Yeah, Remender said his new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants would be a big one, and this seems pretty legit. The Omega Clan, Sabretooth, the Shadow King, Mystique, and two of Remender's new bad guys The Skinless Man and AoA Blob. I think Lady Deathstrike is coming back into the story as well, possibly as the leader.
Marvel solicits got leaked out on BC, and I think all the teams are right, 'cept funny enough UXF, which is completely wrong, lol.
-AvX is still rolling on, I have no idea where this story is going, and I like it. I hope they don't spoil too much of it.
-First Dustin Weaver, now Daniel Acuna doing two issues of UXM? Please, keep Greg Land in a vault somewhere and lock away the key, Marvel. And again, I love that we're using all the X-men villains, Mr. Sinister is one of the last big ones they still have around and Gillen is doing some nice work with him.
-Hmm, the first non-Bradshaw/Bachalo-drawn issue. Molina has a similar style, so he's fine for a one-shot thing. I wonder who that is? Colossus? Iceman? Grown-up Genesis!?
-Art Adams, you are shameless, bro. Also, Black WidowxHawkeye? Is that the secret romance!? Bucky is gonna be pissed!
-Khoi Pham fill-in on Scarlet Spider!? Didn't they JUST do a fill-in two issues ago!? Goddamnit, Wacker.
-Scott Eaton on Captain America? Dropped
-Michael Lark on Winter Soldier? Awesome
-This Captain America team-up book Bunn is writing seems pretty fun so far, by the solicitations. Seems more adventurous and interesting then the decompressed tales Brubaker is doing.
-So I guess the new Iron Man is...Tony Stark? What a shock!
-Renato Guedes on Inc. Hulk? Bad. Kraven the Hunter? Good
-Alan Davis bringing ClanDestine back!? SUPER GOOD
-I love the DD cover, the way the barbed wire makes a radar sense around his head.
-Julian Tedesco on UXF for two issues? Sure, as long as Dean White is coloring it. Still waiting on Jerome Opena to come back, though, but I think this story has four more issues after this and they do plan on double shipping it a bit. TomB confirmed he was coming back, and that's the important thing!
-This Wolverine stuff is pretty damn annoying. Cullen Bunn starts his run, but wait hold the phone stop the presses, after his first story arc and this one-shot/filler thing, Loeb/Bianchi come in to do this story nobody gives a fuck about for five issues about how Sabretooth came back. Who cares!? He's back! And if you really care, couldn't it have been a mini-series so it doesn't derail Bunn's run for months? Ugggggh, just awful scheduling.