Some first issues just aren't created equal. First issue of Southern Bastards was great, hooks you right away.
Read the first trade of Shutter, need to read more.
Welp, was right about that AoA omnibus. I was just taking it out of my bookshelf to look at it and the dust cover ripped down the middle of the spine.
Surprised Messi and Freeza aren't flipping out over Tess Fowler leaving Rat Queens and the book going on hiatus
Wait what?
The fuck is even happening right now
Kinda want to reread that once I eventually get through the Silver Age stuff. I keep thinking about how good it is still.reread the first dozen Morrison/Case Doom Patrols in that biggish trade that recently came out and was reminded how good superhero comics can be sometimes
Surprised Messi and Freeza aren't flipping out over Tess Fowler leaving Rat Queens and the book going on hiatus
Tokyo Ghost and Cultural Appropriation
I want to talk about Tokyo Ghost a little bit. This may be an unpopular opinion, and I imagine it's a generally unrelatable opinion for many of you, but I will try to explain myself—I thought the writing of this comic was extremely bad.
I want to state that my opinion is first and foremost influenced by my relationship with Japan, and this is where I can imagine many people saying "Oh, Remender is just having fun," "It's cool. He's using Japanese imagery, so he obviously respects it," or "It's stupid to find it offensive. It's not like it's racist." His representation of Japan is highly misguided, and it feels often like nothing more than ignorant fetishism of a misunderstood culture. I am not offended by the work on the grounds that it is racist or insulting to Japanese people, but I am annoyed with the shallow view of Japan when it's such a integral part of the comic as a whole.
It could be that as someone who lives in Japan and loves the history, art, culture, language, music, and literature created here, I am being far more critical of aspects that don't bother many people in general. I accept that, but I don't think that makes my critiques any less appropriate.
There is what, one Japanese person in the comic? It's mostly a bunch of white guys with Japanese swords. The role of women in the comic is about as important as the role of Japan; women are used as nothing more than something to look at (the number of topless shots is completely unnecessary and classless, and showing a few limp dicks is not the same thing at all). Japan only exists as some serene set pieces with culture to be used as a women by white males to fight each other. What is the point of involving Japan at all? The dialogue often felt childish, and I was honestly shocked that Remender would write characters consistently poorly. I understand that art is generally subjective, but there is a certain bar of quality based on the grand history of many mediums with which we juxtapose works. Therefore, I would argue that those who found the writing to be fantastic pick up a respected piece of literature. Perhaps that's harsh, but I heard people laud the writing of this book. I think that's insane.
In conclusion, I found the whole volume to be highly misrepresentative of Japan and wholly out of touch with Japan's history, culture, and its people in general. In addition, the writing feels like some of the weakest I have read from Remender, and the lead female mostly exists to take her top off—a trope in comics that I had wished Remender could evolve past. The art, though, is wonderful.
Surprised Messi and Freeza aren't flipping out over Tess Fowler leaving Rat Queens and the book going on hiatus
Kinda want to reread that once I eventually get through the Silver Age stuff. I keep thinking about how good it is still.
Guess I should finish Animal Man too. I really like it but I just haven't sat down and read the rest.
That's horrible news.Surprised Messi and Freeza aren't flipping out over Tess Fowler leaving Rat Queens and the book going on hiatus
Has any image book ever admitted that they're done? Other than the series that hit the end of a fixed plot? They just... go on hiatus and never come back.
Surprised Messi and Freeza aren't flipping out over Tess Fowler leaving Rat Queens and the book going on hiatus
Wait what?
The fuck is even happening right now
Edit : not like this. Seriously. Something has to have happened. He was just writing the new volume![]()
Busy playing Dark Souls.
They must have read our posts.
I said the art was serviceable. I had no major issue with it other than I liked it less than the others. This seems to be Wiebe wanting to stop.
He's gonna wait until he can bring back Upchurch.
I bet it never comes back.
This seems the most likely.I bet it never comes back.
I am curious to know the reason, though. It could have gone a long way with the right artist.
Rat Queens has a dedicated fanbase. The fans will keep the book alive during hiatus. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Stokoe to write and draw Orc Stain again.They had that in Roc. The book has been on a deathslide since. I'd say he has just lost interest and doesn't want to fix the problems people had with it becoming fairly serious.
Also sales just dropped down to 11k, #11 last August/Sept was 14.5k ish. Thats why its going away, that shit is trending into the toilet.
Rat Queens has a dedicated fanbase. The fans will keep the book alive. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Stokoe to write and draw Orc Stain again.
Rat Queens has a dedicated fanbase. The fans will keep the book alive during hiatus. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Stokoe to write and draw Orc Stain again.
Illuminati #8
This book just keeps getting better and better. Really good issue. Very personal. I like it, though it arguably had the least to do with Standoff as far as plot goes. Still really good. Art is fire.
What issue did he leave off at? I feel like that book was on an Image United style release schedule. I mean, it's not surprising with the detail of the artwork, but still...
Is it sad to say Illuminati might be canned?
fairly sure that book is fucked even though its been getting better.
Yep, alone with...
99. Contest of Champions #6 - 19.9k
104. Venom: Space Knight #5 - 18.8k
106. Vision #5 - 18.6k
107. Web Warriors #5 - 18.6k
108. Guardians of Infinity #4 - 18.6k
112. Agents of SHIELD #3 - 18.1k
114. Howard the Duck #5 - 18k
117. Star-Lord #5 - 17.3k
118. Nova #5 - 16.8k
124. Patsy Walker aka. Hellcat #4 - 15.9k
129. Angela: Queen of Hel #6 - 14.9k
130. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5 - 14.7k
143. Illuminati #5 - 13.5k
144. Black Knight #5 - 13.5k
149. Drax #5 - 13k
152. Hercules #5 - 12.7k
153. Howling Commandos of SHIELD #6 - 12.7k
163. Weirdworld #4 - 11.9k
175. Red Wolf #4 - 9.9k
223. Starbrand and Nightmask #4 - 6.6k
BOLD for those we already know that are canned.
Yikes, I will be really sad when we lose Howard T Duck, Patsy Walker and Weirdworld.
Hellcat might pull a SG and it's digital sales/trade will keep it afloat, Howard I feel got lost in the Secret Wars crap and Weirdworld, well...has no name to keep it hot.
Did anyone read Goldie Vance? Thinking about picking it up.
Rat Queens has a dedicated fanbase. The fans will keep the book alive during hiatus. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Stokoe to write and draw Orc Stain again.
I'm waiting for him to do anything at all really.
Awesome. After catching up on Low and reading Southern Bastards I could use something like that.I really enjoyed it. Art is lovely by the amazing Brittney Williams. It was just great fun.
Awesome. After catching up on Low and reading Southern Bastards I could use something like that.
I'm waiting for him to do anything at all really.
Thunderbolts in Avengers Assembled.
And Animated Andy Serkiss is kind of creepy.
Gotta go to the hospital tomorrow, have a large painful bump on my backould make it hard to move my arm. Here's hoping its just a cyst that needs to be lanced.
Is it under your arm in your armpit? if so it could be an infected lymph node. I had that a few years ago and it was very painful and made it hard to move my arm.
Best of luck dude. Hopefully it is nothing serious.
Gotta go to the hospital tomorrow, have a large painful bump on my backould make it hard to move my arm. Here's hoping its just a cyst that needs to be lanced.
Did anyone read Goldie Vance? Thinking about picking it up.
Nope it's on my back/should blade almost on the other side of my left armpit.