Infinity has leaked! Searching for it right now.
I read this. Only 12 pages but do far leagues more interesting than AOU.
And if I can read between the lines it's spinning off stories from New Avengers.
Infinity has leaked! Searching for it right now.
Question, I'm thinking about going to C2E2 to try and get a couple autographs from artists. They're stationed in a couple rows called "Artist Alley". Are they usually down to just sign a couple issues I walk up to them with? Not sure how it works, haven't been to a comic con before.
Why did this never happen? I am still pissed about that.
Hey everybody, it's Alley Oop! ;p
But seriously, can I ask WTF is Immonen doing? BEAST is the one that looks like a gorilla now, not Wolverine. Sure Logan's supposed to be a rugged, rough-looking guy, I've got no qualms with that; but Immonen's take now has such a case of smush-face and scrunch-face and weasel-face going on that it's crossed into parody and even reviewers are starting to call him on it.
I use Comic List
While part of me is just sighing at the level of comic ignorance in that thread, it's also a good example of why mainstream isn't adopting comics. They look at something we'd say, "Oh, been done before, no big deal," And just blow it up with, "WTF I DON'T EVEN."
While part of me is just sighing at the level of comic ignorance in that thread, it's also a good example of why mainstream isn't adopting comics. They look at something we'd say, "Oh, been done before, no big deal," And just blow it up with, "WTF I DON'T EVEN."
While part of me is just sighing at the level of comic ignorance in that thread, it's also a good example of why mainstream isn't adopting comics. They look at something we'd say, "Oh, been done before, no big deal," And just blow it up with, "WTF I DON'T EVEN."
Meh just another thread where people pretend to be comics experts so they can shit on something.
New 52 is shit tho.
I always answer your questions. Hell, about five people answered your crying about why we thought Supes/Diana was boring and you conveniently never responded to any of it.Your non-specific vitriol is quite illuminating.
You know, I love how you paint with such broad strokes when you probably read... what... next to none of the comics?
I always answer your questions. Hell, about five people answered your crying about why we thought Supes/Diana was boring and you conveniently never responded to any of it.
It's not about answering any one specific question. It's about coming into a thread that's supposed to be inclusive, and finding wonderful conversation starters like, "New 52 is shit tho." A sentiment that you've made abundantly clear, how many times? It's cool though. I don't like Marvel. I find their style doesn't suit my tastes. So I dislike it. But I'm not going to constantly trash some of the dumb shit they do, like having pocket crossovers just waiting in the wings.
Why not? People trash on Age of Ultron non-stop and I'm still able to to enjoy it and say why I do so.
It's like console wars all over again in Comics OT!
It's like console wars all over again in Comics OT!
Most of the heaviest denouncers of age of ultron are also the ones that buy every issue. Same with AvsX, civil war, and siege.
Marvel/DC wars predate consoles.
It's just, if one "side" never speaks up, it perpetuates this fantasy that these threads are all Marvel and no DC.
People just talk about what they enjoy. Right now a lot of posters in here are enjoying Marvel more. Doesn't stop those same people from trashing stuff Marvel puts out that's bad/mediocre. There is lots of DC discussion in here to, DotF was the biggest thing in this thread while it was going on. DC dudes are just mad sensitive right now for whatever reason.It's just, if one "side" never speaks up, it perpetuates this fantasy that these threads are all Marvel and no DC.
Start to end, a flawless masterpiece of an issue by Waid and Samnee. **SPOILER WARNING**made my jaw drop to the floor, I was so into it. Bravo."Try the red one"
Remember post- #100 Wolverine? When Kubert was drawing him all feral and he looked like a shaved rat on HGH? It's getting that bad, don't deny it.DRAWING THE BEST WOLVERINE EVER.
Eh but no I don't think it's that out of character.
Remember post- #100 Wolverine? When Kubert was drawing him all feral and he looked like a shaved rat on HGH? It's getting that bad, don't deny it.
But I will continue shitting on DC because I find it funny and they deserve it for cancelling Sword of Sorcery.
Remember post- #100 Wolverine? When Kubert was drawing him all feral and he looked like a shaved rat on HGH? It's getting that bad, don't deny it.
Fuck SOS, give me back my Frankenstein.
In all seriousness, these threads seem to go through phases and there's just a Marvel Now full moon out, and y'all are enjoying it, which is cool.
But if anybody want to discuss DC's comics, I'm always around, happily avoiding all Bendis comics.
At least Frankenstein wasn't sub-10 fucking issues.Fuck SOS, give me back my Frankenstein.
In all seriousness, these threads seem to go through phases and there's just a Marvel Now full moon out, and y'all are enjoying it, which is cool.
But if anybody want to discuss DC's comics, I'm always around, happily avoiding all Bendis comics.
Fuck SOS, give me back my Frankenstein.
In all seriousness, these threads seem to go through phases and there's just a Marvel Now full moon out, and y'all are enjoying it, which is cool.
But if anybody want to discuss DC's comics, I'm always around, happily avoiding all Bendis comics.
I've never really been a Frankenstein fan, but his inclusion in B&R #19 was pretty cool? I realize comics are pretty small time, to merit advertising, but I never gave Agent of Shade a chance because I had no idea WTF it was about. A shame now. Has he joined a new team yet? (JLD?)
Give me a Shazam book so I don't have to buy Justice League pls