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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless

My favorite writer is BKV. My two favorite current artists are Fiona Staples and Rafael Albuquerque.

Who you got?

Bendis is good, bad, and everything in between. He's done some amazing stuff over the years. He's done some crap. He's consistently decent and his stuff is entertaining.


Caravaggio and Mucha

what now muthafucka

what if my favorite artist is you?
really makes you think



I thought that guy's name in Walking Dead The Alien was Fadlan in the beginning.

American should be the official language of every word in comics.




Walking Dead: The Alien is poking fun at what Kirkman had to do to get TWD green lit. When he was pitching the book they were like "Zombies...really?" and seeing how they were going to turn it down again he told them that Aliens did it and that they were going to show up and they never did. They asked him when the aliens were going to appear and he was like "Well you see about that..."

Moral of the story: tell Image your book has aliens in it and they they will greenlight your idea.
Man, I can't wait for the trade to come out. I've been wanting a book like this since Schism.
Keep in mind, it is in no way one of the best I've ever read. It's pretty decent on the whole so far, but it's the best one currently going and it's been consistently getting better. It helps that I like Lemire and Ramos.

It's very much X-Men being superheroes. No scummy black ops or teen angst.
Just superheroes doing superhero stuff.


Keep in mind, it is in no way one of the best I've ever read. It's pretty decent on the whole so far, but it's the best one currently going and it's been consistently getting better. It helps that I like Lemire and Ramos.

It's very much X-Men being superheroes. No scummy black ops or teen angst.
Just superheroes doing superhero stuff.

Eww Superheroes


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The New Avengers #10
Best Avengers book. Fucking fight me. How people can dislike this is unbeknownst to me.

It's the most X-Men book there is. Uncanny X-Men is a poor man's Uncanny X-Force. All-New X-Men has finally graduated from the O5 whining all the time -- the only ones worth a damn being Idie, Evan, and Laura. '92 is fun, but it's a parody book. As much as I love Worst X-Man Ever, it's just a story of a kid with shitty powers.

I want a goddamned "X-Men being superheroes" book. And I got it with this.

Sandoval baby!

on Extraordinary, its also the most X-Men ass X-Men team of the books. Storm, Colossus, Kurt, Jean (well A jean), Logan (again, A Logan) and then Magik because demons baby


Why does he wear the mask!?
Reading the 2 most recent issues right now. It's growing on me. Feels like am X-Men book now that the team is assembled.

Yeah, like I don't even dislike Storm now, it's that good.

Uncanny X-Men is trash, no idea wtf the team is trying to achieve at all. All New X-Men is crap too, 2 issues to beat the Blob for Cyclops to job to Toad



Yeah, like I don't even dislike Storm now, it's that good.

Uncanny X-Men is trash, no idea wtf the team is trying to achieve at all. All New X-Men is crap too, 2 issues to beat the Blob for Cyclops to job to Toad


That issue where Cyclops gets the shit kicked out of him was very uncomfortable and I don't even like cyclops.
Ed, you did/do a comic, right? What's it called again? I was trying to remember but it's been awhile since you said anything about it (I'm PRETTY sure it was you).

Yeah, thats me! It's been a while since I worked on it which is why I havent been talking about it as much. I've been doing a lot of work for a tabletop game and a lot of private commissions that havent allowed me to draw new pages since january.

That being said, I've been sitting on about 35 completed pages that I havent released so I went ahead and uploaded 4 or 5 of them today!

The comic is titled Rage Against the Jackal. You can read it for free by clicking *here* or you can find it on comixology.

The story centers on Ramzey, a super powered merc, who is hired out to kill the man responsible for fall of the american government and a few others.
Here is the cover the chapter three

Interior page quality varies since I've been working on it on and off for a few years now. But below are a few examples of the interiors. To check out some of my other art, you can find me on insta, twitter, tumblr or even fb if youre an old

Age of Ultron

I h8 u

Caravaggio and Mucha

what now muthafucka

Ummmm, no. We're in a COMIC BOOK THREAD and you said favorite writers, which implies they would fall into the genre. You don't get to go pull the Vonnegut card like that, especially against the guy who ran the Vonnegut book of the month thread on GAF.

The gap between my favorite writer and my favorite comic book writer is wider than the Amazon river.


Let's create our own Hellboy Reading Order. I feel like we should begin with Hellboy In Hell, then re introduce the character with Library Edition book 1.

It would be like one of those reverse chronology movies.


Why does he wear the mask!?
That issue where Cyclops gets the shit kicked out of him was very uncomfortable and I don't even like cyclops.

Yeah, I always get uncomfortable at scenes like that.

I almost fainted at TWD #100

Let's create our own Hellboy Reading Order. I feel like we should begin with Hellboy In Hell, then re introduce the character with Library Edition book 1.

It would be like one of those reverse chronology movies.

I've never read Hellboy, only seen the films. Should I correct that?


Just started my descent into Hellboy. I'm really enjoying it so far. It's different enough from the movie that I don't feel as though I'm retreading familiar territory. The art is gorgeous too. The Library Editions are really impressive. I noticed this when I got them in and stuck them on the shelf, but actually reading them you get a good feel for the quality. Glad I picked these up.


Yeah, I always get uncomfortable at scenes like that.

I almost fainted at TWD #100

I've never read Hellboy, only seen the films. Should I correct that?

I've not got to WD 100 yet and have no idea what happens in it. BUT. Early on that scene with Michonne that just keeps on going and going and going. I nearly lost my lunch, I was eating while reading it and was just horrified.


Why does he wear the mask!?
It's no Uncanny X-Men by Cullen Bunn and Greg Land

Oh, well I definitely won't bother.

I need traced art and non-sensical motivations in my stories God dammit

I've not got to WD 100 yet and have no idea what happens in it. BUT. Early on that scene with Michonne that just keeps on going and going and going. I nearly lost my lunch, I was eating while reading it and was just horrified.

Thankfully that scene was before I began reading, I started about issue 97, but yeah I've read about the scene, not nice at all.


I've never read Hellboy, only seen the films. Should I correct that?

I've owned all of this stuff for like 3 years but am just reading it now. I would absolutely correct that! The movies are still great fun though.

And there is NO WAY that anyone in Bleach is 15. Horrible.
Ummmm, no. We're in a COMIC BOOK THREAD and you said favorite writers, which implies they would fall into the genre. You don't get to go pull the Vonnegut card like that, especially against the guy who ran the Vonnegut book of the month thread on GAF.

The gap between my favorite writer and my favorite comic book writer is wider than the Amazon river.


we are in a comics thread not a comic book thread

we are inclusive here

what is sequential art? simply art placed in deliberate order

are letters not art and symbols? are sentences simply not arrangements of letters? are books more than arranged sentences?

Books are comics. Comic books are comics too.

We understand disconnected single panel images as contributing parts of a whole. Thats the way our world is too.

Slow down through the acid or meditation or whatnot and you can perceive the space where we spend our days and nights- the space where everything happens simultaneously.

The spacetime worms in Donnie Darko, the AllNow from the Invisibles, the five dimensional beings in Neonimicon. They all tap into the same thing.

Where do you think the recent outpouring of love for multi-exposition comes from?

You use your Holga or Diana or your digital camera or iPhone or Android or whatever and you point and click and then you point and click again and a haunted world emerges in front of you. Inside you.

All those double and triple and fifty times exposed photos you look on a daily basis reveal the same thing.

Our world is haunted by itself. Its constantly pregnant with its own overthrowing.

Every day, every hour, every minute- it gives us tools with which we can change its threads... we just need to see the gutters.

We live inside the pencil. Inside the brain. Inside the camera. We're everywhere. We're a cultural trigger. A narrative that swallows itself. We dont need fear anymore.

This is a mirror. You are this comic book. You are a temporary autonomous zone.

Real answer if you must know: Gaiman, Moebius.
Tokyo Ghost #6 - oh my God, what the fuck is happening to this book?!

Tokyo Ghoul Vol.6 - Still loving this manga, and there aren't a ton of them that I read anymore.
Pretty good post, Ed.

I can't narrow it down to just one favorite writer, so here are my top four: Vonnegut, Cormac McCarthy, Philip K. Dick, and Gene Wolfe.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Action Comics yet again being ruined by tie-ins. I can't even recall what happened last time? How is Supes
suddenly dying?


Action Comics yet again being ruined by tie-ins. I can't even recall what happened last time? How is Supes
suddenly dying?

It's not very sudden, it's a consequence of the Apokolips fire pits from Justice League, the Kryptonite therapy from a whole bunch of the Superman books, and fighting Rao in JLA
Really like the character of Klarion in Seven Soilders. Has there been good stories that involved him or is this the cream of the crop?


Yeah, like I don't even dislike Storm now, it's that good.

Uncanny X-Men is trash, no idea wtf the team is trying to achieve at all. All New X-Men is crap too, 2 issues to beat the Blob for Cyclops to job to Toad


Cyclops didn't job to Toad.


Action Comics yet again being ruined by tie-ins. I can't even recall what happened last time? How is Supes
suddenly dying?

Dude the Superbooks have been doing 90s S-shield style story telling since H'el on Earth way back in 2013. The Superbooks typically run on their own steam for a few months or two before telling a huge story. Since Last year all the books have been telling one story.
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