Seeing how predictable and anticlimactic the "unguessable" ending is that Bendis keeps bigging up.Is there anything worth hoping for from the story at this point?
Is there anything worth hoping for from the story at this point?
Marvelman's possible emergence into the 616 universe?
Regarding SentryYeah, but who gives a fuuuuuuuuck. Just bring back Sentry or something - it's not like Marvelman is a particularly interesting character in and of himself. People just care about reprinting the Moore/Gaiman comics.
Regarding Sentry gets resurrected by Apocalypse as one of his Horsemen in Uncanny Avengers #10
David Brothers Sends an Ether at chris sims. i agree with Brothers
Editorial Note: With regret, CBR News has to inform our readers today that there will no longer be a "B&B" column on the site after only four short months.
When CBR proposed the idea of a regular column with DC's executive staff, our stated intent was for the feature to be a place to connect the decision makers at the publisher with the wider comics community. Aside from product and story information, discussing the industry news and debates of the day was something we always planned to focus on both in the regular interviews with Harras and Chase and the monthly fan Q&A. However, the DC team has made it clear to CBR that discussing some of the more controversial debates surrounding the company and the comics community is not something they feel comfortable doing in this format, and ultimately they decided to no longer participate in this feature.
Specifically, Harras and Chase declined to comment on questions about DC exclusive talent Jerry Ordway in regards to his statements about his work with the publisher. (Though it should be noted that DC Co-Publisher Jim Lee did discuss the matter in a recent CBR TV interview)
After ensuing discussions on the matter, CBR regrets that DC has decided not to continue what we consider a valuable discussion for readers, retailers and creators. We will however continue to cover the company's comics, editorial moves and broader impact on comics to the best of our ability including future interviews with DC executives and editorial staff as they are willing and available.
Legit torn up about this one. Gonna pour one out for the best comics shilling column there ever was.
We still got Axel In Charge brah. And fuck Bobbie Chase for teasing new Young Justice books last month and nothing since. Fucking cunt.Legit torn up about this one. Gonna pour one out for the best comics shilling column there ever was.
We still got Axel In Charge brah. And fuck Bobbie Chase for teasing new Young Justice books last month and nothing since. Fucking cunt.
Oh, I don't really read that one (maybe for some art stuff occasionally). Really boring tbh and Axel is just straight up better at PR than Harras and Chase are. Those cats really didn't know what they were doing.
Tekkaman Blade is back again and asks: "Is there any remote chance that 'All-Star Batman and Robin' by Frank Miller and Jim Lee will ever resume and wrap up its awesome story? Back in 2010 at WonderCon there was an announcement that it would be re-titled 'Dark Knight: Boy Wonder' and contain 6 issues scheduled for 2011."
Harras: I don't want to speak for Jim; I know right now he's focused on "Superman Unchained." I do know, though, that he does want to get to this other story. I think at some point we will see it, but right now his focus is on "Superman Unchained."
AOU 6 - Is it me, or is this story being told in the most pedestrian way possible?Is there anything worth hoping for from the story at this point?Wolverine goes back to the exact moment Pym thinks about making an convenient. And he kills Pym, because that's his solution to everything now...and because Pym largely gives up. Put something unexpected in here: have Pym shrink Wolvie to the size of a mosquito while he talks things out with Sue, don't make Sue into a wishy-washy non-presence, something!
Last month, I was guessing Sentry would end up f-ing things up...even that would have been better than this.
My last hope for something interesting fell away when Sue was confirmed to not be in the future. (Was hoping Sue went with Wolvie after the future attack, leaving the story to fill that explanation in later.)
Now we wait for the alt-present storyline to play out until the story hits the reset button?
Legit torn up about this one. Gonna pour one out for the best comics shilling column there ever was.
X-Men Legacy #9, out today.
Hopefully this isn't taboo but I'm buying them off Fearless readers online, so I can go back as far as I need to really. I'm specifically looking for back issues, so any of the older comics are possible.
I mean, from jump street you know none of this story matters and it's all going to be retconned. That, I think, is actually the whole point and core of the story. The act of retconning all this. So it's really just been all setup so far. Until they "solve" it and we see the "new world" that ends up being created (probably just a parallel universe anyway) this is all just a What If story.
Luke Cage laffs aside, it's been a pretty enjoyable one. I don't know what else anyone was expecting when like 85% of the MU was dead as of page 1 lol
It's been explicitly said many times that it's not an alternate universe and is in current continuity. I don't know how people keep making this mistake, especially with the tie-ins. Most of the confusion seems to come from the fact it was delayed due to AvX and has essentially been shoehorned into current storylines, I guess.I understand your enthusiasm and it's not a terrible story so far, but it is pretty dry. Imagine - it's comics, you can do ANYTHING. And it's an alternate universe where everything is fucked, so you can do ANYTHING. And so far we've had a lot of talking. I've not read #6 yet but it's been a bit of a damp squib so far. We've seen the 'cowering sewerheroes' thing a million times, I wish there's been a more interesting way to tackle the story.
why do you guys keep buying Bendis books with bad characterzations, $4 price tags, and where nothing happens until the last issue of the decompressed story arc year after year
Is it the art? It's the art, right? He gets a lot of good artists
It's been explicitly said many times that it's not an alternate universe and is in current continuity. I don't know how people keep making this mistake, especially with the tie-ins. Most of the confusion seems to come from the fact it was delayed due to AvX and has essentially been shoehorned into current storylines, I guess.
That's perfect characterization for Wolverine. See also his eloquent rebuttal to Cyclops' arguments in the last ANXM. "RRRRHATE HIM!!"
why do you guys keep buying Bendis books with bad characterzations, $4 price tags, and where nothing happens until the last issue of the decompressed story arc year after year
Is it the art? It's the art, right? He gets a lot of good artists
I can't even stand up.
The Marshal Law book has Marshal Law Takes Manhattan, where he goes into an insane asylum filled with basically the Marvel Universe and murders everyone.
I have it in my hands in an Oversized Hardcover.
I may weep openly.
Not a big week but I managed to snag a few goodies nonetheless.
Marvel Comics
Captain America #6
Captain Marvel #12
Daredevil #25
X-Factor #254
Dark Horse Comics
Conan the Barbarian #15
Other Publishers
The Shadow Year One #2 (Dynamite)
The current series is very up and down for me. I like that Wood is exploring uncharted territory with regards to the relationship between Conan and Belit; it is undeniably the centerpiece of his entire run. It's a very complex love they share, and even though having read the novels I know how it ends, I'm enjoying the romance immensely. I think Wood does an excellent job illustrating exactly how someone like Conan could fall madly in love with someone like Belit, and how that love is changing them both in unexpected ways. That said, some story arcs certainly have been better than others, and there have been lulls where my interest waned to the point of considering going to trades, only for me to get pulled in again and reconsider. Those lulls aren't being helped by the artwork, either; each arc has featured a different artist, and their styles have varied so wildly that it only contributes to the feeling of inconsistency.Is Conan the Barbarian good?
is it good good or Birdie nostalgia good? DCBS has it for half off still, i know nothing about it other than it sounding neat, but i'm leery of old material.
There are two kinds of reactions to reading Marshall Law:
1. "OMG...This. Is. Brilliant. I feel better about my life having now read this comic. Pat Mills' misanthropic satirical art style gets me, he's a fuckin' genius. Wow."
2. "...WTF is this shit?"
Half the fun is finding out which side you fall on!
holy shit, there is hope
Tekkaman Blade is back again
And Rider and the entire Nova Corps are dead/gone???
Why did this never happen? I am still pissed about that.
Not reading it, but wasn't Adora (aka She-Ra) kidnapped by Hordak as an infant and raised as his evil daughter or something? Pretty sure that was her origin in the cartoon, and Adam had to save his long-lost sister by giving her a sword.Any one read He-man
wasn't expectingto be the villian. cool twist and excited for moreShe-Ra
Not reading it, but wasn't Adora (aka She-Ra) kidnapped by Hordak as an infant and raised as his evil daughter or something? Pretty sure that was her origin in the cartoon, and Adam had to save his long-lost sister by giving her a sword.
Dude, that shit happened way back at the end of Realm of Kings. That was in 2010.
Yes I know what happened then, butThanos and Star-Lord are back but apparently Rich is dead/in the Cancerverse/something else? They can't leave that unresolved for much longer.