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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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The art's amazing, but the first arc was boring as shit. I just dropped it. It didn't make me care about Aquaman anymore than I did pre-reboot. It's hard to care about him doubly when Marvel's "water dude" is Namor. How come Namor doesn't get his own ongoing? I would read the hell out of that.

There are tons of rebooted DC books though that I can't live without. I need (need!) my monthly fixes of stuff like Batwoman, The Shade, JL Dark, et al, as well as A.Man and Swamp Thing, which I think combined are the single best thing happening in comics presently.

Namor has grown on me quite a bit in recent years. Mostly because he's always presented as a jerk you just don't mess with.
Damn I love Aja's Iron Fist

I love the added panels to slow down the reader so he can see each beat of the kick. Beginning, middle, end. The wind-up for the attack, the follow through, and the impact. And I do love when he draws the circles things to focus on, I see Marcos Martin do that, too.


The circles emphasize the impact itself. It changes the pace of your reading, so instead of going punch-kick-punch-uppercut, you’re seeing punch-jawbone-kick-kidney-punch-neck-uppercut-chin. Four beats become eight, and suddenly you’ve spent more time on the panels, more time focusing on the thing the layout wants you to focus on, than you normally would have. One breath becomes an infinite amount of time, captured like a slideshow.

tl;dr: David Aja is godlike and needs more work


JC, did you read his Wolverine one shot from earlier last year? It was spectacular. Aja's one of the greats.
JC, did you read his Wolverine one shot from earlier last year? It was spectacular. Aja's one of the greats.

Yeah, I did, and I agree, he's great. My favorite thing he's done this year is definitely Secret Avengers #18. I wanted to point out some great pages, but I found myself just picking half of them and said screw it.
I like Namor. The only thing I don't really care bout his "story" is his love for Sue Richards and I guess now Emma Frost?

I'll always have a soft spot for Aquaman though since I grew up watching Super Friends.

Edit: Ugh, just saw on Bleeding Cool Batman is becoming a $4 book with backup strips. I already miss the holding the line at $2.99 campaign. :(


Man, been a loooooooooooooooong time since I posted in one of these.

I've been catching up on all the comics I missed in the last year or so, and I'm finally back up to speed with Irredeemable/Incorruptible, and HOT DAMN these books are on fire now. With the current crossover, especially on the Irre side, it looks like that story might come to a close soon. Are there any interviews/factoids available where Waid discusses how long he will keep this going?

I would hate for it to get dragged out.
Technically they're still holding the line at $2.99...for the 32 page books. The 40 page books cost more, so I guess that's alright. Better then what Marvel's doing, double shipping 32 page books for 4 books *kanyeshrug*
I like Namor. The only thing I don't really care bout his "story" is his love for Sue Richards and I guess now Emma Frost?

Come on! That's part of his charm.

Namor shows up, wrecks your shit and smangs your wife/gf.

Recently he's been slightly less awesome though. Combination of bad writing and tying him into the X-Men.

Sort of how Wolverine became shit over the past decade. :\
I think Remender does a great Wolverine as well. He's got his voice down to a science and he understands the limits for the healing factor(smartly keeps Wolverine as a non-factor for most of the second half of the Dark Angel Saga). And it helps that Opena/White art team maybe draw the coolest damn Wolverine costume I've ever seen. Its like the classic brown/tan, but black with red eyes. He just looks great in every panel.




I can't believe i forgot UXF, my 2011 ongoing of the year. Ima go read those back issues now

Also, i let someone borrow my DD Omnibus Vol 1 today. I re-read it before loaning it out and oh god, Moon Knight is good, but it's no DD. I love the Bendis/Maleev combo so much
Selfish side topic:

Anyone on ComicGAF have an iWhatever and play on GameCenter games? I'd rather add people I know from here than randoms.

GameCenter ID: krypt0nian. If you friend me, mention ComicGAF in the invite?


PS I'm currently hooked on Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer (standalone CCG). Still learning but would love more opponents.
Hmm looks like Marvel is continuing straight on with the oversized USM HCs, vol 12 in may...might have to double dip even though I have the floppies from 134+ just for consistency since I have 1-11 in the HC.

Well that or pretend the series ended at 133/Requiem depending how it continues to play out.

Jedeye Sniv

Doing this:

Makes it super funny!

Jedeye really is that kid who can find the silver lining on anything. A bowl of oatmeal, a clone grown in a lab, or a bio comic about a barista with testicular cancer and no health insurance.

Oh wait, sorry you can't find the silver lining on fisticuffs. :(


But no, I can't find the silver lining on Erik Larson or cowardly pornographic boobie comics, so I ain't perfect :p or Tony Daniel's suckass Detective run... Or comics about elves... or Dan Slott...

And thanks Satchy! :D

Edit: but that book about the barista does sound good, who's it published by??

But no, I can't find the silver lining on Erik Larson or cowardly pornographic boobie comics, so I ain't perfect :p or Tony Daniel's suckass Detective run... Or comics about elves... or Dan Slott...

And thanks Satchy! :D

Edit: but that book about the barista does sound good, who's it published by??

This book has an elf in it and you'd love it.


How was this? Never read it, but recently I've come to appreciate Greg Pak's writing.

It was a fun read. Wasn't anything super deep in the end, but the aforementioned sound effects and sheer destruction that occurred in the story was pretty incredible to watch. And I've always dug John Romita Jr.'s art.

It sort of reminded me of that "Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe" story, with the way Hulk was fucking up a bunch of heroes, heh.

(btw, I haven't really read much Hulk in general, so I dunno how it compares with any of his other stories)
I think Remender does a great Wolverine as well. He's got his voice down to a science and he understands the limits for the healing factor(smartly keeps Wolverine as a non-factor for most of the second half of the Dark Angel Saga). And it helps that Opena/White art team maybe draw the coolest damn Wolverine costume I've ever seen. Its like the classic brown/tan, but black with red eyes. He just looks great in every panel.



If I remember correctly every like 3 issues Wolverine got toasted by something and was a nonfactor for the next 3 issues. I found that rather amusing.

Any thoughts on the upcoming Venom crossover? I'm cautiously optimistic so far.
well bandit that's because jedeye is a nice person


wolverine sounds out of character to me when hes not appearing in a comic printed on crappy newsprint written by chris claremont

x-force comes pretty close though

If only X-Force didn't have AZN Psylocke and Gun Spiderman in it. :|

Ignoring in touch with his inner child / post Black album Metallica Wolverine; Fantomex looks neat and I still love Archangel.


But no, I can't find the silver lining on Erik Larson or cowardly pornographic boobie comics, so I ain't perfect :p or Tony Daniel's suckass Detective run... Or comics about elves... or Dan Slott...

You're just not trying hard enough. :X

Though Tony Daniel was a not so hot cartoonist, so it only makes sense he'd be a not so hot writer. Plus he ruined my Hawkman. RUINED! >:O

Edit: but that book about the barista does sound good, who's it published by??


*stops drawing boobies and starts referencing ball cancer and coffee making...

I'd like it if it was just one person he was after but it seems like he wouldn't mind settling down with either. Then again, Namor is way better than Reed and Cyclops. :)

Atlanteans are polygamists bro!

It was a fun read. Wasn't anything super deep in the end, but the aforementioned sound effects and sheer destruction that occurred in the story was pretty incredible to watch. And I've always dug John Romita Jr.'s art.

It sort of reminded me of that "Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe" story, with the way Hulk was fucking up a bunch of heroes, heh.

(btw, I haven't really read much Hulk in general, so I dunno how it compares with any of his other stories)

I'll have to see if the library has it. It sounds like I should have read World War Hulk instead of falling for Civil Bore back in the day. Much like I won't forgive Crapcom for SF4, I'm not going to forgive Marvel for Civil Bore.

Fake Edit: Yep, Defenders 2 cements it. Fraction gets no more of my wallet vote. What's with the annoying ads / wanna-be witty text in the gutter of the page? Yes! Because I want to be reminded of ads in my comics by micro ads and non sequiturs. Hopefully those will be cropped for trade readers.

Colorist also kills me. I'm sure this looks great on your computer screen or ipad where it's backlit; but on the printed page it's all washed out and nothing pops. All these interesting visual characters on the page and it's all muted by a haze of grey/blue over everything.

Good job by the editor catching that coloring error on She-Hulk's hand on the first page too. LOL LOL LOL $3.99 LOL LOL LOL
If I remember correctly every like 3 issues Wolverine got toasted by something and was a nonfactor for the next 3 issues. I found that rather amusing.

Any thoughts on the upcoming Venom crossover? I'm cautiously optimistic so far.

I'm excited by the Venom "event." I don't think all four issues are written by Remender though.
Just read the first issue of Mudman, it was pretty chill brahs. And Static Shock 5, it might just be because I'm seriously ill, but I have no idea what the fuck was going on it that issue.
This week the solicitations for DC and Marvel come out. Wacker said they have a bunch of cool announcements happening every day Monday through Friday. Here's hoping one of them is a new miniseries starring The Thing written by Dan Slott!



well not really...yet
That Uncanny X-Force art is embarassing.

Embarassing in how fucking amazing it is and how shitty almost everything else I see in current DC or Marvel books looks in comparison

I really need to pick up the first trades.
Because Norm is busy drawing Archie.


He's said for years though that he'd go back to drawing Batman right away if DC offered it to him, so it's obviously their fault.

At least he got to do one issue when DC was doing those "Hey look at all these old guys that we don't think are good enough to draw regular comics anymore" issues a few months ago.

The whole story can be heard here.

I'm just glad he's getting work again and apparently Archie is a solid company to work for. I wanted to check out his stuff there, but back issues aren't easy to come by, and I'm not sure how Archie handles collections and whatnot.

He's said for years though that he'd go back to drawing Batman right away if DC offered it to him, so it's obviously their fault.

At least he got to do one issue when DC was doing those "Hey look at all these old guys that we don't think are good enough to draw regular comics anymore" issues a few months ago.

I need to find that issue. I completely missed it.
Yeah, he got together with his ol' buddy Alan Grant for that DC reto-active thing last year. Very solid Detective Comics, felt like the good ol' days of the Grant/Breyfolge run.

The internet keeps Grant/Breyfolge in their fond memories. They were the creative team on the book when Batman '89 hit, so for a whole generation of reader, Breyfolge is as definitive to them as Bruce Timm for the 90s or Adams/Garcia-Lopez in the 70s.



This week the solicitations for DC and Marvel come out. Wacker said they have a bunch of cool announcements happening every day Monday through Friday. Here's hoping one of them is a new miniseries starring The Thing written by Dan Slott!


I am guessing one of the announcements is the Marvel all ages / Kids line with an Ultimate Spider-man comic based on the show which will air in the summer. He mentioned the man of action group in his tweet.
I'm on a Rei Mikamoto tear lately. Reiko Zombie Shop was just insane good fun. Kyonyuu Dragon was almost the perfect manga.

Checking out Satanister now.

NSFW Nun on a motorcycle killing zombies.

This dude is crazy in all the right ways and his art isn't the best, but what he lacks in drawing chops he makes up for in just being so into horror, tits, and metal. I wish Dark Horse would release more of his stuff here. :(


Online Ho Champ
I like Namor. The only thing I don't really care bout his "story" is his love for Sue Richards and I guess now Emma Frost?

I'll always have a soft spot for Aquaman though since I grew up watching Super Friends.

Edit: Ugh, just saw on Bleeding Cool Batman is becoming a $4 book with backup strips. I already miss the holding the line at $2.99 campaign. :(

i agree emma has just become a place holder susan storm because he's in the x books now. In all honesty I dont buy Namor liking an Emma type character where as Susan reminds him of his old atlantean flame. Its more a chance to make emma a tease far as i know she is still scotts gf.

Cant wait for the crossover Juggerlossus vs Red Hulk should be great, along with Ms Marvel / Rogue. Not looking forward to Cap / Cyclops because we all know who should win that pretty effortlessly. Maybe they'll do daredevil/gambit and if avengers academy gets in on it x 23 will be in the mix too heh.


Fake Edit: Yep, Defenders 2 cements it. Fraction gets no more of my wallet vote. What's with the annoying ads / wanna-be witty text in the gutter of the page? Yes! Because I want to be reminded of ads in my comics by micro ads and non sequiturs. Hopefully those will be cropped for trade readers.

I am at a point where I don't think the writing in Defenders is good overall. What you mention is just annoying, but the funny is just not funny. I am also reading the issue and don#t really know what the fuck is going on. I have the same feeling reading FF. I am somehow totally lost between all these characters having "clever" dialogue and doing stuff I don't really care about. This book is just all over the place.
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