Brian Fellows
Pete Carroll Owns Me
So far I've hated Godworld. #21 is the books last chance.
Read Spider-Woman #6-10 from before SW, and i'm kinda curious as to how long in advance Dennis Hopeless was told about when the book was ending. #9 kicks off a new arc and status quo, and then #10 rushes it to conclusion and has to tie it in to Secret Wars. The lame part is that it sounds like the new series doesn't pick up from the previous one left off, but 8 months after. A shame, I wanted to see the Jess/Ben/Porcupine road trip arc play out.
Javier Rodriguez's art is soooooooo great though. he really makes the best of Hopeless's scripts and brings a lot of life to the characters. Also, I'm sorry, but I love the costume. redesign, it's super cool
Godworld ends stronger than it begins, I think, hopefully 21 gets you back on board.So far I've hated Godworld. #21 is the books last chance.
Any chance Civil War 2 could actually be good,coming off of Standoff?
Issues:Just big of a backlog do you guys have right now? I just counted and I'm up to 42. Need to do some serious comic reading this weekend. Got 16 more coming up this Wednesday.
Drifter is back this week!
For realoh. I thought he might actually get Maleev this time instead of just poor-man's Maleev.
What's weird is Marvel pushing Inhumans even though damn near every Inhumans trade is out of print.I am suspicious of everyones motives tbh.
Seems Uncanny X-Force Complete Collection Vol 1 has gone out of print. Why does marvel let this happen when other shit stays around for years? This is a highly regarded run.
Who could have foreseen this turn of eventsAll New Wasp leaked asJanet's step daughter!
Expandable storage is as important as zoom requirements TBH. I hate moving shit on and off the computer.
Yeah, got me all hyped up for it again. I had a feeling Godworld was going to be a hit. The 'payoff' was definitely satisfying.
Speaking of iPad Pros, for anyone who has one, which size did you get? The 9.7-inch or 12.9-inch? I've considered upgrading from my 3rd generation iPad.
Depends on what you need to store, and how much. I've never needed it on mobile devices, primarily because I get the larger capacity and make use of cloud services.
So far I've hated Godworld. #21 is the books last chance.
It took you 20 issues to figure out you don't like it?
I went as far as to scan all of my Mega Man comics so I could bring them with me when I had my Surface Pro. When I would pull them off my device and put them back on, it wasn't remember what I had and had not read. I don't want to have to have a separate document to keep track of my read since I feel like a comic reader should do that for me.
My current digital collection is about to pass 20 gigs. I love my iPad 2 (I need to upgrade), but I HATE the idea of paying so much more for storage when I am looking at two 64 gig microSD cards in my hand right now that I paid nothing CLOSE to what 128 gigs of internal "device" storage would cost me.
I went as far as to scan all of my Mega Man comics so I could bring them with me when I had my Surface Pro. When I would pull them off my device and put them back on, it wasn't remember what I had and had not read. I don't want to have to have a separate document to keep track of my read since I feel like a comic reader should do that for me.
My current digital collection is about to pass 20 gigs. I love my iPad 2 (I need to upgrade), but I HATE the idea of paying so much more for storage when I am looking at two 64 gig microSD cards in my hand right now that I paid nothing CLOSE to what 128 gigs of internal "device" storage would cost me.
How fast is Vertigo when it comes to Deluxe Editions? Want to read Sheriff of Babylon in that format.
Lol wat? People selling the Lucille bat for $100+? I think I got mine two years ago for like $25 at NYCC. My Negan still isn't here yet but it's all good 👍
Fuck think I might buy dark souls 3 over the dd companion.
decided to check outdeath in the Walking Dead comic... jesus christGlenn's
how come nobody ever talks about it around here? the comic I mean, its still ongoing right?
Yeah but Deadly Class is so much better
Man, the ending of Black Science 21 was super satisfying.
Who could have foreseen this turn of events
Looking at getting a 3 day pass for Tamp Bay CC, anyone else going? Never been to a con before, wondering how fast I should jump on this.
Owned an Air for a while, tried the 13" Pro. Wasn't sure about the weight/size, but comics and everything else was glorious. Tried to go back to 9.7, lasted a day. Got too used to the big screen, and I adjusted to the weight difference far more quickly than I would have thought.
Used a Surface Pro 3 for about a month before getting the pro, for example, and found it far more awkward and uncomfortable as a tablet than the Prp. The weight is balanced very well on the Pro, and it's thin and easier to handle.
Looking at getting a 3 day pass for Tamp Bay CC, anyone else going? Never been to a con before, wondering how fast I should jump on this.
Does DC rebirth start next week? I really haven't been paying attention
Kicks off on May 25 with the Rebirth special, 80 pages for $2.99.
i started that ANAD Point One issue on MU, it's sadder than Jeb's concession speech.
I've been buying quite a bit of Manga lately. Some on Comixology and some on peasant caveman paper. I'm a sucker for romance mangas too. On paper I'm buying
Tampa: Not even once
Thanks for the info. I'll have to play around with it in an Apple Store and see which one would suit my preferences. I will probably only use it to watch movies/shows on-the-go, maybe in bed, and comics.
$60 (plus fees) for a 3-day pass is not bad, especially if you were going to go there for two days anyway. I'm sure the tickets won't sell out but that preorder price may or may not last that long. Going to a con for the first time can either be utterly disappointing or overwhelming, depending on the size of the con and what you expect out of it.
WAT? No Emma? No Bride's Story!? :O
Gimmie links pls.
shit was real dark. i wonder what 9-10 year old me thought about that. probably not the best introduction to Captain America
Oh my. I don't even know what to say. Is he just overlooking the fact that they're full of bullet holes or did people often recover from half a dozen gunshot wounds in those days?
He's having a one-sided conversation with their corpses.
Will we see Buckys sick knife skills again in civil war?
List of I'll be playing Dark Souls 3 instead:
Did you choose your starting class yet? I think I'm going with a Knight.
How's the binding on them Johns GL omnis? Is there going to be a 4th one? I'm thinking of grabbing them all this week.
Yeah, I'll probably do the same. My preference is sword and shield so I'll probably stick with Knight.
Very good bindings. The third one comes out this week and it's the last. It includes all of his N52 stuff (and some issues before N52).
Man, the ending of Black Science 21 was super satisfying.