currently favor my Xbox 360 to my PlayStation 3 but my Live membership isn't going to keep me tethered to their systems. I can always re-friend people on PSN.
So who else is MS moneyhatting?

If they go after P*, surely they must be going after more Japanese developers?

If they go after From...

I can see MS being really aggressive with their moneyhatting this gen. I'm sort of pissed about it if it happens, because it's such a shitty tactic.

Don't they already have an exclusive mode in FIFA?

Can't that favour MS for European markets?


Neo Member
Nobody cares about specs. Xbox One will have some good exclusives and that can reel people in.
That's the point! For most of the people it's more or less the same product, just with different names on it - games will make the call - and if both got a 399$ price tag, it's even more "face to face".

But lets be honest - for the time being, right now, considering the holiday-season: if this stuff here is true, it's pretty much "winner by forfeit" for Sony - at least during the launch-window ^^
I still don't get how speaking like that will stop him from getting into trouble, I mean if he spoke normally MS still won't know his identity? Can someone explain..
There are people specialised in identifying persons based on writing style. Hell there is some software that can do it. A company could easily cross reference his posts with the entire mail archive and maybe identify him. Better safe than sorry.
I can see MS being really aggressive with their moneyhatting this gen. I'm sort of pissed about it if it happens, because it's such a shitty tactic.

If it's cheaper than developing your own studios, is it really a shitty tactic from a business standpoint? Not at all. All three companies do it, get used to it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Why would Sony be in "major trouble" if MS catches up?
I mean, the Ps3 was sold at a higher pricepoint than the 360 since launch and it still managed to surpass the Xbox in sales.

If MS get a 399$ box out it would make things more even, but its far from Sony beeing in major trouble.
Its not like everybody would automatically prefer Xbox if the price would be the same as the Ps4s price.

Sony is in a strong position to cost reduce. They are very much in the pound seats given the clusterfuck that is the Bone APU.

Given PS3's performance worldwide vs. 360 at a higher ASP and later time to market, Microsoft wouldn't need price parity, they'd need a cheaper box. Could happen. Realistically the only territory Sony could be in trouble is in NA, everywhere else, especially EU the game is over before it even began.
Yeah it is at worldwide parity, but at massive cost and they are getting trounced in the US and in the UK. I wonder if they specifically want these consumers (more sellable or maybe more ad revenue or something?). I'd rather have the US given how US centric their service focus is.


Arthur Gies was claiming throughout 2011 and 2012 that the new Xbox was coming out in 2012, and kept doing so no matter how obvious it became that it wasn't going to happen. So yeah, that's how much of an "insider" Gies is.
If anyone is good at using conjecture to further a narrative, it's him.
Pardon me if this sounds like topic derailing, but who is Gies and why is he hated so much around here? The other tweets by him seem like he's aware of the industry, so where does the hate spring up from?

Also, it's such a treat to post in my first CBOAT thread. Hi CBOAT!

As for the news itself, the prospect of Kinect being removed from future XONEs is intriguing. What other things will MS backtrack on? Find out next time on Console Wars 8!




Read first page, came back, and it's at page 24.

Can someone kindly point me to a post were everything is translated....... if it has been, that is.


Junior Member
Sony always had WW market over MS. This would only effect them locally in US/UK.
I doubt MS cares about worldwide shenanigans. So long as they have a grapple hold over US gaming then that's all there is to it. US publishers and moneyhatted JPN games on Xbox One will do MS just fine. Throw in a $399.99 Kinect-less box too and well.


So either MS rush out their console and piss people off, or Sony is the holiday winner by default.

Hell that even gives Nintendo time to get their holiday releases out without the threat of 2 opponents.


( And yay! Read CBOAT's post no problem! =D )
This is great news. I will be cancelling my Day One preorder and getting a Kinect-free SKU next spring, hopefully for $349.

To be fair, it was just a safety preorder and have fully expected to find a decent excuse to cancel it by fall.

If you want to play BF4 with me on PS4 add me; gamertag LexLucidity.


Albert is head of product planning for Microsoft. He would know if there where any whispers of Kinectless SKU, and wouldn't have commented if there was a possibility.
He would lose his credibility within the gaming community.


Albert is head of product planning for Microsoft. He'll tell you whatever he needs to get you to buy an Xbox one.
The Boat has been posting here for years. It only takes one person to recognize writing patterns and ticks and the game is up.
There are people specialised in identifying persons based on writing style. Hell there is some software that can do it. A company could easily cross reference his posts with the entire mail archive and maybe identify him. Better safe than sorry.

Thanks for explaining!
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