East of West is in the middle of an arc right now. Lazarus comes back in June.
No idea how long either is supposed to run.
Cool. Thanks!
East of West is in the middle of an arc right now. Lazarus comes back in June.
No idea how long either is supposed to run.
Micky Mouse Magazin recommended in the 90s stuff like Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street on TVThe people who marketed cartoons and toys to kids back in the 80s just didn't give a fuck.
So, what's the status of East of West and Lazarus. In Image limbo are are they on a regular release schedule? Any ideas of how long either is supposed to run?
What ever happened to Hope Summers? She was supposed to be this huge deal as the Mutant Messiah but after AvX she has all but disappeared from the creators minds. Especially after bringing the original X-men from the past into the picture. Now since Jean is back has Hope become pretty much worthless lol. I remember being so excited for her potential as a character after her story arc in Cable and then in Second Coming.
Currently in charge of X-Force as far as anyone knowsWhat ever happened to Hope Summers? She was supposed to be this huge deal as the Mutant Messiah but after AvX she has all but disappeared from the creators minds. Especially after bringing the original X-men from the past into the picture. Now since Jean is back has Hope become pretty much worthless lol. I remember being so excited for her potential as a character after her story arc in Cable and then in Second Coming.
NopeMaybe she is reconned into a Inhuman
Also read the entirety of it, because she gets out of it during said runShe's in a coma. Read Si Spurrier's X-Force.
Civil War II #0 art is lovely
Also read the entirety of it, because she gets out of it during said run
GoT was decent guys
Hey guys, quick question.
My fiance is a Librarian and recent took over the teen/YA area.
What kind of Graphic Novels would you guys love to see or what would you think would be popular?
Im kind of out of the loop and trying to help.
Bit off topic...anyone knoe anything about Manga or Card games like Yu-Gi-Oh?
I liked it.
Hey guys, quick question.
My fiance is a Librarian and recent took over the teen/YA area.
What kind of Graphic Novels would you guys love to see or what would you think would be popular?
Im kind of out of the loop and trying to help.
Bit off topic...anyone knoe anything about Manga or Card games like Yu-Gi-Oh?
That Dorne scene with the joke was so out of place though
50 hours, guys!
Its Civil War Time!what are we counting down to? Hearthstone expansion is tomorrow. 50 hours...until the Rockets are out of the playoffs?
You missed the end of the run. They find a way to cure her and Cable. She wakes up. The reason she adapted Meme's powers is because Meme got placed near her. Meme is braindead with no hope of resucitation for the entirety of the series.Is that really her though? I thought it was that other girl's brain? Or am I missing something?
GoT was decent guys
Just a reminder that EU gets the movie two weeks early or whatever. Don't be a dick and start talking plot details openly in this thread.
Just a reminder that EU gets the movie two weeks early or whatever.
Just a reminder that EU gets the movie two weeks early or whatever. Don't be a dick and start talking plot details openly in this thread.
You dont have to remind me, dont worry.Just a reminder that EU gets the movie two weeks early or whatever. Don't be a dick and start talking plot details openly in this thread.
You missed the end of the run. They find a way to cure her and Cable. She wakes up. The reason she adapted Meme's powers is because Meme got placed near her. Meme is braindead with no hope of resucitation for the entirety of the series.
The final arc has X-Force fighting a completely insane and OP Fantomex
Just a reminder that EU gets the movie two weeks early or whatever. Don't be a dick and start talking plot details openly in this thread.
Yes, this. Don't even be cagey, guys! No winking half-measure spoilers. Let us go in fresh.![]()
Captain "America"...
What a fucking load of bullshit.
This is our moment to pay you guys back for years of you getting shit first.
LOL, seems like they really put fucking Wonder Man in GotG2.LOL, Wonder Man in a movie.
Marvel, pls make him an actor in the movie
LOL, seems like they really put fucking Wonder Man in GotG2.
What next? Paste-Pot-Pete?
Fixed for accuracyLOL, seems like they really put fucking Wonder Man in GotG2.
What next? Trapster?
They even acknowledge the Actor side of Wonder Man, he starred in the Tony Stark biopicWhat's wrong with Wonder Man? Paste-Pot Pete is a D-lister, Wonder Man is B-list easily.
LOL, Wonder Man in a movie.
Marvel, pls make him an actor in the movie
Hey guys, quick question.
My fiance is a Librarian and recent took over the teen/YA area.
What kind of Graphic Novels would you guys love to see or what would you think would be popular?
Im kind of out of the loop and trying to help.
Bit off topic...anyone knoe anything about Manga or Card games like Yu-Gi-Oh?
Civil War II #0 art is lovely
Wow, they're giving away theright at the beginning. Could they make it more obvious?future corpses
wait, are you telling meShulkie is dying? have there been rumours of that? :/
Yes. Alsowill be sporting aRhodey.big purple fist through his chest
Dark Souls III has distracted you.
I cant tell if youre trolling me or not. Where is this coming from? I wanna see the receipts.gif