Vampire On Titus
The Wicked + The Divine #18:
Is Wic + Div still worth reading? I got fed up with it and dropped the series about 3~4 issues ago. I'd like to think maybe it's gotten better or I just judged it too quickly.
The Wicked + The Divine #18:
Is Wic + Div still worth reading? I got fed up with it and dropped the series about 3~4 issues ago. I'd like to think maybe it's gotten better or I just judged it too quickly.
You must not buy any Marvel books then. Aren't they all $5-6 at this point?
Keeping up with Rebirth will cost you $6 per book. No buffet model available.
The Wicked + The Divine #18:
My heart is open, she is my fav character in the series. If they hurt her again I am so fucking done. If this turns out to be a tease I am fucking done.
I had two faves and both are toastLaura and Tara
They're only double-shipping certain titles. Not all of them. And even then, they're keeping the prices at $2.99 per issue. All that remains to be seen is if the books turn out well enough to justify the cost.
Well, Image Comics already kinda spoiled that on their website. I'd also like to say - Spoilers for #18:
Fuck Minerva's parents.
They're only double-shipping certain titles. Not all of them. And even then, they're keeping the prices at $2.99 per issue. All that remains to be seen is if the books turn out well enough to justify the cost.
Are there any good Vertigo books currently running? Comixology is having a sale but nothing jumped out at me.
Are there any good Vertigo books currently running? Comixology is having a sale but nothing jumped out at me.
From that list American Vampire is a must and then FBP is pretty cool.
17 books are being double shipped if I remember correctly, that is not an insignificant amount.
That's going to suck for you more than me.![]()
I want to get into AV but only Vol. 7 is on sale. FBP sounds promising, though.
That's going to suck for you more than me.![]()
I am enjoying Unfollowed a lot
Doesn't look like that's part of the sale, though
You know there's someone out there who will drop $102 a month on those books. Even without factoring other DC books or stuff from other publishers, that's crazy expensive.
Doesn't make it any less shitty for most of the people picking up multiple dc books.
there are so many great book that it would be hard to start.
tell us what you are craving to read the most right now and your favorite genres.
That book sounds really ambitious and cool. I'm down whenever they get around to collecting it.
Looking through the new releases on IST and there's a shit ton of Civil War books
What year is this
Order the AoA Omni from IST just now. Hope they haven't sold out already. This is a great deal imo, how often do they have deals like this? I've never been to this site before, always bought from Amazon before.
From Image, I read the first 13 or so issues of: Witchblade, Spawn, Gen 13, Wild Cats, Cyber Force and Darkness. Are they any good nowadays?
It does sound rad. The first trade drops May 18th. But I don't think I can wait that long. Will probably just buy the digital issues this week/weekend.
I will come back to you with a listRight. What I'm truly craving is: Vertigo, the best praphic novels of the last 18~20 years and lots of Marvel. If there's anything like a great atory arc from Shazam(ugh... Captain Marvel) and Green Lantern I would be really happy!
I want to get into AV but only Vol. 7 is on sale. FBP sounds promising, though.
Right. What I'm truly craving is: Vertigo, the best praphic novels of the last 18~20 years and lots of Marvel. If there's anything like a great atory arc from Shazam(ugh... Captain Marvel) and Green Lantern I would be really happy!
I will come back to you with a list
Image Buy 2 Get 1 sale on Barnes and Noble. All deluxes, omnivore editions, omnibuses and compendiums included and they are already discounted ~30% each. Makes everything a LOT cheaper than IST.
Image Buy 2 Get 1 sale on Barnes and Noble. All deluxes, omnivore editions, omnibuses and compendiums included and they are already discounted ~30% each. Makes everything a LOT cheaper than IST.
Oh. No.
I may have to go and see.
EDIT: oh you meant online. I don't have to get up. Sweet.
They don't charge you list price? I know sometimes you have to pay list on the two to take advantage of the offer.
The discounts do stack.
I have three options:
Read comics
Continue to watch Empire
Play OnePiece: Pirate Warriors 3
i've had bad shipping experiences with barnes and noble. Also, dcbs helps a lot with rebirth double shipping costs.
Is Barnes and Noble better about packaging? I remember ordering books from them and all 3 were bent or ripped. Also the last time I ordered from them.
I...I don't even know what that means!
Insert a new Xbox one game to install. Now to wait an hour :/ why MS WHY?
I...I don't even know what that means!
I've resigned myself that I won't be playing it tonight.
I did. How MS designed a console that shows no install performance with a disc instal is baffling. What is it doing???Did you buy that new Quantum Break game?
Guess I won't be ordering anything then.It was in reply to the first question in your post.
Things that are in my checklist (aside that entire collection): Animal-man, Sandman (when it's reprinted in my country...), Saga, Ms Marvel (the new one and the old one, which I don't know where to start), Moon Knight, Miracleman, Sex Criminals, Infinity, Dark Avengers, Superior Spiderman and Hawkeye.
Also in my list: Transmetropolitan, Astro City, Green Lantern Rebirth, Green Lantern the Sinestro Corps, probably the entire Hellboy universe and The Invisibles.
Any thoughts? Opinions? Nice starting pointing (that collection)? No?
About DC Comics in general: I remember being a fan of Hitman and Starman (It had the same pencils as the Ex machina). Both titles died, right? I also really liked Green Lanterns and Shazam, but nobody said those two had good monthly if there's anything worth reading, can you please give me any indications?
hahahahahahaIs Barnes and Noble better about packaging?