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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Superman doesn't appeal to me as a superhero. He's too...super. Supergirl, on the other hand, is awesome. She's still discovering her power and how to wield it so she presents a more vulnerable, and thus relatable, character.

Jedeye Sniv

Wait... last issue of Action Comics? Wasn't that just the boring rehash of the origin issue? The bits whith the ship were cool but the rest was by the numbers. What was the mindfuck?
You know, I've been reading American Vampire and it's not really doing it for me. I don't know what it is - the characters, the art, the plot. Something is just a little off. I keep comparing it to I, Vampire, which is infinitely better IMO. AV just seems too childish and predictable, whereas IV handles the concept with maturity and style.

Good thing there's a new issue of IV coming out this week! :)

Interview and preview up at USAToday - http://www.usatoday.com/life/comics...man-in-I-Vampire-comic-book-series/52754924/1
Kind of a light week for me, and since tomorrow is expected to bring severe weather to the area I'll probably skip a trip to the shop. Here's what I'm expecting...

Marvel Comics:
Fantastic Four #602
FF #14
Secret Avengers #21.1 - I'm not looking to add any new books to my pulls, but this is Remender's first issue so I'll give a try.
X-Men Legacy #261

Other Publishers
King Conan: Phoenix on the Sword #1 (Dark Horse)

Oh, and a friendly reminder to anyone not already buying it -- this is coming out tomorrow.


What the f*ck are you waiting for?
Does Walt Simonson not draw that many comics anymore out of choice or because Marvel doesn't hire him anymore?

Simonson apparently had a falling out with Marvel a few years ago (if I'm not misquoting here) and went to work for DC for a good while.

In the past couple of years he's been working on a top secret project that will be coming out from DC, but the people that know aren't talking about it. This is coming from John Siuntres and Bendis via Word Balloon.

It sounds like Marvel just didn't approach him until Bendis suggested working with him and that's how this Avengers crap happened.
Simonson apparently had a falling out with Marvel a few years ago (if I'm not misquoting here) and went to work for DC for a good while.

In the past couple of years he's been working on a top secret project that will be coming out from DC, but the people that know aren't talking about it. This is coming from John Siuntres and Bendis via Word Balloon.

It sounds like Marvel just didn't approach him until Bendis suggested working with him and that's how this Avengers crap happened.

That's a shame. I can understand having a falling out with Byrne since he's an asshole but Walt seems like a nice guy. How do you let someone like him go?
High five!

Hardcovers can suck a dick.

Unless it's Savage Dragon Ultimate Collection Vol.1.

Know why?


This is why Erik Larsen always wins like General Zod.
But the handsome dust jacket adds an air of respectability and sophistication to your funnybooks about adults in pajamas hitting each other -- like a tuxedo t-shirt!


Oh, and a friendly reminder to anyone not already buying it -- this is coming out tomorrow.


What the f*ck are you waiting for?

Thanks for the reminder.

ilnadmy said:
So what's the deal with this Daredevil book, and why is everyone so excited about it?

Also is Wonder Woman Odyssey any good? I like the new WW books so was wondering if this would be worth a shot.
The deal with this Daredevil book is that it is the best superhero ongoing on shelves today. It's like comic book black tar heroin, and this week's hardcover collection is the gateway drug you get your friends to try so they'll become hooked and you can hang out and shoot up together.


They have Adam Warren's classic SSX art on the interior wall of the helicopter in the new SSX!!!!
No joke, I am the worst skate/ski/whatever gamer that ever lived. From Skate or Die onward, if I've played it then I've sucked terribly at it.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member

lol, bold AND red? I assume this book is awful then?

Spike Spiegel said:
The deal with this Daredevil book is that it is the best superhero ongoing on shelves today. It's like comic book black tar heroin, and this week's hardcover collection is the gateway drug you get your friends to try so they'll become hooked and you can hang out and shoot up together.

Is this the same series that had the Spider-Man crossover last week? I liked that issue.


lol, bold AND red? I assume this book is awful then?
she loses a lot and everybody she meets dies trying to save her... just so she can go on to lose again and somebody else can die to try to save her... just so she can go on to lose again and somebody else can die to try to save her...

...just so she can go on to lose again and somebody else can die to try to save her...



Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia
Wonder Woman: Eyes of the Gorgon
Justice League: A League of One
Wonder Woman: The Circle


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
fuck cassie tbh
donna's with wally in that big comic book in the sky :(

Such a shame, wasnt/isnt Donna Troy a better WonderChick than Cassie....she I wonder i it would have turned out if she was in the new Teen Titans as opposed to Cassie.....Do DC do What If comics like Marvel does??

Awesome Phil Noto cover for Uncanny X-Force #24

Wooo, IceMan is quickly becoming one of my favorite none-XForce Xmen......I hope during the X vs A crossover he gets some cool feats.


Wait... last issue of Action Comics? Wasn't that just the boring rehash of the origin issue? The bits whith the ship were cool but the rest was by the numbers. What was the mindfuck?

I think that's in reference to the final page, and how this all ties together. I honestly didn't really understand what was happening in most of the issue, outside of the ship stuff.

Maybe it'll read better in trade paperback, but right now I'm totally disappointed after such a phenomenal start with the first two issues. They were the first single issues of Superman that actually got me to care about the character. I've felt pretty disconnected from the past two issues in particular. If a writer can't get you to feel for the characters and to care about them, it's really difficult to care about the rest of the book.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Just picked up Batman The Dark Knight, Uncharted (hey, I'm an Uncharted fanboy), The Mighty Thor, Justice League, and I Vampire. Can't wait to read them when I get off work.

Also, I saw a guy spend $80 on comics today. Not trades or hardcovers, but literally $80 on single issues. That shit cray.


Just picked up Batman The Dark Knight, Uncharted (hey, I'm an Uncharted fanboy), The Mighty Thor, Justice League, and I Vampire. Can't wait to read them when I get off work.

Also, I saw a guy spend $80 on comics today. Not trades or hardcovers, but literally $80 on single issues. That shit cray.

Did he look like a man of means? Or perhaps he was old without a wedding band?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
He looked like your typical, middle-aged, overweight geek with a backpack and glasses. Reminded me of the guy they showed in that South Park WoW episode. I was wondering where he got the money to spend this much every week. The clerks seemed to know him by name.
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