Wait, he already has an issue out?!
We are indeed. His Harley Quinn april fool's special was actually really good too, looks like he's already building the blocks for his Squad run and those blocks are... interesting.
He wrote the one shot today called Harley and the Suicide Squad - April fools edition
Oh yeah, I'd heard about that issue. I didn't know it was out. Jim Lee drew it, right?
I'm glad to hear it's good.
Oh yeah, I'd heard about that issue. I didn't know it was out. Jim Lee drew it, right?
I'm glad to hear it's good.
Yeah, I've read up to the end of the second arc. It's been ridiculous fun and I've liked all aspects of it including each of the time periods we've gotten a look at. Really helps to flesh out the character. It's basically on the tier below all the Van Lente and Dysart written Valiant stuff for me but on the cusp of joining them.
Just got the first paperback volume of Wicked + Divine in a local bookshop for a tenner. Guess I won't be getting the Hardcover just yet so.
I have so many comics arriving tomorrow/friday
My Secret Wars OHC arrived, it's big and beautiful and it's here to stay.
Real talk, I think Tom King might be too good at comics. Vision and Sheriff of Babylon hit today, so wildly different and so utterly excellent.
He drew part of it, the entire issue is beautiful
from the preview, the first two pages
He drew part of it, the entire issue is beautiful
from the preview, the first two pages
please stop
J-j-j-j-j-just one more...BK, this is not a fight you can win. It's only one the rest of us can lose.
Pls yield.
I have been very curious of Babylon. Whats it about?
It's... kind of a murder mystery set in the Green Zone in Baghdad circa 2003. Main characters are a former police officer turned PMC training the new Iraqi police force, the last remnant of the old Iraqi police force, and an Iraqi exile who's returned to her home country with very, very big plans. This issue was just one long, increasingly drunken conversation, and it was so, so good.
Wait... Leila del duca is writing her image book. Cool.
Dat feigned excitement from Messi.
That sounds awesome
Dat feigned excitement from Messi.
That shit post from Freeza.
good call, because Misfits? scust.
Why is it that every FF book I attempt to read is more boring than I feel it should be? I got back to the Inhuman/FF crossover trade, and the FF half is so boring. Maybe it's because they opened with the part I was primarily interested in.
Superman 51 was a good time, so I'm hopeful for Superleague.What's the word on Tomasi's Superman? Superleague and Great Ten sounds like a fun time.
You sickin me.
That shit post from Freeza.
You are a real bat, man!"My father... he was a real hawk-eye..."
FF is great in the right hands but so easy to fuck up.
Waid is still the best FF writer for me, better than Hickman, though both were great on that book.
they (among a few others) were a good gateway for me into hardcore punk and do have some listenable tunes, i'll give them that
Image Expo titles so far:
Black Cloud - Ivan Brandon/Jason Latour/Greg Hinkle/Matt Wilson (sci-fi, "Jessica Jones meets Roger Rabbit")
VS - Ivan Brandon/Esad Ribic (post-apocalyptic sci-fi)
You're just made that I know the real Messi. The one that lurks beneath the surface.
"My father... he was a real hawk-eye..."
This is the only thing from Image Expo that's caught my attention
So DC exclusic is now like at Marvel? "Doesnt write for the other one of the big two?"
lol yeah hinkle and ribic snore