if the real Messi wanted to join Neogaf, would our Messi have to change his name?
that would be amazing
Hmm, didn't realise that was so soon. Will read the second volume after the One Million Omnibus then.
MESSI trending, likely because he left the community.
Which comic from any company would you guys write?
I'm iffy on this, I don't care where the hotel is at, just that it's affordable and fairly nice. Last year I booked mine in June and still had a good one
How Injection turned up?
Interested to pick the vol 1 at CMX
Wow. Batman v. Superman. So bad. So so bad. I can't fathom how Snyder was able to make so many references to Batman and Superman comics while simultaneously making a movie that made it seem like he hasn't read a single one. On top of not understanding/caring about either characters, the filmmaking and storytelling was rancid. So bad it's impressive. I thought the reviews were gonna be hyperbolic on this one because the characters are so beloved, but no. It's that bad.
Wow. Batman v. Superman. So bad. So so bad. I can't fathom how Snyder was able to make so many references to Batman and Superman comics while simultaneously making a movie that made it seem like he hasn't read a single one. On top of not understanding/caring about either characters, the filmmaking and storytelling was rancid. So bad it's impressive. I thought the reviews were gonna be hyperbolic on this one because the characters are so beloved, but no. It's that bad.
How Injection turned up?
Interested to pick the vol 1 at CMX
Zombeen, my Negan statue shipped. :O
it's a warren ellis comic
It's weird but good.
It's pretty remarkable how divided people are on this film. I liked it quite a bit. I think part of the problem is that people are judging it in reference to other source material. If you just take it as its own film and stop trying to compare it to comics, you may have enjoyed it more.
Nah. It's pretty clear to me that Snyder gets both characters perfectly well.
That's not the film's problems at all.
Lesbian Bdsm friendship romance love story Sunstone by Stjepan Sejic is amazing and is my favorite book image publishes . I am being 100% serious. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.
Deadly Class
Sex Criminals
I first and foremost took it as a movie that stands on its own, and that was its biggest failing. I don't care if they don't stay true to the characters as long as they story they tell is worth telling. And there was no story worth telling here. None of the characters are explored or developed in an interesting way, the themes are totally tossed aside in favor of relentless fight scenes that are so contrived to be there soley as fight scenes. The dialogue was bad. Almost every supporting character was pointless. Henry Cavill is still a bad actor. The editing was miserable (a good and obvious example was the sequel bait future vision sequence that was jammed into the movie at seemingly a random spot). It was a bad movie and a bad interpretation of its core characters. It was a hollow excuse to have Batman and Superman punch each other for a bit, and then set up Justice League.
Idk but I don't think of Superman as a whiny selfish idiot who pretty much only cares about Lois Lane, has no control over his emotions, and was raised under a bizarre unheroic ideology curtesy of this and MoS's version of ma and pa kent. "You could save the world Clark...or not who cares you don't owe them anything".
Batman is far less egregious, especially since Ben Affleck is pretty good, and they at least got across his trauma and ideology somewhat in the build up for his conflict with Superman, but the movie didn't really explore his character very much, because it was too busy touching on all sorts of other plot points and generally ignoring character all together by the half way point. But I generally don't think of Batman as a dude who casually murders goons left and right and fucking brands people.
Another issue I have (although a very small moment in the movie) Snyder has Bruce being a boozer like in Dark Knight Returns just to use Alfred's line about the empty wine cellar but doesn't include any of the interesting reasons for why Bruce turns to alcohol in that comic, ie to supress Batman. In these he's just an alcoholic because of his trauma? But that's expressed through Batman. He doesn't need to be, and shouldn't be an alcoholic AND batman. Since Bruce dedicates all his energy into being da bat as a manifestation of that truama, and boozing it up on the reg would get away of his singular mission. Like I said, small moment that seemingly exists only as a reference to a comic book line without any understanding of character.
Woah, don't trick more people into that smutty smut book with your lies about its content. Sunstone is really a fantasy setting about two heteronormative chaste nuns/warriors on a search for the stone of the sun that will push back the darkness! Totes joyless. (Volumes 3&4 will be in my next ist order <3)
Mine too :B
But anyway, this is the comics thread.
Don't y'all talk about politics in here all the time though? I was at least talking about a comic book movie in relation to comic books so I don't think that's too off topic for this thread haha
Don't y'all talk about stuff like politics and videogames in here all the time though? I was at least talking about a comic book movie in relation to comic books so I don't think that's too off topic for this thread haha
if the real Messi wanted to join Neogaf, would our Messi have to change his name?
that would be amazing
Don't y'all talk about stuff like politics and videogames in here all the time though? I was at least talking about a comic book movie in relation to comic books so I don't think that's too off topic for this thread haha
Talk about whatever you like. All topics are welcome. We even allow someone to talk about trump and wrestling.
y not both?
Yeah knew that was coming
God I hope not.
Don't y'all talk about stuff like politics and videogames in here all the time though? I was at least talking about a comic book movie in relation to comic books so I don't think that's too off topic for this thread haha
Sometimes we even talk about comics!
You're just mad you didn't do it first.
I genuinely feel people are deliberately ignoring key points in Batman V Superman, because to say that a movie which, in substance, says that, even in our fearful and cynical times, Superman can exist and be an unwaivering force of good that's gonna do whatever he can to help people, and then says he's an example to all, doesn't get superheroes, or, worse, actively hates them.
Like, the whole point of one the thirty or so endings of the movie is that Superman inspires others to be great, from Batman and Wonder Woman to regular-ass people.
Batman v Superman will be one of those movies where 20 years from now it'll be huge and our kids and grandkids will be laughing it up at all of the shit reviews like half of the fucking amazing scifi movies from the 80s.
Where is this supposed to be shown? I only remember the point where Lois says that people are afraid because of all the collateral damage he causes and Superman just says, yeah, I dont care what people think of me.I genuinely feel people are deliberately ignoring key points in Batman V Superman, because to say that a movie which, in substance, says that, even in our fearful and cynical times, Superman can exist and be an unwaivering force of good that's gonna do whatever he can to help people, and then says he's an example to all, doesn't get superheroes, or, worse, actively hates them.
I cut down on Trump talk because I think Cruz will win the nomination and that's not funny.
Where is this supposed to be shown? I only remember the point where Lois says that people are afraid because of all the collateral damage he causes and Superman just says, yeah, I dont care what people think of me.
Pretty shitty force of good if you ask me.
Have you read up on Cruz? The guy sounds like a maniac.
How does this make him a better force of good?It's that little unimportant scene where, nbdhe fucking impales himself on a kryptonite lance
How does this make him a better force of good?
I genuinely feel people are deliberately ignoring key points in Batman V Superman, because to say that a movie which, in substance, says that, even in our fearful and cynical times, Superman can exist and be an unwaivering force of good that's gonna do whatever he can to help people, and then says he's an example to all, doesn't get superheroes, or, worse, actively hates them.
Like, the whole point of one the thirty or so endings of the movie is that Superman inspires others to be great, from Batman and Wonder Woman to regular-ass people.
It's that little unimportant scene where, nbdhe fucking impales himself on a kryptonite lance
Have you read up on Cruz? The guy sounds like a maniac.
Haha what. But Batman and Wonder Woman were doing their thing long before Superman came around, and already have their own heroic ideologies.
self-sacrifice is usually considered to be pretty good
also there's those shots where you see him saving people, and, yeah, it's out of selfishness at that point in the movie, but, he's still doing good, and, like Batman and Wonder Woman, he overcomes his flaws during the Doomsday fight
Haha what. But Batman and Wonder Woman were doing their thing long before Superman came around, and already have their own heroic ideologies. Superman throws a wrench in that if anything. He doesn't seem to even care about inspiring good either. All he cares about is Lois Lane and their chemistry-less relationship because "she's his whole world". This is reinforced by having her get in contrived damsel and distress situations 3 times in the movie and have Superman swoop in to save her. You never see him go to that much effort to do any grand heroic gesture outside of a little montage scene. He even has to get advice from other people to even consider trying to be a hero, and the advice he gets from mama Kent is shit lol.
He doesn't inspire regular people either . All you see is people worshipping him or more prominently protesting and prosecuting him, and then he fights Doomsday and then everyone and then everyone loves him again.
There were no meaningful scenes that show his impact or inspirational value.
He does that for Lois though, and not the world. He never mentions even caring about humanity, all his affection in the movie is directed at her, which is dumb for a bunch of reasons and made worse by the fact that their relationship is so poorly developed.
You never see him go to that much effort to do any grand heroic gesture outside of a little montage scene.
I mean, besideshim immediately dragging Doomsday's ass to space, away from any civilians, and keeping on him when he sees the nuke coming, and willingly sacrificing himself to kill Doomsday.