regular ass wolverine is pretty good.
Cornell + Alan davis!
Cornell + Alan davis!
Savage Wolverine, for the record, is very pretty, but kinda empty.
Yo, Wolverine and the X-Men has turned to shit. Avoid!!
Rememder and Rafael Albuquerque Justice league pitch
from Rememders ama
All three Wolverine books pretty mediocre right now.
Savage is the worst of the bunch, but Paul Cornell's just has no hook yet. WATXM has its moments
Savage Wolverine, for the record, is very pretty, but kinda empty.
This current arc is just dragging and I do NOT give a fuck about Dog Logan! I'm disappointed that they got rid of the awesome Kid Gladiator and turned Broo into a rabid beast.
I'm reaaaaaaaaaaally not liking Sharkgirl or Eyeboy. Lame, boring Angel & Beak knockoffs. If they end up getting together... lol. Also, terrible codenames. They sound like Legion cast-offs.
Shark Girl? Eyeboy? Oh my god, this sounds worse than the circus arc. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!
sometimes marvel sales are weird, today's sale is a random assortment or Iron Man minis and issues.
Yea the circus arc was awful. Current arc is dreadful. Will drop if the next few issues don't pick it up.
Hell. Fucking. Yeah.Well, this seemed easier than finding FF #2...
Hell. Fucking. Yeah.
So can any Wolverine fans give me the heads up on Savage Wolverine and Uncanny Avengers?
Haven't been able to pick up any comics for a while, but I really do want to get back into it again and would like to with my favorite character (well him + Nightwing and Batwoman.)
Well, this seemed easier than finding FF #2...
Daredevil end of days gets great reviews, anyone here read it? Worth ordering the hardcover from dcbs for half off?
Also random amazon pick-up just because (shipping cost twice as much as the book, and the book was only $1.75):
I want to read that, but I'm probably going to trade-wait it.
Just read East of West #1. Man, Hickman is killing everything lately. Damn good.
Anyone read Aquaman? I was thinking of looking into the series, kind of an impulse thing since he's so badass in Injustice.
Don't see much talk about Nightwing on gaf, just Bats, Super, Spider and Hawkeye when I pop in lately.
Anyone read Aquaman? I was thinking of looking into the series, kind of an impulse thing since he's so badass in Injustice.
not just Marvel dude. The current crew of writers and editors must all be swinging dicks, unhappily married, or divorced, because there's no such thing as a happy and stable relationship in mainstream comics. Constant drama and love triangles and bullshit. I think they believe that happy and normal relationships are boring, and we want to read about superpowerd lotharios juggling multiple women while being ignored by the "one he truly wants". Narm.
Anyone read Aquaman? I was thinking of looking into the series, kind of an impulse thing since he's so badass in Injustice.
Speaking of Daredevil, I read through #22-#25 the other day. So I ordered the first few trades. I was never really a DD fan, but Waid is writing some good shit here.
Yeah it's BS, and funny how only Reed and Susan are allowed to have a marriage.
It's cancellation still stings me.
Man if I were a multimillionaire, I'd pay Marvel to get Fraction/Dodson/Dodson or Fraction/Breitweiser/Breitweiser back to doing The Defenders
It's cancellation still stings me.
Yeah, that one was a shame. It was such a fun book, too.
Best Defenders series IMO is Keith Giffen & Kevin Maguire.Mainly because its written in the same style as their Justice League run
And they only get to stay together because a divorce would break up the Fantastic Four. lol
Word, I say we protest!
Can't argue that, but you have to admit, Fraction/Dodson's run was fun as hell. Just seeing Surfer go through all kinds of shapes and get tripped out on ancient Wakandian herbs is just awesome.
I was on Team Defenders from day one, but let's be honest: every single Defenders run is fucking doomed always. Fearless Defenders is next. The market is never gonna want a book of Marvel second-stringers and bit players doing weird shit around time and space. AND IT'S A FUCKING SHAME AND WE ARE ALL TO BLAME.
Wait it had Silver Surfer on CRACK?!
Gonna give it a try again and see if I'll like it.
I was on Team Defenders from day one, but let's be honest: every single Defenders run is fucking doomed always. Fearless Defenders is next. The market is never gonna want a book of Marvel second-stringers and bit players doing weird shit around time and space. AND IT'S A FUCKING SHAME AND WE ARE ALL TO BLAME.
Just read Indestructible Hulk #6.
Did Walt Simonson suffer a catastrophic brain injury some time in the last couple decades?
I've never seen anyone's art devolve to that degree. The last few pages look like fan art.
aw I liked that shows second season
I loved Defenders but maaaaan, that Dodson art. I can't deal with those chubby ass characters.
I really loved the Fear Itself: Defenders miniseries. Fractions run was great too, and I have high hopes for the current series, even though it will inevitably die.
lol [RESULTS: 0]
Even the best ones are Skypular out the wazz.