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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless

Damn, Suicide Squad looks like fun. Might give it a shot in the theatre. (Even after I wasted $18 on BvS and told myself I would skip the next one).


I am now hesitant to go to the theater again after reading the bed bug thread in the OT, exterminators saying bed bugs are hanging out in theater chairs now.
Damn, Suicide Squad looks like fun. Might give it a shot in the theatre. (Even after I wasted $18 on BvS and told myself I would skip the next one).

Just skip JL

Don't skip SS

I am now hesitant to go to the theater again after reading the bed bug thread in the OT, exterminators saying bed bugs are hanging out in theater chairs now.

Yeahhhhhhh I'm checking my seat before I touch it from now on


That's what I really like about how WB's doing things, different movies have different tones and directions. Sure, sometimes you get something like BvS which clearly doesn't land very well with most people, but it also means that you get a ton of variety.

I liked Batman V Superman enough to spend around $50 on it. I just wish the film had some levity in it is all.

They're 2/2 on little scenes of Boomerang being an absolute dick in those trailers and I LOVE IT.

I know! It's so amazing. He really does look like classic Ostrander Squad Boomer. All I need is for him to throw a pie at someone.


I just realized the full implications of that moment with Katana and god damn Boomer is the worst he's the fucking worst and I love it


Wait, $50? How?

I had not paid for anything at the cinema for awhile when I went to see that. €15 for everything was quite the shock to the system.

I spent $14 for tickets for me and my GF opening with some friends. I then spent $30 this past Friday to see it with my mom and grandma.
i think it's making me wait for Civil War to hit blu ray at the very least, we'll see if i cave and join the bug army for Rogue One.
I already have a ticket for Civil War. Guess I'm bring my flashlight to inspect my seat.

Might just go the redbox route in the future though. I don't want to deal with a possible bedbug problem.

Just finished the third Revival hardcover. Now I just have a few singles to read and I'm all caught up. :D
YAY! Just in time for the series to end this year.


bed bugs still probably the least annoying thing in a theater these days

I've read some 12 issues of Chew by now and....

gods, what an odd comic.

The arcs are clearly set up to (usually) last 5 issues, the writer seeds future events properly, characters seem to be going through genuine development, and yet... it never stops giving the vibe that it was written with zero planning, that he's pulling stuff out of his ass all the freaking time, and that his idea of rule of cool trumps absolutely anything else, even though he clearly isn't doing any of that.

it's such a bizarre creation.

Yeah, it is quite unique. But I've enjoyed it the whole way.
You guys are gonna have to skip out on all public places to avoid the bed bug plague

City Parks
Public Transportation

Clearly the solution is to just burn down EVERYTHING

I agree

I would be so pissed if we got bed bugs. Our bed is brand new and we dropped a ton of money on it. But I realize it's hopeless, everyone is gonna get them eventually at the rate things are going. I can't check my kid all over for bed bugs every time she comes home from school.

That said. I will be checking my theater seats with a flashlight from now on ;p

edit: why on earth is there no super villain named Bed Bug

Jesus and his powers are fucking horrifying

Bedbug Control: Bedbug is able to control people or "Sleepers" by using bedbug insects to infect their minds while they sleep. Once the insects have latched onto the victim, Bedbug then directs the Sleeper to perform various tasks such as robberies. The Sleeper does this while in a sleep walking state and remembers nothing afterwards.


Here's how you don't get bed bugs:

1) Wash clothes you purchase immediately
2) Don't bring furnature you find on the side of the road into your home, mattresses included.
3) Don't move into a trap house because the rent is cheap
4) don't visit NYC


Finished the third Runaways complete collection, which I believe should be the end of the BKV stuff, and based off recommendations is all I have. I enjoyed it pretty solidly, had some nice stuff. Definitely WAY better in the second run/book. Like, the first isn't bad, but it feels like it kind of doesn't live up to the potential of the setup and all that. Oh, and it has really weird compressed time in that by the end it's like they're established and it's a big thing and all that, but it's thrown off for me by the fact that not much actually happened and very little time had passed in story, which just feels weird with some of the beats it hits. But then the next run starts and they just have fun with it and it's great. Only "issue" is that it just kind of feels like it stops rather than having an ending, but oh well.

Oh, and Nico has got to be one of the most potentially frustrating characters to write in a shared universe in terms of powers. Like, it works perfectly fine in a single run, a challenge of "what spells haven't I used" for the author. But, like, I'm sitting here wondering if Marvel has a master file kept on every time she used a spell, as that seems like the only way to do it. I mean, sure, you could get away with ignoring the "research" and accidentally do a spell right, but that's kind of against the whole gimmick of the character. Also weird that in theory she just gets harder and harder to write, to the degree that I'd imagine she'd be straight up unusable by now had she been enough of a breakout character to pop up all over the place...

They're 2/2 on little scenes of Boomerang being an absolute dick in those trailers and I LOVE IT.

Jai Courtney's been on point from the jump. That first group picture of all of them, he looked like such a gross fucker - it was perfect.
Black Panther #1
Hooooooooooooooooly shit. This some goodass comics right here. Really intrigued by the political angle of the book. Weird that I didn't expect it to go that way, given the way the book was pushed by Coates, but I'm all in.

Bloodlines #1

Midnighter #11
This book never ceases to stop pleasing me. Everyone in here is so OP it's ridiculous and I love it.

Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fool's Special
Well...damn...that's rough...shit...

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #2


Matt Wilson said:
I think comic coloring right now is the best it’s ever been and is getting better and better. There was a transition period when digital colors were horrible, and looked worse than analog. But honestly, the majority of analog colors didn’t look that great to begin with. I think color has detracted from comics art for a lot longer than it’s enhanced comics art. But that is all long gone, and I think the digital coloring of today is far superior to the earlier digital coloring and to most of analog coloring. Now that the digital tools have been around long enough, and are much more affordable, they’re just as commonplace to an young artist as a paintbrush or pencil used to be. At some point, and we may already be there in some cases, the computer and tablet monitor just become another tool, like all the other tools used to make art.

I liked this colourist roundtable a lot
Oh, and Nico has got to be one of the most potentially frustrating characters to write in a shared universe in terms of powers. Like, it works perfectly fine in a single run, a challenge of "what spells haven't I used" for the author. But, like, I'm sitting here wondering if Marvel has a master file kept on every time she used a spell, as that seems like the only way to do it. I mean, sure, you could get away with ignoring the "research" and accidentally do a spell right, but that's kind of against the whole gimmick of the character. Also weird that in theory she just gets harder and harder to write, to the degree that I'd imagine she'd be straight up unusable by now had she been enough of a breakout character to pop up all over the place...

I actually think the Staff of One is such a friend to both the writer and the artist that it is the main reason Nico has been a popular character in post-Runaways books and why I think she will remain one for a very long time. It is a weapon that can do literally anything, making it one of the most powerful in the Marvel Universe, but you can only cast each spell once. That doesn't mean it can't perform the same function more than once, just that you have to think of a different way to say it and a different way to portray it than what's come before. So, as a writer, you get to play with this ultimate device with this very clever restriction that also gives you and your art team the chance to show off creatively within the bounds of whatever book Nico is a part of. It also is totally overpowered when you need it to be but it never feels overpowered, because the reader knows Nico shouldn't "waste" her most powerful spells in situations where they are not needed. She always has to use just enough magic to overcome the odds or do whatever the group requires.

I'm sure Marvel has a master list of Nico's spells and hopefully it is searchable by many different parameters. I just think it would be so cool to write. It was a gift from BKV to the MU.


I binged both seasons of Daredevil and it was really good. I just watched the first episode of Jessica Jones though and holy shit that is a whole other level of mind fuckery. Just crap baskets, i know what im doing all day tomorrow.


That new Suicide Squad trailer is awesome. So many GIFs. It's damned well cut too (Sony pls).

I've been at a stag weekend so not much reading requiring brainpower, but I had the digital versions of Morrison's run on Action Comics and then Seven Soldiers to read. They're still both great.


I binged both seasons of Daredevil and it was really good. I just watched the first episode of Jessica Jones though and holy shit that is a whole other level of mind fuckery. Just crap baskets, i know what im doing all day tomorrow.

jessica jones is great for the first half then meh until the last episode
Tried reading the Trillium trade yesterday night and got about 3 issues in. Either the three Roman Holidays I had at dinner got to me or I am too dumb to understand what's going on.
Wicked + Divine 12-17

I think I hate Wicked + Divine. It's just a mixed bag of emotions! I go from being confused to caring about a character I've never even seen before to thinking I hate a character but actually liking them to only be confused as shit by them by the end of the issue(talking about you re-re-remix!) then left with a cliffhanger that confused the fuck out of me even more.

I hate you Wicked + Divine.

Edit: Anyone have a suggestion for a good horror series to get into? Preferably more story driven horror if possible.


Wicked + Divine 12-17

I think I hate Wicked + Divine. It's just a mixed bag of emotions! I go from being confused to caring about a character I've never even seen before to thinking I hate a character but actually liking them to only be confused as shit by them by the end of the issue(talking about you re-re-remix!) then left with a cliffhanger that confused the fuck out of me even more.

I hate you Wicked + Divine.

Edit: Anyone have a suggestion for a good horror series to get into? Preferably more story driven horror if possible.
American vampire
Outcast(already has a show coming out, by kirkman"

And then there is a popular one about an astronaut being possessed in space I believe. Can't recall the name

El Topo

Wicked + Divine 12-17

I think I hate Wicked + Divine. It's just a mixed bag of emotions! I go from being confused to caring about a character I've never even seen before to thinking I hate a character but actually liking them to only be confused as shit by them by the end of the issue(talking about you re-re-remix!) then left with a cliffhanger that confused the fuck out of me even more.

I hate you Wicked + Divine.

Now on to #18 for more confusion.


I got a free comic bundle for ordering Civil War tickets.



Civil War (2006) #1
Civil War: Casualties of War: Iron Man/Captain America #1
New Avengers (2004) #1
Black Panther (2005) #1


Wicked + Divine 12-17

I think I hate Wicked + Divine. It's just a mixed bag of emotions! I go from being confused to caring about a character I've never even seen before to thinking I hate a character but actually liking them to only be confused as shit by them by the end of the issue(talking about you re-re-remix!) then left with a cliffhanger that confused the fuck out of me even more.

I hate to say it, but: welcome to the human experience? People are weird and dumb and sometimes cool.
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