The Women's title match was the best match of the night. I ain't even mad that Charlotte won.
Black Panther sale! Everyone pick up Priests definitive run. It's so amazing.
Edit: Oooh Jack Kirby written and drawn Black Panther. Do I dare?
I have to forget about this terrible Wrestlemania. I'm going to try and wash it away by reading some Injustice.
Your new champion, ROMAN REIGNS.
Women and IC matches were the highlights.
Agreed. Overall, this was worse than WM 29.
I know lol
Your collection is so nice CheskaI look at your omnis and OHC and absolutes and I look at my collection and... It's just not the same
Love your collection. And how it is so immaculately arranged!
Daaang, Cheska. Amazing collection. I'm jealous of all the wonderful DC stuff you have. My DC collection is only semi-wonderful.
As always, a very impressive collection.
I need to clean out my son's room so I can actually display some of the things that I have. Most of my figures are still sealed, stored in boxes, in my closet. ._______.
I just read this....
Apocalypse stomped the shit out of Magneto and Bishop.
HhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHi ComicsGAF, I've recently gotten into the medium as an adult while largely avoid it as a child. I started supporting my local shop when Alan Moores providence piqued my interests which lead me to a few other comics. Currently I'm reading the Punisher Max series, Providence, a few Vertigo samplers my store gave me, Cable vs Deadpool and Wytches. I've also picked up and finished The Killing Joke.
I wanted to see if you guys had any recommendations based on my tastes but I'm open to outside suggestions as well.
The Silver-Age is a beautiful timeDAREDEVIL!
Issue #43
Drama is a-brewing in the land of blind lawyers, as Matt Murdock (RIP Mike!) struggles to decide if he should hang up his horns to pursue his budding love with Karen. Here's the deal: even by 1960s standards, nothing we've seen between these two explains the love angle. We're treated to frequent shots of Karen crying over her misfortune of falling in love with a blind dude (ableism at its finest). But why? Matt has barely said a kind word to her in 42 issues. Anyhow, KAREN QUITS!
Blindness has come between them! Karen confesses her undying love for Matt. Borrowing a page from Mike's playbook, Murdock decides to go full douche mode in order to end their nonexistent relationship. Because nothing helps ease heartbreak better than a nice, hard shove!
Something, something, a dude steals a bag containing radioactive vials from a nearby hospital. Daredevil "feels" the burning sensation coming off the bag and tracks the villain down. It's as paper thin as it sounds.
MEANWHILE, Captain America is putting on an exhibition fight against someone in a massive arena. He's supporting a charity...this is Cap after all. But Daredevil decides to crash the party and provide a real challenge. Stan Lee, ladies and gentlemen! We're treating to a sweet image of Double D giving Captain a nice thumping. The poor referee is more blind than Daredevil, as both men are very plainly already wearing gloves.
Daredevil gives Captain the business. ZBOKK! Things get out of hand and the fighters end up falling out of the ring, then crashing down a conveniently located elevator shaft. Eventually, they fight to a standstill and Daredevil decides to bounce. Captain America wonders why he is acting so strange, but decides to sell the whole thing as a great exhibition for the fans. BUT THERE'S A TWIST! It turns out the radioactive vial bag from earlier has had an effect on Daredevil's psyche. To find out exactly what's going on, we have to press on to the next issue.
Daredevil #44
SO I LIED ABOUT THE RADIOACTIVE TWIST! Stan Lee has abandoned the idea completely, leaving us with no explanation for Daredevil's heel turn last issue. Mike Murdock, is that you?
But take heart, Jester fans! Your favorite yo-yo yielding supervillain is back. This time he's using miniature toy robots to rob jewelry. If nothing else, he's pretty consistent in his modus operandi. The Jester is afraid that eventually his true identity will become exposed, so he plans to frame Daredevil for his faked death.
One issue removed from shoving Karen away, a conflicted Daredevil decides he cannot live without her! Stephenie Meyer wrote a more realistic love story than this!
In his real identity as struggling actor Jonathan Powers, the Jester tells the police he's going to announce Daredevil's true identity. The police are like, "Sweet, who is he?" Being ever-the-dramatist, Powers informs everyone that he will announce it in the center of the George Washington Bridge. The press rushes to the bridge! Daredevil plays right into the Jester's trap. We're treated to some pretty shit hot art, as well.
The press shows up and captures Daredevil fighting off the Jester in his Jonathan Powers getup. The Jester throws himself off the bridge, framing DD for murder! Naturally, our villain escapes in a submarine he parked right below the bridge. Where did he get a freaking submarine? How does he know how to pilot it? How deep is the water? WHO CARES!
How about a nice dose of Stan Lee sexism?
Daredevil tracks the Jester down to Central Park, where he is defeated by exploding popcorn containing poisonous gas! Greatest scene in comic book history. NOBODY EXPECT POISONOUS EXPLODING POPCORN! The Jester wins, and the police show up to arrest Daredevil. They neglect to ask the Jester for his exploding popcorn permit, and are apparently unfazed by the wafts of gas in the air. Next issue!
Much respect for the Earth 2 and Inhumans by Jenkins and Lee love.I finally updated my youtube with a new room tour video. Not nearly as long as the last one, thankfully lol.
I'd eat them
Were they fighting over who had the shittiest AoA costume?
Venom: Space Knight #5
Okay what the fuck happened to the symbiote during Bendis' run of GotG? I still don't have any idea what they did to the symbiote (other than "purify" it) and now apparently dudes really want one. Oh, the book is still good by the way.
Were they fighting over who had the shittiest AoA costume?
If I'm remembering right, they took the symbiote to a planet full of symbiotes and it had symbiote sex or something with this other symbiote and then became a purified symbiote. Having so much rage is apparently not normal for the species, at least this is the way it was explained.
tl;dr - Bendis
It would make sense that the Venom symbiote would be pissed all the time, considering the whooping it's taken over the years. I mean, it bonded to Mac Gargan at some point.
Read Milligan and Lemire's runs (through vol. 3 in the trades), and then stop. Once DeMatteis takes over it goes bad right quick. The Forever Evil tie-in, which heavily crosses over with Constantine, is not great and the book stays at a nice tepid quality after that. I think there's one more trade but I haven't read it.I'm looking for some other DC stuff I may have missed. I didn't read very far into Justice League Dark. How was the rest of that series?
Ah Finally!ANAD stuff starting to pop up on MU this week. Dr.Strange #1 and Invincible Ironman #1 woot woot
Thanks for the heads up!Black Panther sale! Everyone pick up Priests definitive run. It's so amazing.
Edit: Oooh Jack Kirby written and drawn Black Panther. Do I dare?
Never read Injustice, but seeing those few panels makes me want to check it out. Love the art.Okay, who is the artist that did this art in Injustice Year One? Each issue lists like four artists so I don't know.
But he/she does some of the BEST facial expressions I've ever seen in a comic.
ANAD stuff starting to pop up on MU this week. Dr.Strange #1 and Invincible Ironman #1 woot woot
Finally, I was so bored of the Secret Wars stuff
I'm looking for some other DC stuff I may have missed. I didn't read very far into Justice League Dark. How was the rest of that series?
Black Panther sale! Everyone pick up Priests definitive run. It's so amazing.
Edit: Oooh Jack Kirby written and drawn Black Panther. Do I dare?
Oh man that Kirby art on Black Panther is dope. Comixology posted some panels on tumblr:
The leader of the Red Hood gang reminds me of a less sadistic, but equally heartless Joker. Zero Year is proving to be one of my favorite arcs.
The way he treats his goons is the defining part of his character, to me. They're all expendable and the way he offs them in such a nonchalant manner is great.It's awesome and that is an interesting opinion. Loved the red hood section.
Black Panther sale! Everyone pick up Priests definitive run. It's so amazing.
Edit: Oooh Jack Kirby written and drawn Black Panther. Do I dare?
Oh man that Kirby art on Black Panther is dope. Comixology posted some panels on tumblr:
...I need to pick up some Kirby. I'll pick these BP issues up. What are his best runs?
Wonder why only #1-#49 of the Priest run are included. Wikipedia shows he was on till #62.
Damn, that looks good. I guess it will be a while before those are put into Epic collections.
I just finished reading #1-#17 of the Priest run and it was awesome.
If you had the money to spend and enjoyed both properties, would you rather buy Bendis' X-Men or Hickman's F4?
I just finished reading #1-#17 of the Priest run and it was awesome.
If you had the money to spend and enjoyed both properties, would you rather buy Bendis' X-Men or Hickman's F4?
The first epic is coming later this year. I don't know if it's planned to include those issues though.
I mean Kirby's.
On Priest BP, #1-17 are what's contained in that first collection? I was thinking of just sticking with the Marvel Knights part since I'm kinda strapped for cash.
Starting with 50 They changed who donned Black panther. I didn't like it after the change.Wonder why only #1-#49 of the Priest run are included. Wikipedia shows he was on till #62.
Damn, that looks good. I guess it will be a while before those are put into Epic collections.
I just finished reading #1-#17 of the Priest run and it was awesome.
Yeah, the first collection stops at #17 (and a soap opera type cliffhanger on top of that).
#1-#12 definitely form a nice complete arc. I am sure Comixology will have more sales the closer we get to the movie.
Bendis X-Men but you are likely going to be told Hickman by nearly everyone.
I mean Kirby's.
On Priest BP, #1-17 are what's contained in that first collection? I was thinking of just sticking with the Marvel Knights part since I'm kinda strapped for cash.
Hickman's F4 by a mile.Sorry Messi.
heh, I'll get both eventually. Although I suppose Hickman's F4 has the greater chance of Marvel letting it go out of print...or its not like they are collecting it in OHCs and his Omnibus Vol 1 is like £150+ now. I'll flip a few coins
Okay, so Red Hood OneThe leader of the Red Hood gang reminds me of a less sadistic, but equally heartless Joker. Zero Year is proving to be one of my favorite arcs.
Starting with 50 They changed who donned Black panther. I didn't like it after the change.