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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless


I felt bad for Reigns, though. The biggest pop he got was when it was over and everyone could leave. There was absolutely no interest in the main event. Crowd wasn't into it at all.

I don't understand it, HHH kept telling everyone to hate him and cheer for Reigns, it's almost like that angle was moronic....


Print out that list and show it to whoever does your interview. Tell them you'll buy them if you get the job. Instant hire.
"By the way, your decision will make or break my comic hobby. Without it, my life has no meaning. Figured I'd give you a heads up!"

Solid plan.
Anyone read this book in Italian (or the other languages it is out in)? Releasing tomm. and it looks very interesting.

5000 km Per Second

Winner of the prestigious Grand Prize of the 2010 Angoulême Comics Festival, 5,000 km Per Second tells — or almost tells — the love story between Piero and Lucia, which begins with a casual glance exchanged by teenagers across the street through a window and ends with a last, desperate hook-up between two older, sadder one-time lovers.
Executed in stunning watercolors and broken down into five chapters (set in Italy, Norway, Egypt, and Italy again), 5,000 km Per Second manages to refer to Piero and Lucia's actual love story only obliquely, focusing instead on its first stirrings and then episodes in their life during which they are separated — a narrative twist that makes it even more poignant and heart-wrenching.




"By the way, your decision will make or break my comic hobby. Without it, my life has no meaning. Figured I'd give you a heads up!"

Solid plan.

I wouldn't even say that much. Just hand them the list and give a curt nod when they make eye contact. "I'll be expecting your call." - Walk out. Perfection.
Anyone read this book in Italian (or the other languages it is out in)? Releasing tomm. and it looks very interesting.

5000 km Per Second

Hm. Looks interesting. Maybe I'll check it out.

Also reminds me of this manga:

Love can move at the speed of terminal velocity, but as award-winning director Makoto Shinkai reveals in his latest comic, it can only be shared and embraced by those who refuse to see it stop.
Outside of obvious classics, which would you say are the best DC series/runs/miniseries of the last 20 years or so? Can include Vertigo/Wildstorm imprint if you want
People are covering most of my recommendations. Time to get some deeper cuts

Stormwatch by Ellis. This is the best team cape book that's not from the big 2. Better than the authority.
Young Justice by PAD. The happiest fun young hero teen book ever. Peter David wrote the best Impulse character
Crossing Midnight by Mike Carey. Take Careys Lucifer/Unwritten style + Japanese folklore. I enjoyed it more than unwritten
Gotham Central - a top 10 series for me. Best cop book in comics
Starman - another in my top 10 of all time
Wildcats 3.0 by Casey. So ahead of its time. It was doing things about blending cape books and corporate dynamics a decade before others gave it a try. So good.

Secret six by Simone
Hard Time - a crazy little 12 issue book that was better than it had any right to be.
Batman and the Monster men - cool early days mini
Brave and the Bold by JMS
Cinderella from fable town with love. Amazing fables mini
Ex Machina
Fallen Angel - a great DC book by pad. Got cNcelled and moved to IDW. Didn't like as much after the switch.
Global Frequency - another Ellis gem
The Golden Age - Robisnon figuring out his old school heroes with modern look deal. Fun stuff.
Batman/Huntress Cry for blood. Great Rucka mini telling her origins.
Pre 52 Jonah Hex by Gray & Pamiatti - Best western comic ever made. Almost all stand alone issues. Amazing work
The losers by Diggle & Jock - such a great sylized action book
Lucifer - I hated this book before I read it because someone besides Gaiman was writing Lucifer. But then I tried it and was amazed at how good it was and how he retained the character tone and portrayal.
Madame Xandu - such a beautiful book and a great examination of a character not well know. Actually MESSI would love this book
Orbiter - a cool Ellis stand alone about space exploration
Sgt. Rock the prophesy - really liked this Kubert war book mini
Sleeper - best undercover/spy book ever
Superman secret identity - my favorite superman story


Why do the artists always get the shaft when people talk about books (we are pretty good about it here but elsewhere it bothers me so much). Like calling it Saga by BKV vs Saga by BKV and Fiona Staples. She is easily half of that book. It's even worse for inkers.
Why do the artists always get the shaft when people talk about books (we are pretty good about it here but elsewhere it bothers me so much). Like calling it Saga by BKV vs Saga by BKV and Fiona Staples. She is easily half of that book. It's even worse for inkers.

Probably because books are remembered more by the content of the story than how well or not it's illustrated (unless the art is nothing short of stellar). I think a lack of quality in the writing will break a book quicker than lower quality art.
Question about Injustice... I'm noticing there seem to be bunch more issues available digitally than there are in the trades? How does this work? It seems each cover is shared by two digital issues, so I'm not sure how these are broken up.
Question about Injustice... I'm noticing there seem to be bunch more issues available digitally than there are in the trades? How does this work? It seems each cover is shared by two digital issues, so I'm not sure how these are broken up.

The first couple of years were three digital chapters per print issue, so 36 chapters became twelve issues across two TPBs, plus the annual. Not sure about the later ones. All this talk has kind of made me want to revisit it. I'll probably end up playing the story mode of the game again as well, I have it on Vita and PC and never finished it in either place (I beat it on 360 the day it released).

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I know that you're especially fond of the Conner / Palmiotti run on Power Girl, but I think the Winick run is pretty solid as well. Especially in the art department.

Sure if you don't mind it not having an ending cuz it's all one big tie-in for a shitty crossover. I consider it to be a massive waste of time.


Question about Injustice... I'm noticing there seem to be bunch more issues available digitally than there are in the trades? How does this work? It seems each cover is shared by two digital issues, so I'm not sure how these are broken up.

Digital issues are 1/3 of a real issue.

Edit : beaten
Why do the artists always get the shaft when people talk about books (we are pretty good about it here but elsewhere it bothers me so much). Like calling it Saga by BKV vs Saga by BKV and Fiona Staples. She is easily half of that book. It's even worse for inkers.
1) it's quicker and easier for people to remember or to type out. Yes I know Phillips is on Sleeper and Sale is on The Long Halloween and Dillion is with Preacher, etc. but it's a quick shorthand. And when I recommend a book I don't think I'd ever go "the writing isn't good but it's got great art...you should read it". I will recommend the opposite.
2) it's more rare to have a consistent artist and writer as a team the whole way through. Who's the artist on sandman? PADs Hulk? Etc. Even on long runs it doesn't always happen. Tony Harris draws most of the Starman run but not all of it. But Robinson is 100% there the whole way through.
3) I can't think of an instance where I define a run or series by the artist. If the artist stays and the writers change I think I'd call it a different run.
The first couple of years were three digital chapters per print issue, so 36 chapters became twelve issues across two TPBs, plus the annual. Not sure about the later ones. All this talk has kind of made me want to revisit it. I'll probably end up playing the story mode of the game again as well, I have it on Vita and PC and never finished it in either place (I beat it on 360 the day it released).

Digital issues are 1/3 of a real issue.

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks.


Why do the artists always get the shaft when people talk about books (we are pretty good about it here but elsewhere it bothers me so much). Like calling it Saga by BKV vs Saga by BKV and Fiona Staples. She is easily half of that book. It's even worse for inkers.

Fair point, but you usually DO see it when there's actually a consistent artist all the way through, like Batman by Snyder/Capullo or Green Arrow by Lemire/Sorrentino. That's just not common to have, unfortunately. But, yeah, in cases like Saga, who knows. I definitely agree that the artist deserves just as much credit.


Fair point, but you usually DO see it when there's actually a consistent artist all the way through, like Batman by Snyder/Capullo or Green Arrow by Lemire/Sorrentino. That's just not common to have, unfortunately. But, yeah, in cases like Saga, who knows. I definitely agree that the artist deserves just as much credit.

Capullo bothers me, the rest of that team deserves just as much credit.


Capullo bothers me, the rest of that team deserves just as much credit.

I agree, but typically the penciller gets the credit. They create the vision, even if the inkers and especially the colorists flesh that vision out. I think it would just be too convoluted, though, to say, "You need to read Batman by Snyder/Capullo/Miki/Plascencia."
I don't know anything about him bar what you have said, but I am watching this. He seems cool for a heel. The crowd really don't like him.

That's the funny part. He's not a heel. At least not yet. They've been trying to push him as a face for a while. Not working.


1) it's quicker and easier for people to remember or to type out. Yes I know Phillips is on Sleeper and Sale is on The Long Halloween and Dillion is with Preacher, etc. but it's a quick shorthand. And when I recommend a book I don't think I'd ever go "the writing isn't good but it's got great art...you should read it". I will recommend the opposite.
2) it's more rare to have a consistent artist and writer as a team the whole way through. Who's the artist on sandman? PADs Hulk? Etc. Even on long runs it doesn't always happen. Tony Harris draws most of the Starman run but not all of it. But Robinson is 100% there the whole way through.
3) I can't think of an instance where I define a run or series by the artist. If the artist stays and the writers change I think I'd call it a different run.

I don't think it's too much trouble acknowledging the artists when you refer to books -- there are cases when it becomes cumbersome sure, but "Robinson/Harris Starman" is just more objectively correct than "Robinson Starman" y'know? It doesn't give you the whole picture re: fill-ins and inkers and colourists obviously and we're in much dicier territory when we get to, say the Morrison Batman stuff, but that doesn't really justify (to go back to Messi's point) not crediting both BKV and Fiona Staples when we talk about Saga.
Ended up getting:

Batman new 52 vol 3
Gotham Central vols 1 and 2
Catwoman by Bru vols 1 and 2

in addition to recently picking up:
Secret Wars OHC (double dipping)
Hawkguy OHC vol 2
Black Mirror
DD Bru - Cruel and Unusual
JiM vol 2 Immonen and Schiti
Batman new 52 vol 1,2, 4
Fatale vol 3 and 4
UC Spider-Man (Miles Man) Vols 1-4 and Miles Morales Vol. 2
Spider-Man : Family Business
Uncanny Avengers Remender vol 1 and 3

Had to go Bat fam heavy. DC really has put *a lot* of talent on that line over the years

Secret Six (the pre-New 52, though I'm going to read the new one soon)
Superman: Up, Up and Away (I think that's what it was called, the first One Year Later story)

Up Up and Away didnt make the cut but is put in for future consideration
Ive seen Secret Six rec'd a few times. Never read anything by Simone. Whats it about?

The Killing Joke
Gran Batman & Robin
Edit: nvm, I still think its the 2000s when someone asks me about the best of the last xx years

ew no >:|

I have Watchmen and Batman & Robin tho :)
I read one trade of Hitman and wasnt a fan. I often see it recommended
Sleeper is GOAT series. Wish I had uniform trades (vol 1, 2 and Season 2)
Starman looks really cool but a bit intimidating to get into due to its length

Y: The Last Man
Morrison's Batman & Robin
Gotham Central
Snyder's Batman
All-Star Superman
Superman Red Son
Preacher (if you go back 21 years)

Have nearly all these/already working on them or have read them

Ignoring the obvious choices and off the top of my head, I'd say:

Dysart/Ponticelli/etc - Unknown Soldier
Ellis/Friends - Global Frequency
Sean Murphy - Punk Rock Jesus
Beatty/Dixon/Martin - Batgirl Year One
Abnett/Lanning/Coipel - Legion Lost
Diggle/Jock - Green Arrow Year One
Raab/Lark - Legend of the Hawkman
Morrison/Bond - Vimanarama
^oh yeah Batgirl Year One is the best

tryna keep it to stuff that doesn't get recommended too often:

The first 20~ issues of Catwoman where it's like Cameron Stewart, Guy Davis, Darwyn Cooke, Javier Pulido &c. drawing and Ed Brubaker writing
Joe Kelly/Doug Mahnke JLA (Morrison/Porter JLA is the "obvious classic" here but this run is super underrated and also my preference between the two)
Kyle Baker's Plastic Man
Bryan Q. Miller and co. on Batgirl was lowkey the best Batman comic depending on who was drawing Batman and Robin
Waid/Kitson Legion
Millar/Quitely Authority (with Ellis/Hitch being the obvious classic)
Joe Casey/Sean Phillips/Dustin Nguyen Wildcats (the only Joe Casey comic I've ever liked)
Pretty much every time I ask for recs Im just hoping you two reply.

I've read probably half of y'alls recs. Was strongly considering Kelly JLA but that early Manke art was a little too struggle for me. Legion Lost is apparently out of print. I really wanted to pick it up. Will probably have to get it off Amazon. Tho not for a while. I've recently spent 160+ on a few orders. Been wanting to read Unknown Soldier for a looong time. Never makes the cut tho.

You Are Here and Plastic Man by Kyle Baker
100% by Paul Pope
Batgirl by Bryan Q Miller
Seven Soldiers of Victory by Morrison
Power Girl by Gray, Conner, Palmiotti

I feel like Seven Soldiers gets the least talk of out Morrison's DC stuff, so that's my choice for him. Kill Your Boyfriend would be up there too but it came out in 95.

Still lots of books I have that I need to read more of like JLA, Catwoman, and Flash. I also started Starman a while back and thought it was good but I need to revisit it.
Paul Pope is dope and Im surprised you didnt mention Batman year 100 in addition. Looks like people really like Miller Batgirl huh Im missing vol 3 of Seven Soldiers. Someone send me their copy pls

Outside of stuff others have mentioned, I will add Sandman Mystery Theatre. It always seems to fade into the background when people are talking about Sandman and Lucifer and Vertigo from around that time.
Whats Sandman Mystery Theatre about? I picked up a lot of issues back in the day that I never read perusing half price books.

Planetary. That was easy.

Right after that Shade the Changing Man.

Then Seven Soldiers.

Then Legion Lost.
Planetary is great and Im seriously considering rebuying vol 1 so it lines up with the rest of my vols. All I know about Shade is that its one of the last good Milligan series.

People are covering most of my recommendations. Time to get some deeper cuts

Stormwatch by Ellis. This is the best team cape book that's not from the big 2. Better than the authority.
Young Justice by PAD. The happiest fun young hero teen book ever. Peter David wrote the best Impulse character
Crossing Midnight by Mike Carey. Take Careys Lucifer/Unwritten style + Japanese folklore. I enjoyed it more than unwritten
Gotham Central - a top 10 series for me. Best cop book in comics
Starman - another in my top 10 of all time
Wildcats 3.0 by Casey. So ahead of its time. It was doing things about blending cape books and corporate dynamics a decade before others gave it a try. So good.

Secret six by Simone
Hard Time - a crazy little 12 issue book that was better than it had any right to be.
Batman and the Monster men - cool early days mini
Brave and the Bold by JMS
Cinderella from fable town with love. Amazing fables mini
Ex Machina
Fallen Angel - a great DC book by pad. Got cNcelled and moved to IDW. Didn't like as much after the switch.
Global Frequency - another Ellis gem
The Golden Age - Robisnon figuring out his old school heroes with modern look deal. Fun stuff.
Batman/Huntress Cry for blood. Great Rucka mini telling her origins.
Pre 52 Jonah Hex by Gray & Pamiatti - Best western comic ever made. Almost all stand alone issues. Amazing work
The losers by Diggle & Jock - such a great sylized action book
Lucifer - I hated this book before I read it because someone besides Gaiman was writing Lucifer. But then I tried it and was amazed at how good it was and how he retained the character tone and portrayal.
Madame Xandu - such a beautiful book and a great examination of a character not well know. Actually MESSI would love this book
Orbiter - a cool Ellis stand alone about space exploration
Sgt. Rock the prophesy - really liked this Kubert war book mini
Sleeper - best undercover/spy book ever
Superman secret identity - my favorite superman story
Yass thats the good stuff, gonna save this for future reference.
Why do the artists always get the shaft when people talk about books (we are pretty good about it here but elsewhere it bothers me so much). Like calling it Saga by BKV vs Saga by BKV and Fiona Staples. She is easily half of that book. It's even worse for inkers.

Comics artists are whiny. Never listen to them when they ask to be recognized!
srs answer: artists bounce in and out of a series. would love there to be more consistency but even artists that have a strong strong influence on the book tend to be 2nd in recognition. See Hitch with Ultimates, Aja on Hawkguy. Publishing schedule is just impossible for artists to be recognized as being the headliners on the books even if they do most of the work!

end note: how does BKatastrophe always post while quoting a million people. This shit takes too much time
I don't think it's too much trouble acknowledging the artists when you refer to books -- there are cases when it becomes cumbersome sure, but "Robinson/Harris Starman" is just more objectively correct than "Robinson Starman" y'know? It doesn't give you the whole picture re: fill-ins and inkers and colourists obviously and we're in much dicier territory when we get to, say the Morrison Batman stuff, but that doesn't really justify (to go back to Messi's point) not crediting both BKV and Fiona Staples when we talk about Saga.
Sure. in those instances it's more appropriate. But I usually don't do it out of shorthand or old habits or sometimes I forget who the artist was on a series or whatnot. I generally identify things and go where the writer goes.

Edit: and yea Ed I love seeing Tim and Frye recommendations. I usually nod and go "Yea great stuff"

Also if you haven't try to track down Rucka's Wonder Woman run. My favorite run for the character. I'd say definitive but I haven't gone back and read the Perez run from back in the day.

And Gotham central and The Brubaker/Cook/and friends run of Catwoman is the best! You'll love those comics
Paul Pope is dope and Im surprised you didnt mention Batman year 100 in addition. Looks like people really like Miller Batgirl huh Im missing vol 3 of Seven Soldiers. Someone send me their copy pls

I actually did think about saying Year 100 too, but I figured it's already in obvious classic territory so didn't include it lol

And yeah, that Batgirl run rules. I picked it up cause of Serpentine and it was a wise decision. Super fun series and it captures a lot of what made pre-reboot DCU so special. It's my favorite Batgirl series.
You need to read Starman Ed, as does everyone who hasn't read it.
Listen to this man. He's a librarian. He knows about these things!!!!

Outside all the obvious things about starman that makes it great is how it started to open up my eyes to the awesomeness of the classic cape heroes, and the old eras and to enjoy the fun of the cheese and the great sense of the legacy. It's one of there early books that took me from my early comic reading days of "I hate everything at DC except batman" (hey I started in 92 with Xmen, image comics and batman. I had room to grow) into a huge fan of all the heroes and histories of the classics.

In the story the journey and outlook of things as Jack mirrors what the reader experiences in their outlooks of those silly dressed old heroes.
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