Yeah, but nobody reads those. 616 gives them a bigger chance to get those "movie-watching new readers" that don't actually exist.
But whatever, Fraction/Aja, I'll try it out.
Teaser image, so who knows, probably some kind of crossover between Venom and Scarlet Spider(with hopefully good artwork).
Or can be another mediocre Zeb Wells/Clayton Crain thing.
^Hawkeye? LAME? Someone needs to watch Avengers: EMH cartoon.
My body is ready >=3
A BIG thank you to those who recommended IDW's Dungeons and Dragons comic, it's superb.
...and what's up with people hating on Final Crisis?
I mean really, how hard is it to grasp and understand this book? A re-read, using Morrison's reading order or in TPB form, will have it make sense.
Apologies I've prob. worded it wrong, I guess what I should've simply just wrote was that it'd be much easier to understand when re-read ^_^;Isn't the bold a contradiction? I mean you say it's not hard to grasp then you recommend people read in a specific order specified by the author...or alternatively look on a torrent website for a good reading form.
I wish comic books stopped trying to adapt the movie looks of their characters. We have 10 years of post Spider-man proof that comic book movies don't really drive audiences towards monthly comics, and these costumes invariably look silly in 5 years times when they have returned the character to his/her classic design.
Hawkeye is not the worst example of this since his movie look is basically the look he had in the Ultimates (and it is not much of a costume anyhow), but reading early 2000s X-men can be painful whenever one of the villains from the first movie shows up. Even Morrison's run was plagued by this.
only Marvel seems to do this.
Batman 1989 drove people to monthly books but strangely nothing has since.
Comics were getting a lot of press leading up to that movie, and people had less options to spend their entertainment dollars on than they do today. Also, it helped that comics were cheaper back then. Most issues were $0.75-$1.00. With inflation that would be around $1.25-$1.75 today. Comics are twice that much currently.
Batman 1989 drove people to monthly books but strangely nothing has since.
All comic movies produce a small, but noticeable and temporary spike in sales of the pertinent books.
Some other Marvel news that came out today:
-James McKelvie will be the new regular artist for Defenders, starting in July for issue #8. My enjoyment for the Defenders comes and goes with the artists(Dodson? Meh. Lark? Yay!), and I really like McKelvie, so hopefully the trend continues. I really love his work on X-men: Season One and Phonogram.
Now to be fair this is Marvel, so "regular artist" means fuck all, especially if it means getting a 3.99 book out with a modicum of regularity.
I wish they could have the "regular" artist draw everything for the TPBs and have fill ins for the monthlies. I would love it if digital comics had multiple variations. That way I could read an entire run of Wolverine and the X-Men with Bradshaw drawing and for those of you on the other side, you could have Bachalo. How cool would that be? Everyone could have their stories with the best artwork! Would really help out with a lot of Morrison's longer runs like Batman and New X-Men.
Ha, that's pretty cool, although Darkseid at the end still looks just as odd as Magneto does in X-Men #1. Why the hell would he be looking at us? The superheroes are over there, attacking you! Jim Lee wasn't one to pass up on drawing characters in pin-up poses, even if it didn't make much sense storytelling wise.
Of course, that Magneto pose has become maybe the most iconic image of the character in his entire 50 year history, so I guess everything worked out better then expected.
AWESOME. Man I wish Jim Lee's art was that clean
Well the art will be awesome, but come on Marvel we need an Iron Fist ongoing.
Isn't there a Omnibus of this run? I don't know how they handle collection printing at marvel but I wouldn't be surprise that they would wait a few years to reprint stuff...Hmm, the Bendis/Maleev Daredevil Ultimate Collections seem to be out of stock everywhere (cept v1). I hope this is just an in between printing issue. I don't feel like Marvel would stop production on a trade collection for a fairly popular title...
LOVE this guy's stuff![IMG]
Page after page of amazing stuff!
[I][B](Bonus: Broo and Kid Gladiator stuff on page on of his blog!)[/B][/I][/QUOTE]
Guy sure does love his mutants! :3
C2E2 was great!
Did JustARandomGuy showcase the latest episode of his webseries at C2E2?