Sign me the fuck up for Rob Williams writing Suicide Squad. Today's Harley special was awesome.Amanda Waller is back!BIG
Guys I need that wrassling yes.gif
Sign me the fuck up for Rob Williams writing Suicide Squad. Today's Harley special was awesome.Amanda Waller is back!BIG
Terrance Howard is insane but Lucious is amazing because of it and so is the showJust finished Black Panther #1...it's something special, guys.
This coming from the actor obsessed with disproving the fundamentals of mathematics and who sees much of himself in Lucious.
just joined the Spider-Man cast. Oh Bendis.Goldballs
That and 20th century boys are two series on my manga need to read list
One manga that doesn't get mentioned much that I love is Kare Kano. For that shojo side of manga it's top tier.
Hey not sure if this is off topic or not but I have some questions about getting back into reading comics. Anyone mind being PM'ed for a history lesson and some pointers on where to find stuff to read?
That's actually right on topic. Feel free to post your questions, or check out Zombine's comic starter thread, linked in the OP.
Okay here goes :
1. Should I bother watching any of the comic movies before Civil war comes out? I've read the main arc of the comics but haven't seen several of the movies in case the back stories come into play at all. I've seen the first avengers, Iron man, and Captain American: Winter Solider. (Pretty random selection)
2. Where is a good place to read comics on the internet? The last I've read were the the arcs of House of M, Decimation, Endangered Species, Messiah Complex and the start of Messiah War.
I'd like to get into these again and find out more about the paths these stories take after Civil war.
3. Spider-man is one of my favorites and I've heard interesting things about the spider verse stuff but don't know where to start. I would really like to know where the Miles Morales spider man arc comes from.
Thanks for any help
2 things:
1) Superman #51 unexpectedly hit me in the feels
2) Sheriff of Babylon is really damn good.
IST order done! Now the wait for the red circles.
Is there a good jumping on point, pre-rebirth for the current Superman? Do I need to go back to #1?
the Darkseid War special this week is a one shot about Grail and JCruz, just like the character one shots from last fall
Barakamon is adorable. Is the manga the same as the anime?
Is there a good jumping on point, pre-rebirth for the current Superman? Do I need to go back to #1?
Well, as for 1, that's really more of an MCU question than a comics one, but from what I understand Cap 2 and Avengers 2 will get you pretty much where you need to be.
2) I use Comixology, as does most people here. If you're big into Marvel, you'll want to get a Marvel Unlimited sub. Whole back catalog for 10 bucks a month.
3. Miles is from the Ultimate Spider-Man series. Again, MU is your friend ;D
Sorry I had all this written out to be sent as a PM to someone who could help but didn't think to edit that. Thank for the info there though
Sweet I'll look into getting that
Points 2 and 3 were more along the lines of which arcs should I look for in order to find the origins and complete story lines. Any help there?
Sorry I had all this written out to be sent as a PM to someone who could help but didn't think to edit that. Thank for the info there though
Sweet I'll look into getting that
Points 2 and 3 were more along the lines of which arcs should I look for in order to find the origins and complete story lines. Any help there?
Not really a Spider-Man (or Marvel) guy m'self, sorry![]()
It's been a while since I caught up but the good thing MU actually does do is section comics out by character and by arc. If you sign up with MU you can look at just what Miles is in and read from there or look at the more recent arcs of Spider-Man(Spider Island, Superior Spider-Man, Spider Verse) and start from there.
just joined the Spider-Man cast. Oh Bendis.Goldballs
Well, as for 1, that's really more of an MCU question than a comics one, but from what I understand Cap 2 and Avengers 2 will get you pretty much where you need to be.
2) I use Comixology, as does most people here. If you're big into Marvel, you'll want to get a Marvel Unlimited sub. Whole back catalog for 10 bucks a month.
3. Miles is from the Ultimate Spider-Man series. Again, MU is your friend ;D
Terrance Howard is insane but Lucious is amazing because of it and so is the show
Sorry I had all this written out to be sent as a PM to someone who could help but didn't think to edit that. Thank for the info there though
Sweet I'll look into getting that
Points 2 and 3 were more along the lines of which arcs should I look for in order to find the origins and complete story lines. Any help there?
For what it's worth on the Miles point, if you have the time for it and are grabbing an MU subscription anyway, I'd totally recommend just reading Ultimate Spiderman from the beginning. It's been a while, but it's all good stuff, and reading the full thing instead would probably make Miles's stuff a little more impactful. It's definitely not tiny so it's a bit of a time investment, but it's certainly plenty doable if you're interested.
You know what, I may just do that. I guess i'll try and figure out which arcs are which before diving right in, but it seems like my best bet.
Image expo is today!
Image expo is today!
Fucking YES
Maybe I didn't get far enough in Uncanny, but I don't get the love for said character.
"I stopped reading a comic I didn't enjoy but someone go ahead and walk me through why someone would enjoy it plz thx bye"
welp add me to the pile of people who can't process Wonder Woman Earth-One, because, boy oh boy, there's a lot to unpack there
Read Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad, Yo Jim Lee is good at this arting thing. He may have a future at this if he does a few more issues.
Is this a one shot? He isnt on a regular series, is he?
Is this a one shot? He isnt on a regular series, is he?
Finished Secret wars. Man Hickman is rally the only one who gets the Fantastic four.
going to start on Omega men tonight
Black Panther was really dope was well.
welp add me to the pile of people who can't process Wonder Woman Earth-One, because, boy oh boy, there's a lot to unpack there
Is the Justice League Darkseid War Special that came out today part of the main story or is it a side issue?