New series or old series?
New. Issue 2 is out today.
New series or old series?
New. Issue 2 is out today.
So it's not available digitally? That's shite, I was just about to go buy my comics...
Word around town is that Quietly is killing it in Jupiter legacy
Is Jupiter's Legacy a sequel to something I missed, or was it renamed? Coz' as much as I like Quitely I don't seem him turning out a sequel in six months.
Yeah, the new series. Pick it up, so worth it so far.
Word around town is that Quietly is killing it in Jupiter legacy
I want to have FF's babies
Is there a FF trade out?
Fucking lool
"I think digital could be a useful tool, but I'm increasingly concerned for friends in retail that they're going to get shafted here," the wrier explained. "I really think day and date release is a disastrous idea and makes no economic sense at all to comics as a business. It's potentially ruinous for comic stores, and in the long term it's not going to do publishers any favors either. I see the attraction on a very superficial level. They think they're cutting out the middle men and all the guys taking a piece of their gross, but there's an equivalent number of hidden costs in digital too, and it's short term thinking to obliterate the life-blood of the medium. Retailers are as big a part of comics now as the characters or the creators. They're not just an outlet. These are carefully crafted communities and owned and staffed by people with a genuine passion for what they're doing in a way that the 'Amazon Also Recommends' box isn't quite going to match. I've got an awful lot of friends on the retail side and so many of them are hanging on by their finger-nails right now. Even a five or ten percent dip could be enough to put huge numbers of comic stores out of business. I know two huge American retailers, like really famous stores, in this position, and once they're gone these guys are gone forever. Retailers stuck with us through the '70s collapse and the '90s post-speculator boom. Shouldn't we be showing them a little loyalty now? Everything from the chair I'm sitting in to the keyboard I'm typing on has been paid for by royalties that retailers have made me, so I feel quite passionately about this."
Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in Talon. It's still a quality book, just really predictable. I still like it and all that, it's just that it seems incapable of surprising me. Other than that, everything I read this week was awesome.
Ugh no.Actually fuck that, partway through reading Scarlet Spider 16 and this is the best Spider-series of all fucking time.
anyone else notice the LEgion flight ring on booster. did he have that before in JLI?. guessing there might be more to it
Well, that was certainly a rushed ending for I, Vampire.
Shame Lemire poached Andrea Sorrentino for Green Arrow. The art in the last issues in I, Vampire has ranged from shit to even more shit.
According to an interview, there wasn't even going to be an issue #19 for I, Vampire. But Fialkov pleaded a case for one more issue and it was given. So, it could have been worse?
What do you think of Frank tho?Mark Millar is a man of honor, but is a skid mark on the comics medium. I refuse to call him a writer.
Again, I say - Fuck DC.
whoa hey ho before watchmen finally finished today!
and no one cares!!
Yeah, never cared really.Did it? Dude, I haven't paid attention to that book since...... when did they announce it?
Then we’ll be getting into a story where everyone’s kind of rooting for Miles to get over it, and get back into the game, but he just cannot perceive of that ever happening. We’ll be meeting Cloak and Dagger, Bombshell from our last volume of Ultimate Spider-Man will be returning, and Gwen Stacy will be part of the book. And his new girlfriend, Katie Bishop. What? Teenage Kate Bishop. Ultimate Kate Bishop.
Did it? Dude, I haven't paid attention to that book since...... when did they announce it?
I should read some USM but everyone just says how boring it is and I can't justify spending money on it.i thought BW was over or cancled a long time ago.
also this
also Miles Morales getting some of that Lady HawkGuy
No, I don't work for DC. ;pYou wouldn't happen to beBats/Joker?