Dude, we love
comics, just happens theres a million times more cape books than thinkies. Based on what you've said, and stuff that I've actually read, you may enjoy the following:
American Vampire - Vertigo's current hotness, the history of America told through the struggles of vampires. Bloody, gorgeous, gripping.
Preacher - the blasphemous Garth Ennis classic, this book is simultaneously heartbreaking, ridiculous, shocking and hilarious. I've only just started reading this and it blows me away every time I pick it up.
Planetary - really cool examination of scifi tropes through the prism of an adventure story. If you like the Unwritten you might like this, I get a similar vibe. Only this is waaaay better,but it has that same kind of peering behind reality thing going on.
I Kill Giants - a single trade, one of the sweetest books I've ever read. A troubled little girl claims she kills giants. But what is really going on inside her head?
Swamp Thing - Alan Moore's classic run, about as good as comics in the 80s got. Starts slow and builds to something you'll never forget. Way more awesome than you'll expect.
Fun Home - a really sweet bio comic about a lesbian growing up and her odd family. Very touching and literate.
Pedro and Me - similar to fun home, this time about a guy (Judd Winick) whose best friend dies of AIDS. Really heartbreaking
Laika - story of the first dog in space. You will cry.
Hellboy - knockabout adventure fun with awesome art. So cool.
Doom Patrol - the run that kick started Grant Morrison's career. Gleefully weird, surreal and wonderful. Occasionally obtuse, more often inspired.
sandman - I've only been catching up on this for the past year and oh my god it's incredible. It can be a bit 80s goth, but it's stunning, Neil Gaiman manages to make every arc even more wondrous than the last. I love this book.
WE3 - Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely on my favorite book ever. Animals in robot suits run away from the government. Tears ensue.
And there's loads more that I can't think of right now. But all these books are golden, and will set you back many hours reading