No, its the only good part if nothing else.Does that mean I should feel bad for liking BatCat in the first place? ;-;
A really good part imo.
No, its the only good part if nothing else.Does that mean I should feel bad for liking BatCat in the first place? ;-;
Thanks for the heads-up; last time my local BAM did this I loaded up (or was that Barnes & Noble?).I'm not sure if anyone cares but if any of you guys have a Books-A-Million store near you they have a bunch of graphic novels put in with the bargin books. I'm pretty sure it's not just my store and it's mostly older stuff. I think they do it every year around this time.
Most of the hardbacks are reduced to $7.99 and paperbacks are a few bucks cheaper than that.
Sooooo good. One of my favorites.and Dustin Nguyen is soo good
TODAY IN "FUCKING DC CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT" NEWS: They passed on Michael Avon Oeming doing art on Katana.
Fucking hell how does anyone at DC's upper management is not out of a fucking job is BEYOND ME.
TODAY IN "FUCKING DC CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT" NEWS: They passed on Michael Avon Oeming doing art on Katana.
Fucking hell how does anyone at DC's upper management is not out of a fucking job is BEYOND ME.
I don't, btw. Soooooo over that pairing.
Yeah, but it's A Taste, unlike the endless parade of bland Katana currently is.
Hey guys. This isn't exactly related to any specific comic, but last night I was bored and decided to sketch out a good portion of Batman's enemies. I didn't really use any specific version, didn't really look at any reference pictures, and basically went off of how I remember them. Drawing Ivy was the first time I've drawn a female in probably years. They are definitely not my strong suit at all. How do you guys like them?
Yeah man. DC - home of solid, boring fucking comics. Got something weird and original? Go to image then, we got no time for your creativity...
If I wanted to look at pretty pictures, I'd subscribe to Cat Fancy. I'm here for the stories, bub.
You should check out books, they might suit your needs better brah.
I herd you liek art. You should check out paintings, friend.
You are calling alot of amazing artists "solid and boring" in your broad, sweeping disdain.
"Bad" art is incredibly subjective though. Especially when you see so many different artist styles out there. Bad proportion and just badly drawn art is quite different from a unique stylization or a certain artistic vision.
Bad stories are less so, and they can be a major chore to read, and a tragic waste of good art. Flipping through pages of crap in 5 minutes is a horrible way to waste 4 bucks on pretty pictures.
Pretty light for me today. Really bummed that Superman Family Adventures has been cancelled. Looking forward to the Zenescope event, and you know it's spring when Archie runs a prom story. Get this: Archie invites Betty and Veronica to the prom.
Geoff Johns needs to be chastised. He's the only one that has books delayed since Nu52.So according to the release calendar on DC's website, there is no JLA this month but it's double shipped next month. And apparently all of the Wrath of the First Lantern epilogue books come out before the story ends in GL 20, since it looks like it's gone from week 1 to week 4. Good job DC.
One could count on one hand the number of delayed issues DC has had in the last two years. There are (is a) much bigger offender/s in that regard.
Still, unfortunate that GL would be one of them.
Is that X-23? What's up with the new design?
X23 is the second character from the right. Even though it looks like her claw is attached to the girl on the far right, that is Nico from Runaways.
Is Superman Unchained going to be good and worth pre-ordering?
There's a 4 page splash page.
1 more page than doom the living planet!!!!!
I'm pumped
New Avengers #5: Black Bolt is awesome. Next issue will be awesome. That is all.
Can't fault them too hard man, Michael Oeming is definitely an acquired taste.
BrianGarside @BrianGarside
Is @mrmarkmillar releasing Jupiter's Legacy on @comiXology or are we still pretending digital doesn't exist in MillarWorld?
8:58 AM - 24 Apr 2013
Guardians of the galaxy continues to be awesome.
Fucking lool