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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless

Finally got around to finishing Remender's Secret Avengers.

Was pretty ho-hum overall, but those last issues? Grim as fuck. Came outta nowhere too. Shame the rest wasn't anywhere near as solid. Quite surprised to see it end on such a negative note.

Onwards to v2.


You missed the end of the run. They find a way to cure her and Cable. She wakes up. The reason she adapted Meme's powers is because Meme got placed near her. Meme is braindead with no hope of resucitation for the entirety of the series.

The final arc has X-Force fighting a completely insane and OP Fantomex

I thought she falls back into the coma after the real Meme asks Hope to just let her die.

What I meant earlier is that they (Marvel) havent done anything special with the character after the whole AvX ending where she basically becomes the new Phenoix and is about to be trained in the arts of the Iron Fist. Ever since Jean has come into the picture, they have been more interested in using her in that role instead of Hope and she really hasnt been given a chance. Hope has way more potential imo since she could basically learn from the past and the future to become something more than just another Jean. Have they even confirmed who her parents were? Her whole story was a huge breath of fresh air when she was traveling with Cable and all throughout Messiah Complex and Second Coming. Now with the Terrigen Mists threatening the mutant race now would be a perfect time to bring her back into the picture as an actual Mutant Messiah.
I thought she falls back into the coma after the real Meme asks Hope to just let her die.

What I meant earlier is that they (Marvel) havent done anything special with the character after the whole AvX ending where she basically becomes the new Phenoix and is about to be trained in the arts of the Iron Fist. Ever since Jean has come into the picture, they have been more interested in using her in that role instead of Hope and she really hasnt been given a chance. Hope has way more potential imo since she could basically learn from the past and the future to become something more than just another Jean. Have they even confirmed who her parents were? Her whole story was a huge breath of fresh air when she was traveling with Cable and all throughout Messiah Complex and Second Coming. Now with the Terrigen Mists threatening the mutant race now would be a perfect time to bring her back into the picture as an actual Mutant Messiah.
I'm pretty sure Meme just dies. Hope is alive and well and running things. That's what happened post-AvX. Hope should have been on Extraordinary X-Men instead of Jean I FUCKING HATE YOUNG JEAN.
ehhhh maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I've never liked Hope at all. And I like young Jean, which I know is an unpopular opinion.

I liked Young Jean for awhile. Her story arc was refreshing for the character and her dynamic as pretty much the leader of the O5 was interesting. Problem is that nobody ever checks her on her shit, especially now that Emma and the Cuckoos are nowhere to be found and Kitty is...off in space? I dunno. Now she's just an annoying, invasive girl that everyone loves and gives free passes to no matter what. They tell her that mutantkind needs her. For fucking what? You have better trained psychics off floating in the ether, and Hope was the literal Mutant Messiah.

Young Jean can go straight to the Vulcan bin.
All the Young X-Men rule. Except Young Beast. Dude is hell of boring without outer beastness to contrast the inner breh.
His current arc with him realizing that he used to be one of the smartest and now no longer is, considering he's basically decades behind on the way he thinks, is fairly interesting, is decent. But yes, he is the most boring next to Bobby.
I don't think the writers like Hope and prefer Jean lol.
It upsets me daily


No worries of me spoiling it

Cap and Bucky playing a terrible game of pass the shield in the trailer soured me of any remaining desire to see it.*

*I had no desire at all anyway. It's civil war for christ sakes people. The original was the comic equivalent of turdy pissy toilet water.

Wake me up when they announce a Squirrel Girl movie.


You expect a 1-to-1 adaption on that even though everything speaks to the contrary?

Nope but I'm not a huge Captain America fan and the trailer did nothing for me. It probably would help if the source material wasn't rubbish.

Of course I enjoyed Batman Vs Stupidman so you shouldn't really listen to me.


Finished Megg and Mogg In Amsterdam. So good. It's really something how Hanselmann will go from such crude humor to more realistic looks at depression and mental illness. Between this and 5000 KM Per Second, it's been a good month for Fantagraphics books. Both of them were fantastic.


I need to read the Vice stuff. You read In Amsterdam yet?

not yet! deciding whether I should get it now or once again break my moratorium of No New Collections until I finish the stuff I got
Nope but I'm not a huge Captain America fan and the trailer did nothing for me. It probably would help if the source material wasn't rubbish.

Of course I enjoyed Batman Vs Stupidman so you shouldn't really listen to me.

The source material is bad for reasons that aren't the base concept. The movie really only takes the base concept and adapts it to the MCU.

I also haven't seen BvS. Urge to do so wasn't that strong, and the mixed reception didn't help. So I'm not going to discount your opinion just because you like a movie that I haven't seen.
The source material is bad for reasons that aren't the base concept. The movie really only takes the base concept and adapts it to the MCU.

So much this. It was the execution that the comic missed. The concept was great.

It pains me to say this, but so far every version of Civil War outside comics has been better than the comic. At least until the current Marvel cartoons do their version anyway.
If you fuckers spoil civil war 2 I am gonna spoil civil war.

You won't be spoiled if you can resist the urge to click the spoiler tags. They aren't even Freeza'd, so it's all on you.

Cap and Bucky playing a terrible game of pass the shield in the trailer soured me of any remaining desire to see it.*

I'll probably end up going to see it. Though I'm not actively excited about it like I have been past Marvel movies. I think I'm just getting tired of all these Superhero movies. The only one at the moment I'm actually looking forward to is Suicide Squad.

Don't forget Thrawn.


They should do this, I loved the design.
But then again, I have the feeling that it looks stupid in Live Action...

SO MANY THINGS look stupid in live-action. I hate to say it, but nine times out of ten, weird skin colors look so bad in live-action. Green skin for sure. Blue skin can be alright. Nebula was pretty good in Guardians.


SO MANY THINGS look stupid in live-action. I hate to say it, but nine times out of ten, weird skin colors look so bad in live-action. Green skin for sure. Blue skin can be alright. Nebula was pretty good in Guardians.
But Chiss have also red eyes and everything. Really depends.

Nebula looked cool because she wasnt all blue, she had that metallic thing on her head


Because of the secruity thingy?

Nope but I'm not a huge Captain America fan and the trailer did nothing for me. It probably would help if the source material wasn't rubbish.

Of course I enjoyed Batman Vs Stupidman so you shouldn't really listen to me.

Having seen both movies Civil War handles the same subject Matter as Batman V Superman so much better. Batman V Superman is 6.5/10 and Civil War is 10/10.
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