Miller, Bendis, Brubaker, Waid
I'll second that. I'd even say all four runs are pretty essential, with Brubaker's run a tad lower than the other 3.
Still, the raw number of great issues the character has had over the years is pretty impressive.
Also, it was obvious but I feel obligated to mention all have great art.
That Brubaker run is a little too malicious to certain characs for my taste.
Having finished reading his Winter Soldier earlier today, I'm starting to think Brubaker is in fact a complete asshole to his characters.
Latour's part was great indeed but way too short lived. I guess a solo Winter Soldier title doesn't sell enough.
I've been reading The Bitter March and All New Invaders, they're okay but I really wish there was a current title that featured WS more prominently. In that regard, the previous Secret Avengers volume felt like a huge missed opportunity (these last 2 pages, add Fury Sr to the mix and that's a team I'd gladly follow!)
The setup Brubaker leaves for Diggle is brilliant, but lol Shadowland
Yeah, way to fuck up a decade long greatness streak. Waid's return to greatness after Diggle makes it even more obvious.