This is the dopest fucking thing ever. Is there a super high res version? New wallpaper fasho.
I'm glad Fantastic Four and FF are the cheaper of the marvel titles because the rest of their stuff is way overpriced. Really want to get into Thor and Hulk but $4 a pop is a bit much.
It will be an eight page foldout of an epic battle with superman on one side of the foldout, and on the other side, the same battle from a different angle with a new perspective. It will show Superman fighting a planet-sized enemy and the foldout will enable the relative size of the opponent to register. We may get a visual later
this superman unchained spread sounds insane
Can't wait to buy the Directors Cut of it too.
this superman unchained spread sounds insane
Wait 8 page?! It was just 4 the last time I heard about it. This book is going to be amazing isn't it?
I want that shit, love pencilled art. Other publishers could get me to double dip. I'm dying to see Land's pencilled art.Oh man I had almost forgotten about that stupid shit.
I want that shit, love pencilled art. Other publishers could get me to double dip. I'm dying to see Land's pencilled art.
So who else is picking up Astro City when it comes back this summer?
i've never read any Astro City, it sounds neat, i'd probably buy some large omnibus collection but am not sure about jumping in with the upcoming story.
So, Bandette is marvelous.
So anyone tried The Eight Seal by James Tynion IV?
Cool stuff! Loved the art.
And did I mention that it's free?
If you liked it you could support the team and grab the digital version at Comixology for just 1 dollar! The art is higher res, and the reading experience is much better since this is was thought as a digital comic from the beginning.
Give it a try guys!
So who else is picking up Astro City when it comes back this summer?
So anyone tried The Eight Seal by James Tynion IV?
Cool stuff! Loved the art.
And did I mention that it's free?
If you liked it you could support the team and grab the digital version at Comixology for just 1 dollar! The art is higher res, and the reading experience is much better since this is was thought as a digital comic from the beginning.
Give it a try guys!
So anyone tried The Eight Seal by James Tynion IV?
Cool stuff! Loved the art.
And did I mention that it's free?
If you liked it you could support the team and grab the digital version at Comixology for just 1 dollar! The art is higher res, and the reading experience is much better since this is was thought as a digital comic from the beginning.
Give it a try guys!
Is it out? I thought it's release date is may 7th?
I'm assuming piracy, might be wrong though.
I do. The series in general is really great. (Not a very big fan of Dark Ages arc, though...)
However, this particular arc makes up the whole series for me. Easily my top ten arcs of the genre.
Busiek has said that once they get rolling the series this year they would start pushing hardcover colletions for the rest of the original series, including this arc. Can't wait to get it in my hands...
Picked up the Batman Inc. trade and issues 9 and 10. The first comics I've read since Green lantern, and my first foray into Grant Morrison. Enjoying it thus far!
Is there a TPB or the like that collects the covers for the Pre 70s Superman and Batman comic book series? Ya know the ones usually featured on Superdickey?
Look up the Archives Editions. So Superman, Batman, or World's Finest Archives.
Olivier Coipel coverThe panel then confirmed that Miguel OHara, AKA Spider-Man 2099 will appear in September's Superior Spider-Man #17, teased earlier in the weekend. "There's something we've seeded in the pages all they way back to the 'Big Time' run in 'Amazing Spider-Man,'" the writer said, noting that O'Hara's appearance will have an impact across the Marvel Universe.
A fan asked whether Cyborg might get his own series, and Harras asked who else would like to see that. No applause.
So anyone tried The Eighth Seal by James Tynion IV?
Cool stuff! Loved the art.
And did I mention that it's free?
If you liked it you could support the team and grab the digital version at Comixology for just 1 dollar! The art is higher res, and the reading experience is much better since this is was thought as a digital comic from the beginning.
Give it a try guys!
"Static won't be joining the Titans anytime soon," Harras said, "but something might be happening with Static relatively soon." He also said that the Titans team itself would undergo changes in the coming months.
That's what I'm interested in the most in that story. Poor Static gets no respect at DC, guy needs some love.
Adding Static to the Titans just makes too much sense for DC to actually do it. He'll end up being spotted in the background during Trinity War.
So anyone tried The Eight Seal by James Tynion IV?
Cool stuff! Loved the art.
And did I mention that it's free?
If you liked it you could support the team and grab the digital version at Comixology for just 1 dollar! The art is higher res, and the reading experience is much better since this is was thought as a digital comic from the beginning.
Give it a try guys!
There's going to be a bunch of stuff you won't understand but just go with it. I've pretty much forgotten most everything Morrison wrote before this (it's been a long time, yo) and they're just very good action comics.
Adding Static to the Titans just makes too much sense for DC to actually do it. He'll end up being spotted in the background during Trinity War.