"Try the red one"
Eh but no I don't think it's that out of character.
B&R 19 was fantastic and proves that Tomasi really got the relationship between Daiman and Bruce. I love Morrison and Damian is my favorite DC character, but Tomasi brought man-tears to my eyes in his Requiem issue and 19 showed a Bruce on the fucking edge of sanity, in the best possible way.
I don't think Frank has formally joined any new team, sadly, but I do think you (AND FUCKING EVERYBODY) should pick up the entire run. It's fun monster-mashing comics with some truly touching moments. And, honestly, Lemire did a good job for his run but Matt Kindt dominated.
Give me a Shazam book so I don't have to buy Justice League pls
Give me a Shazam book so I don't have to buy Justice League pls
Ordinarily I would agree, but his Logan has some weird, subhuman facial characteristics going on that stand out when everybody else looks pretty normal (by mutant standards). Combine that with Bendis writing him as something of a goon, and I half expect the next words out of the school headmaster's mouth to be "OOK OOK."Eh, I just don't think he's an that exagerratorial of a cartoonist, to be honest.
"Try the red one"
Start to end, a flawless masterpiece of an issue by Waid and Samnee. **SPOILER WARNING**made my jaw drop to the floor, I was so into it. Bravo."Try the red one"
Legion of Super Heroes #19
Legion continues to get fucked up. Polar Boy and Invisible Kid dead ??? (Probably not, but maybe). Mon-el in critical condition! (Nooo, mah boy). Emerald Empress defeated by Element Lad?! Upcoming teased fight: Timberwolf, Chameleon, and Glorinth vs. Validus.
Wait, what??Are the Legion Losters back in the future with the rest of the team now
I use Comic List
Start to end, a flawless masterpiece of an issue by Waid and Samnee. **SPOILER WARNING**made my jaw drop to the floor, I was so into it. Bravo."Try the red one"
Your non-specific vitriol is quite illuminating.
You know, I love how you paint with such broad strokes when you probably read... what... next to none of the comics?
Absolutely. I marveled at how well constructed it was. No big splashy scenes, no grandstanding, and no obvious "cute" layout tricks; just smart panel usage and scene juxtaposition that flowed like water from one moment to the next. Samnee really deserves all the recognition he can get, and I hope Marvel realizes that.One of the best fight issues I've ever read. Matt is so arrogant.
That "Try the red one" moment you mentioned... yeah, jaw dropping.
Edit: Whoops. Meant Ultra Boy.
Absolutely. I marveled at how well constructed it was. No big splashy scenes, no grandstanding, and no obvious "cute" layout tricks; just smart panel usage and scene juxtaposition that flowed like water from one moment to the next. Samnee really deserves all the recognition he can get, and I hope Marvel realizes that.
Well for me
1. Huntress
worst thing about the new 52.
2. Batman's pick and choose continuity
3. Nightwing is now a douche
4. No Cass
5. Tim
What happened to the LLers after their book was canceled?
1) What about Huntress?
I believe he called her the worst thing about the new 52, which I can't see ever being the case.
Hasn't been explained. Currently unaccounted for. Have to assume they are still in the past.
Nah the main reason mainstream doesn't get into Comics is the same as it's ever been
"Where do I start"
Also i am intrigued by this Daredevil issue people are raving about... what issue does that story arc begin?
All New X-Men is relatively fun for as long as you can tolerate a Bendis book that doesn't strive to tell a story.
You can probably just hop on with 23, which is when the title joined the "Now!" banner. I came back on with 22 after skipping the last 10~ issues or so myself (probably gonna read those too eventually) and it isn't that hard to catch up. The one we're talking about is 25.
Purely speculative, but what ifMan dareDEvil was awesome sauce this week.
i bet its kingpin after DD
All New was one of the ones I was interested in, but I do tend to value story so maybe I should skip it for now?
Fuck SOS, give me back my Frankenstein.
Purely speculative, but what ifit's someone who's not after Daredevil the crimefighter, but Matt Murdock the lawyer? Someone who feels he was wronged by Matt in some legal capacity?
B&R 19 was fantastic and proves that Tomasi really got the relationship between Daiman and Bruce. I love Morrison and Damian is my favorite DC character, but Tomasi brought man-tears to my eyes in his Requiem issue and 19 showed a Bruce on the fucking edge of sanity, in the best possible way.
1) What about Huntress?
Its not that she was redesigned or written badly.I believe he called her the worst thing about the new 52, which I can't see ever being the case.
IMHO Tomasi handled Damian, and his relationship with Bruce better than Morrison ever did. The entire run of B&R has been really good.
All New X-Men is relatively fun for as long as you can tolerate a Bendis book that doesn't strive to tell a story.
Read 7 and 8 just now, it's fun as long as my print issues sell, 8 issues in and there is barely a plot going on, everyone might as well be eating pizza while commenting on how everyone looks young.ANXM is the only Bendis book I can get behind at this point. Uncanny is okay but I hate all the characters so it's kind of a chore to read.
Browsed a Superman forum today and got the impression Morrison's Action run is generally held in high esteem by the Superman community. I was surprised. I've only read Issues #1 and #0 myself.
Browsed a Superman forum today and got the impression Morrison's Action run is generally held in high esteem by the Superman community. I was surprised. I've only read Issues #1 and #0 myself.
I enjoyed it overall, the best moments are when it's not trying to be grandiose.Browsed a Superman forum today and got the impression Morrison's Action run is generally held in high esteem by the Superman community. I was surprised. I've only read Issues #1 and #0 myself.
Yep, lovely issue.Wasn't too impressed overall with it. Pretty mediocre with the exception of issue #13 which is one of the best single Supes issues I've ever read.
Hey grrrls. I've seen a few "Want to get into comics!" posts in the Off-Topic forum as of late, so this may seem redundant, but I don't think it is, so here goes...
I was reading some books regularly before I started college, at which point buying comics became a luxury beyond my means. I was balls deep in Blackest Night, reading every book under that heading (at the begrudging of my wallet) but wasn't able to finish before getting to college.
I'm in a better situation financially and am wondering what books y'all recommend as far as ongoing series right now? I see that Marvel did some re-boots/relaunches lately, so that could be interesting. I'm all for reading some back-story in the form of collected editions or in back issues, but I don't want to have to read thousands of pages just to get caught up in a series.
So, story short: what would you recommend as some of the hottest titles going on right now, and what might you recommend I read to catch up on that particular series?