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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless

This Superman story Tomasi is crafting across all the Supes books is pretty legit so far. Batman/Superman 31 was the latest and with art by Mahnke, book delivered.


You're reminding me that i probably shouldn't buy Superman Rebirth and #1 because it's just going to end up in a superman line-wide crossover i'll avoid. Comics....why do they have to be the way they are. I might stop buying some Image trades and wait for bi-annual cmx sales too.
I have read six comics today. I am comicgaffing wrong

You're reminding me that i probably shouldn't buy Superman Rebirth and #1 because it's just going to end up in a superman line-wide crossover i'll avoid. Comics....why do they have to be the way they are. I might stop buying some Image trades and wait for bi-annual cmx sales too.

Yeah I was actually super bummed to hear there probably isn't going to be an option for "just one Superman book"

I will still try the main book but if it's their plan to keep 3-4 books interwoven I'm out, I don't need Superman 5-8 times a month


Unconfirmed Member
Good gravy, Stokoe with the details. It's gorgeous. Tax Refund well spent.




My non spoiler review.

Captain America: Civil War is the best realization of characters to the screen since the Dark Knight or the Avengers. It's also a contender for best Comic book movie of all time and a shoo in for movie of the year. The film has a ton of spectacle, but still finds time to slow down the pace even amidst action to give small character moments and have the cast play off each other. The thing is through the pessimistic and malevolent tones that comes with a superhero War, the movie is able to find spots of hope and enjoyment throughout, by small and sometime large doses of humor to contrast the seriousness of the situation, with out undermining the ongoing conflict. Newcomers Spider-man and Black Panther are given the respect they serve and have full character arcs that firmly establish them in the MCU while taking a direct inspiration from the pages of the 616. Other characters are given ample time and you see an evolution from where we last saw them in previous movies in the universe. Despite this all star cast this is firmly a Captain America film and Steve Rogers is at the heart and soul of not only the film, but the Superhuman community. If I had to give the movie a rating it's a pure 5/5.
My non spoiler review.

Captain America: Civil War is the best realization of characters to the screen since the Dark Knight or the Avengers. It's also a contender for best Comic book movie of all time and a shoo in for movie of the year. The film has a ton of spectacle, but still finds time to slow down the pace even amidst action to give small character moments and have the cast play off each other. The thing is through the pessimistic and malevolent tones that comes with a superhero War, the movie is able to find spots of hope and enjoyment throughout, by small and sometime large doses of humor to contrast the seriousness of the situation, with out undermining the ongoing conflict. Newcomers Spider-man and Black Panther are given the respect they serve and have full character arcs that firmly establish them in the MCU while taking a direct inspiration from the pages of the 616. Other characters are given ample time and you see an evolution from where we last saw them in previous movies in the universe. Despite this all star cast this is firmly a Captain America film and Steve Rogers is at the heart and soul of not only the film, but the Superhuman community. If I had to give the movie a rating it's a pure 5/5.

shingi you're killing me

God this sounds so good


Last point of review but Tom Holland Peter Parker and Chad Boseman's T'challa are the successor the MCU needs to Steve Roger and Tony Stark.
Read JLA: Divided We Fall by Waid and Hitch

I saw this book at my local half price books and decided to pick it up. I really enjoyed this. I don't know if its because I've read too many Marvel team books, but I enjoyed it to an extent based on the fact that there isnt *that* much infighting in the team. Aside from everyone feeling betrayed by Batman.

This book is more of a collection of related singles than one 'arc'. Its got one story followed by a quick one that leads to the final one in the book. They are all pretty damn entertaining and Hitch draws most of it. A couple of the fill in artists arent any where near up to par and its a bit jarring. There is one issue where JHWIII comes in and draws a few pages that works really well. Waid does a really good job of making the team dynamic work. The threats are there in such a way that its not like Superman or GL could just knock out the antagonist but rather they all have to work to put each other in positions to succeed as a team.

Its pretty much just a really solid team book. I wish Hitch could hit a fucking schedule tho I will look to pick up the Tower of Babel trade and the books that follow this one up through the end of the Kelly run.


Not a lot of comic reading getting done, but a lot of Dark Souls 3 wandering around and around and around. I found one shortcut! In forever!


Same. Killed a boss on my first try too. Felt unstoppable. Then got horribly murdered by some dogs. Gotta love Dark Souls.
I got destroyed by the first and only boss I ran into, the life of a squishy Mage who always tries to stat his way to being a Mage-knight.

I'll probably have to find the stat reset process and fix my mess, but I like to range magic enemies, have a shield, and finish off regulars with melee. I usually need to summon helpers for all bosses in these games.


Just finished reading Gwenpool/Gwen Poole

It had promise but the humor was trying way too hard, Gurihiru's art was great but not enough to keep me interested in it much.
Black Road 1

Thought it was kind of meh. Character seems interesting but this chapter almost seems like it could have been condensed into a flashback with them already at a further part. Just seemed like an odd choice for a first issue.

Batman vol1-vol2

Decided to go back and read some new 52 Batman since I heard such good about Snyder but wasn't that into Batbot. I really like the court of owls and this arc, but at points it was sometimes OVERLY wordy. It almost seemed pointless to be a comic to some extenet, go write a damn book. I'm not saying I wanted all action pages and all that but a couple of the issues just seemed kind of crazy and dragged out just to get all of the dialogue in. The parts where Thomas is taking Bruce on a tour of what he saw just seemed to drag, and Alfred's father's note just seemed to go on forever. Don't get me wrong though I loved every bit of what I was reading, just seemed like overkill.

My non spoiler review.

Captain America: Civil War is the best realization of characters to the screen since the Dark Knight or the Avengers. It's also a contender for best Comic book movie of all time and a shoo in for movie of the year. The film has a ton of spectacle, but still finds time to slow down the pace even amidst action to give small character moments and have the cast play off each other. The thing is through the pessimistic and malevolent tones that comes with a superhero War, the movie is able to find spots of hope and enjoyment throughout, by small and sometime large doses of humor to contrast the seriousness of the situation, with out undermining the ongoing conflict. Newcomers Spider-man and Black Panther are given the respect they serve and have full character arcs that firmly establish them in the MCU while taking a direct inspiration from the pages of the 616. Other characters are given ample time and you see an evolution from where we last saw them in previous movies in the universe. Despite this all star cast this is firmly a Captain America film and Steve Rogers is at the heart and soul of not only the film, but the Superhuman community. If I had to give the movie a rating it's a pure 5/5.

God damn you, I can only get so hyped!


My non spoiler review.

Captain America: Civil War is the best realization of characters to the screen since the Dark Knight or the Avengers. It's also a contender for best Comic book movie of all time and a shoo in for movie of the year. The film has a ton of spectacle, but still finds time to slow down the pace even amidst action to give small character moments and have the cast play off each other. The thing is through the pessimistic and malevolent tones that comes with a superhero War, the movie is able to find spots of hope and enjoyment throughout, by small and sometime large doses of humor to contrast the seriousness of the situation, with out undermining the ongoing conflict. Newcomers Spider-man and Black Panther are given the respect they serve and have full character arcs that firmly establish them in the MCU while taking a direct inspiration from the pages of the 616. Other characters are given ample time and you see an evolution from where we last saw them in previous movies in the universe. Despite this all star cast this is firmly a Captain America film and Steve Rogers is at the heart and soul of not only the film, but the Superhuman community. If I had to give the movie a rating it's a pure 5/5.

Just two more weeks...

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Image July Solicits

The Beauty #9
Black Road #4
Black Science #22
Chew #56
East of West #28
The Fix #4
Horizon #1
The Hunt #1
I Hate Fairyland #7
Lazarus #23
Manifest Destiny #21
Mechanism #1
Nailbiter #23
Paper Girls #7
Rat Queens #14
Spread #14
Tokyo Ghost #9
The Walking Dead #156
The Wicked + The Divine #21

Plus maybe Birthright, Drifter, Rumble, and/or Thief of Thieves depending on which ones I stick with since I bought their #1's from the Comixology sale.


How does one go about getting an original art page.

Get in touch with the artist or their dealer. You can usually search "artist name original art" and quickly find out if they sell their pages or not. Lots of artists also sell them at cons.
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