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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless


but I am taking tiny steps forward
You just had to be there to get it.


Really? Hm. Do you find the humor to be mediocre?

Yeah. It seemed to rely too much on "LOL RANDOM" rather than actual solid humor. It wasn't all misses though. I mean, I finished it, so it was entertaining enough I suppose. I just didn't really love it that much.

It really blows my mind that that was the same Warren Ellis that wrote all the other Warren Ellis stuff. Almost completely opposite to all of his other stuff.

I felt the same

Glad to hear it's not just me.


IN 2016

Um. More like ViewtifulJC

IN 2016

Since when were you back in the comics thread!?


List of Zatanna features this week!

Clean Room #7
Harley's Little black book #3 (ZATANNA)
Martian Manhunter #11
Lucifer #5
Poison Ivy Cycle of life and death #4
Robin Son of Batman #11
American Alien #5

Jem and the holograms #11
Jonsey #3
Lumberjanes #25

Aloha Hawaiian Dick #1
Chew Demon Warrior Chicken Poyo #1
Criminal 10th anniversary #1
Cry Havoc #4
East of West #25
Huck #6
Mirror #3
Tokyo Ghost #6

All new Hawkeye #6
Astonishing Ant-Man #7
Cap America Sam Wilson #8
Cap Marvel #4
Deadpool #10
Howard T Duck #6
Deadpool Mercs for Money #3
Mighty Thor #3
Extraordinary X-Men #9
New Avengers #10
Nova #6
Power Man and Iron Fist #3
Silk #7
Spider-Man Deadpool #4
Totally Awesome Hulk #5
Uncanny Inhumans #7

Hey I dropped some marvel books!
Deadpool and the Mercs for Money #3 of 5
Harley's Little Black Book #3
Invincible #127
Jem and the Holograms #14
The Mighty Thor #6
Power Man and Iron Fist #3
Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #1 of 4
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #5 of 5
Spider-Man/Deadpool #4
Superman: American Alien #6 of 7
Superman: Lois & Clark #7
Switch #3
The Transformers #52


Deadpool and the Mercs for Money #3 of 5
Harley's Little Black Book #3
Invincible #127
Jem and the Holograms #14
The Mighty Thor #6
Power Man and Iron Fist #3
Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #1 of 4
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #5 of 5
Spider-Man/Deadpool #4
Superman: American Alien #6 of 7
Superman: Lois & Clark #7
Switch #3
The Transformers #52

I believe mercs for money is now ongoing m8
Done with the Fourth World Omnibus v3. Mister Miracle continues to be amazing. "The Pact" and "Himon" issues were something special and I see myself re-reading them quire frequently. The Jimmy Olsen stories are the weakest point I feel but all of Orion's scenes more than make up for it.

There are so many open threads that I don't see how they can be satisfactorily wrapped up in one more volume.
I just finished reading volume 1 of Locke & Key. I really liked it, though I'm not sure how I feel about the art. The faces are very cartoonish which normally wouldn't bother me... But I find something about the style very ugly. It's like Doonesbury crossed with anime.

Still, the story is interesting enough that I'll be picking up volume 2.
I like the art, since I always assumed the intent was to be unsettling.
Two best Inhumans right here.

I have a soft sport for Eldric from Soule's Inhuman. He was that werid inhuman who got turned into a gate when he went through Terragenesis, and the other inhumans told him to be thankful for being a piece of furniture while they used to teleport around the world.

So were being Clear Lockjaw is actually a superpowered dog right, cause him being a former human is kinda fucked and depressing.
Lockjaw is a dog. At one point they say he's a human but I think it was to fuck with Ben Grimm.

Then again Eldrac got turned into a door
Man they made Songbird/Screaming Mimi country as fuck in the Avengers cartoon.
You still watch that? Is it even any good?
Creators at the big 2 have little input into collected edition iirc collected editions editor is who you would want to pester

Alonso it is then.

Tif Bendis replied 13 secs after I tweeted him - dude is obviously stalking me because my tweets are enlightened - but I might get the OHCs up to ish 60 then normal tpbs for the rest.
All-New All-Different Avengers #8
Whoa this shit got real. Get fucked Kid Nova.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
I now just realized I never read #3. And since I've read The New Avengers, I've already read half of this issue. The cover is super misleading and it upsets me. This fucking book.

X-Men '92 #2
This book is so ridiculous. I love it. I NEED MORE. NOW.

All-New X-Men #8
Oh NOW you want to leave. Fuck you, young Hank. Also Pickles comes into his true title, Destroyer of Dimensions. You have all been forewarned. Basically a filler issue.

Uncanny X-Men #6
mysterious white suburbia that's not all it seems
? Apparently Marvel's on a kick this year. Oh well, at least the mystery is fairly intriguing and we're learning some shit that should have been made apparent since the beginning (why Warren is Archangel again). Yet again, however, the issue is made bland by Greg La-Wait...Land's not on art? LAND'S NOT ON ART!


Old Man Logan #4
Nice to see some actual integration with the other X-books. Damn you Sorrentino, you beautiful son of a bitch. I'll just throw down these panels and be done with the words:
One Panel
Two Panel


Tokyo Ghost and Cultural Appropriation
I want to talk about Tokyo Ghost a little bit. This may be an unpopular opinion, and I imagine it's a generally unrelatable opinion for many of you, but I will try to explain myself—I thought the writing of this comic was extremely bad.

I want to state that my opinion is first and foremost influenced by my relationship with Japan, and this is where I can imagine many people saying "Oh, Remender is just having fun," "It's cool. He's using Japanese imagery, so he obviously respects it," or "It's stupid to find it offensive. It's not like it's racist." His representation of Japan is highly misguided, and it feels often like nothing more than ignorant fetishism of a misunderstood culture. I am not offended by the work on the grounds that it is racist or insulting to Japanese people, but I am annoyed with the shallow view of Japan when it's such a integral part of the comic as a whole.

It could be that as someone who lives in Japan and loves the history, art, culture, language, music, and literature created here, I am being far more critical of aspects that don't bother many people in general. I accept that, but I don't think that makes my critiques any less appropriate.

There is what, one Japanese person in the comic? It's mostly a bunch of white guys with Japanese swords. The role of women in the comic is about as important as the role of Japan; women are used as nothing more than something to look at (the number of topless shots is completely unnecessary and classless, and showing a few limp dicks is not the same thing at all). Japan only exists as some serene set pieces with culture to be used as a women by white males to fight each other. What is the point of involving Japan at all? The dialogue often felt childish, and I was honestly shocked that Remender would write characters consistently poorly. I understand that art is generally subjective, but there is a certain bar of quality based on the grand history of many mediums with which we juxtapose works. Therefore, I would argue that those who found the writing to be fantastic pick up a respected piece of literature. Perhaps that's harsh, but I heard people laud the writing of this book. I think that's insane.

In conclusion, I found the whole volume to be highly misrepresentative of Japan and wholly out of touch with Japan's history, culture, and its people in general. In addition, the writing feels like some of the weakest I have read from Remender, and the lead female mostly exists to take her top off—a trope in comics that I had wished Remender could evolve past. The art, though, is wonderful.

I think you're overplaying the number of topless shots and that aspect. I went back through the five issues we have and there's at most 2 or 3 panels in an issue of it, if that. Generally where there's a shot of breasts there's a shot of a penis followed closely after.

I agree with sillymonkey and frye, It's a fundamental misreading of the book to suggest Debbie's mostly there to get her tits out (I think you see Debbie's breasts in two panels over the five issues). She's the main driving force for them wanting to leave LA in search of a better life for themselves, she's the one that pushes for them to stay when they get to Tokyo but she does have problems of her own. She's the most fleshed out character we've met so far.

There aren't a lot of named female characters, so things definitely could be better there but the ones that are present have pivotal roles in the book e.g. Kazumi's role in Tokyo.

As for the appropriation aspect, I probably fall into the camp of not knowing enough that it doesn't bother me. It's definitely a shallow look at the culture though and I'm not sure he intends any deeper examination. It certainly does feel like this low tech zone could have been placed anywhere else in the world just as easily based on what we have so far.

This is what he said in an interview about the topic:

What prompted you to place the world’s only tech-less bastion in Tokyo?

RR: I think it’s the obvious contradiction of where Tokyo is now. The root desire for me in making comics is always visual, it’s always pulpy, it’s wanting to make something that’s a serialized, exciting, strange, weird ride, because somebody has to spend years drawing these things. So Sean and I had wanted to introduce samurai, and it seems so outlandish [laughs], but it’s weeks of talking before it all forms into this clear picture.

We needed a tech-free zone as a counterweight to the Isles of Los Angeles, and so what we landed on was [that] Tokyo has been completely tech-free for a number of years. There’s an EMP field around all of Tokyo so there’s no tech. Nature has reclaimed Tokyo. And as soon as we talked about that, we started yelling at each other about these visuals. There’s trees and vines and people are swinging around! And then we got the idea for this neo-bushido samurai movement.

It’s the same thing with Davey Trauma in the book; he’s a millennial nostalgist, and I love the idea that everything’s about nostalgia. Kids now are starting to get nostalgic for Nirvana, which hits that 20-25 year cycle. There’s always that resurgence of interest. So we [got] the samurai element through a bunch of people who were refugees that had moved to Tokyo and had taken it upon themselves to create a new version of the bushido code.

from here: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/blog/...n-addiction-pessimism-wieners-in-tokyo-ghost/
Caught up with Superman: American Alien just there. What a great series. Really entertaining stuff, and a hell of a roster of artists.

I hope this gets a nice collected edition at some point.
Let's shit on Empress even though we haven't read the book.

I liked Empress.

Have you noticed the strange thing with Mark Millar Comics, that the movie adaptions always turn out far superior?

I find it more interesting that his books get optioned for movies five minutes after they're announced.

Yeah. It seemed to rely too much on "LOL RANDOM" rather than actual solid humor. It wasn't all misses though. I mean, I finished it, so it was entertaining enough I suppose. I just didn't really love it that much.

Okay, but you have to admit some of the Elsa Bloodstone bits were hysterical.

List of Zatanna features this week!

And again, Messi buying everything. ;)

Only thing I'm picking up this week is Tokyo Ghost #6. So, yep.

That reminds me, I have to get Volume 6 of Tokyo Ghoul this week. I only buy that manga digital.
You can probably count me in as someone that thought Nextwave was OK but not really the amazing thing it had been talked up here as. I'm not sure what I would have thought about it were it not talked up so much, though. Had some real solid parts but overall I'd say it most just sorta happened.


I didn't know i was in a community that doesn't love Nextwave. That's fine. No problem here. I mean, we all love the Rockets but Nextwave just doesn't do it. Makes sense. I'm not even disappointed in each and every one of you.
Illuminati #8
This book just keeps getting better and better. Really good issue. Very personal. I like it, though it arguably had the least to do with Standoff as far as plot goes. Still really good. Art is fire.

Star Wars: C-3PO #1

The Infinity Entity #4



I didn't know i was in a community that doesn't love Nextwave. That's fine. No problem here. I mean, we all love the Rockets but Nextwave just doesn't do it. Makes sense. I'm not even disappointed in each and every one of you.
I have this for a couple of monthy on my shelf, maybe I should read it soon.
One person admits it, then they start coming out of the woodwork. :p

Mostly I just don't usually bring up stuff that doesn't strike me strongly one way or another. I have plenty of things I've read that I haven't brought up. It's not a bad book, I just didn't think it was great and it wasn't super funny to me either.


So I did that one month trial for Marvel Unlimited, burned through Ultimate Spiderman upto the end of the first initial run (issue 133 or so?), what a ride. Some arcs just escalated so quickly, but some arcs just had a great flow. Overall I enjoyed it.
I didn't know i was in a community that doesn't love Nextwave. That's fine. No problem here. I mean, we all love the Rockets but Nextwave just doesn't do it. Makes sense. I'm not even disappointed in each and every one of you.
I don't know how to say this, but I'm from Cleveland and do not love the Rockets.

And I don't know what next wave is.


Why is Marvel Unlimited missing like huge chunks to some of the X titles from the 90s? I want to read X-cutionors Song but I'm missing like half the event because of this.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Wayward does a much better job of using Japan.

The back matter essays about Japan in that book are pretty awesome.

Too bad they've gone to
now. GROSS!

Why is Marvel Unlimited missing like huge chunks to some of the X titles from the 90s? I want to read X-cutionors Song but I'm missing like half the event because of this.

Well that is troubling. First thing I was going to read was the Phalanx Covenant.


Cruz strikes me as the schemer type, i don't think Trump has thought about much of anything and just wings it.
Maybe its more the businessman thing and that Trump isnt completly evil when it comes to worker rights (then again, the only time Lex seemed to be caring about people was when he financed the stripendia of the son of his roomcleaner)

I would cast a bald Donald Trump as Lex Luthor on the BvS Version on Parallel Earth.
Some first issues just aren't created equal. First issue of Southern Bastards was great, hooks you right away.

Read the first trade of Shutter, need to read more.
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