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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless

Just got to what I believe is the end of Superman Truth and fuck that ended up being absolutely terrible. It actually started so promising but by the end pretty much none of it added up to mean anything and then Superman gets his powers back just willy nilly?

Getting to issue 50 in some of these books it's really feeling like everything was suddenly rushed to make room for Rebirth. Detective Comics especially, that was another story that started out with a lot of potential and then issue 50 its just over, nothing in the issue really adds up or is even important.

The Truth arc actually ended up being a thing across 3 different titles.

Okay, so Red Hood One
fell into a vat of acid.

Guess I know why he
reminds me of the Joker so much.



Yeah. The Epic v1 has the early Lee/Kirby stuff.

I don't think Marvel is releasing the epics in chronological order, so hopefully the Kirby/Kirby run comes next.

The Priest complete collection v4 will be out first half of next year I am guessing. (v3 is tomorrow).

Most places have volume 4 listed for August 2016, which seems doable as I'm sure there was a similar 3-4 month gap between previous releases as well.

Oh and I just checked and apparently the Masterworks volume 2 for Black Panther is out in October as well which collects those issues listed in the comixology sale:

Starting with 50 They changed who donned Black panther. I didn't like it after the change.

Oh, man. I'm going nuts waiting for Kasper Kole's stint as Black Panther (and subsequently
White Tiger
) to be re-published in some form. It was a great way to ground Panther while furthering his mythos using T'Challa's supporting cast from the previous 49 issues.
The Truth arc actually ended up being a thing across 3 different titles.

Sadly I read it all and still feel like it doesn't add up at all and is just as dumb. I thought it started off with a lot of potential, you find out these three big villains across all three books are working together, you have Supes using Bat-tech and rolling around on a motorcycle, you have the stuff with them trying to erase Clarks life in stealing all the stuff from Smallville and it all just adds up to Vandal wanting to get closer to his comet? It just seems so dumb compared to how it began aside from how it was handled.
Cool to see ANAD titles on MU, too bad I have a backlog of like 450 issues, with probably half of them being Secret Wars tie-ins.

Also all this TWD talk is motivating me to start reading again. I have the Second Compendium and stopped right as they reached like Washington DC or something?


Sadly I read it all and still feel like it doesn't add up at all and is just as dumb. I thought it started off with a lot of potential, you find out these three big villains across all three books are working together, you have Supes using Bat-tech and rolling around on a motorcycle, you have the stuff with them trying to erase Clarks life in stealing all the stuff from Smallville and it all just adds up to Vandal wanting to get closer to his comet? It just seems so dumb compared to how it began aside from how it was handled.

The story was written into a corner the moment they depowered Clark. Truth really should have been an arc similar to Reign of the supermen.
The story was written into a corner the moment they depowered Clark. Truth really should have been an arc similar to Reign of the supermen.
Hell no, the problem was when the black goo showed up in AC. Depowered social justice Superman would've been one for the books.
The story was written into a corner the moment they depowered Clark. Truth really should have been an arc similar to Reign of the supermen.

Eh, I can see how figuring out how to give him his power back can be an issue but I don't think that was the real downside of the arc. I think them trying to work everything in together is where the issues came. On their own each book had its own thing going(besides Batman/Superman which sucked) Hordr_root was fine on its own, Wrath was fine on its own with Lee and dealing with the city rejecting Clark, and the whole Smallville and Clark being erased in the WW book. Then they all meet up with Vandal Savage and try to link them all together and it all goes to absolute shit.


Hell no, the problem was when the black goo showed up in AC. Depowered social justice Superman would've been one for the books.

I mean the conclusion to the story. social justice gangbusting Superman is awesome, but the story was always going to fall apart once we got around to re powering Clark.


I cant get hyped for Slott Spider-Books anymore.

And I love how this description spoils that Doc is coming back in the end.

Superman: American Alien continues to be amazing. I want to see this Lex Luthor in a damn movie. Standing in front of someone with super powers and he makes him look like an absolute child.


Batman - #21-33 Zero Year

Didn't think the Riddler had it in him. Being one of Batman's biggest adversaries and all takes quite the criminal mind. Hell, he pretty much defeated Batman.

This recreated origin story was unexpected. I thought it would be a quick few issues showing how Bruce got started once he returned to Gotham, but it became this enthralling story that ultimately became my favorite arc. I just spent the last 4 1/2 hours reading, taking every detail in.

Snyder is such a great writer. I can't think of a single comic that has held my attention like this has.
Most places have volume 4 listed for August 2016, which seems doable as I'm sure there was a similar 3-4 month gap between previous releases as well.

Oh and I just checked and apparently the Masterworks volume 2 for Black Panther is out in October as well which collects those issues listed in the comixology sale:


Ooh, that is another option I guess.

Edit: MSRP $50. Not oversized. - vol1 is OOP and going for $100. I think I'll stick to the Epic collections for older work.
Amazing Spider-Man has been great for me so far and I've really enjoyed all of Slott's spider-events so I'm really looking forward to this.

Batman - #21-33 Zero Year

Didn't think the Riddler had it in him. Being one of Batman's biggest adversaries and all takes quite the criminal mind. Hell, he pretty much defeated Batman.

This recreated origin story was unexpected. I thought it would be a quick few issues showing how Bruce got started once he returned to Gotham, but it became this enthralling story that ultimately became my favorite arc. I just spent the last 4 1/2 hours reading, taking every detail in.

Snyder is such a great writer. I can't think of a single comic that has held my attention like this has.

Such a great arc! I thought the beginning dragged a little but the payoff made it worth it. Also has a couple of my favorite single Bat-panels of all time.
I thought Superior was great, but was so-so on the others. Bummed about Ock coming back, cause it almost feels too soon plus it being spoiled, but I'm interested in this new event.
I think Slott peaked with Spider-Island, which was genuinely good. Superior started off good but it kind of fell apart and had a poorly paced ending arc. Tried one issue of the first Amazing relaunch and dropped it. The things I've heard about Spider-Verse sounded very disappointing and I'm a huge fan of Spider-Man. Zero interest in Amazing right now and that really does bum me out. Peter's my favorite Marvel character.


I started reading Superior, got to issue 7 and lost interest. How's the latest Amazing Spider-Man?
Avoid the one before Peter gets the company.
Ive been trying to read it for more then a year now but always lose interest before Ive finished the second page of the first issue.
I started reading Superior, got to issue 7 and lost interest. How's the latest Amazing Spider-Man?

I think it's a lot of fun, but I'm clearly in the minority here.

FWIW, I was sick to death of Slott when it started but I'm digging it anyway. Lots of fun stuff.

edit: Renew Your Vows is worth a read if you decide to check it out. One of the better Secret Wars minis and it actually does have an impact on the new ASM.
"Mysterious man in a red suit"?





It's by noted dumb idiot Dan Slott

Spider-Island sounded good

Spider-Verse sounded good

Superior Spider-Man sounded good

You didn't think Superior sounded good did you? Pretty sure that was at the height of your Slott-hater persona in the monthly threads back when they were in the OT


Alright, I'll check out ASM after I finish Batman.

I've got some time before I get into more Image comics. My next order from IST is going to be huge.
Apaarently the early reviews for Black Panther #1 have been great. Nice to hear that Coates' transition into comics will probably be better than Hudlin's!


Apaarently the early reviews for Black Panther #1 have been great. Nice to hear that Coates' transition into comics will probably be better than Hudlin's!
Good! I'm really excited for Wednesday. I just wish I could get to the comic shop earlier in the day.


Apaarently the early reviews for Black Panther #1 have been great. Nice to hear that Coates' transition into comics will probably be better than Hudlin's!

He's also staying on past the 11 issues that was previously reported according to an interview at The New Republic
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