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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless


Moon Knight #1

ho damn, well that was fucking incredible

More than anything I want him to actually be insane by the end of the story. Like he was nuts all along and this was all in his head. That would make me so happy.

Look at this amazing Brittney Williams commission of Patsy Walker. I need to get one from her. She did a lovely Jubilee one too but I can't find it. I love that she paints them.



More than anything I want him to actually be insane by the end of the story. Like he was nuts all along and this was all in his head. That would make me so happy.

He's been on team books and made cameos and been mentioned, so I personally doubt they'd go down that route. I'm at least interested in seeing how this progresses though.
Continuing out series where I read old Daredevil comics so you don't have to...

Daredevil #49

In which Matt Murdock decides he is giving up the role of Daredevil...FOREVER. I give him less than this issue to reverse that decision. Let's see.

Comic chronology is super weird, and this is no different. By Matt's own admission, he's been doing the Daredevil gig for "years" at this point. We're 49 issues in. I would have pinned the internal chronology as somewhere near 2-3 months. This series lasted 380 issues, making Murdock a very, very old man.


So Matt goes to hang up his duds only to find a LITERAL ARMORED ROBOT OF DEATH hiding out in his closet and watiting to kill him. I need to take up whatever back exercises Daredevil is doing.


The robot beats the shit out of Murdock.


Who should show up but our good friend Willie Lincoln! Lincoln's presence scares off the armored robot of death, because nothing says intimidation factor like a blind dude with a cane.


It turns out that the mob boss put behind bars for attempting to frame Willie Lincoln doesn't take too kindly to his current circumstances, and hired AN EVIL GENIUS SCIENTIST (aren't they all?) to build the robot and destroy Daredevil. So here we are. And now the robot and Daredevil are fighting again! It's a pretty close fight, but the robot wins out by WRAPPING OLD HORNHEAD IN A GYM mat. Turns out Daredevil is vulnerable to gym mats.



Daredevil #50

The moment we've all been waiting for! 50th issue hype. Which starts out with our hero wrapped up like a burrito in a gym mat. Thanks, Stan! Preliminary spoiler:
this issue sucks.


Daredevil escapes the same way he always escapes these moments: he uses his billy club. Something something attaches it to a nearby pole and voila! Now the two go mano a robotic mano. The robot kicks Daredevil's ass.


At that exact moment, Karen tries calling Matt to make up with him. Because she loves him so damn much! But Matt is busy being tossed around like a ragdoll, so he's unable to answer. Their love is doomed forever.


The robot malfunctions, as robots are apt to do, and decides to return back to evil headquarters for some recalibration. Daredevil follows it back and is able to confront the mastermind behind all this robotic mayhem.

Now here's where things get convoluted! The evil scientist accidentally reprograms the robot to go after the imprisoned bad guy who originally hired him to kill Daredevil. So the robot heads off to the slammer to kill the guy footing the bill. Daredevil being Daredevil refuses to let it kill, even if the target is an evil scumbag. Murdock has to beat the robot into the prison, which involves taking down another innocent person, this time a cop! Heroic.


Daredevil gets into the villain's prison cell just in time for the robot to crash in. Daredevil is unconscious. Cliffhanger ending. Issue #50 hype was not rewarded at all. This issue was straight trash.



He's been on team books and made cameos and been mentioned, so I personally doubt they'd go down that route. I'm at least interested in seeing how this progresses though.

If they just did it in that book id be happy.

The GOTG cartoon PGed Angela's outfit but kept the cleavage


Or they could have used any of Stephanie Hans amazing redesigns that are all completely PG.
I've been reading some OG Spider-Man and I'm enjoying it alot. Up to issue #22 or so I think? There have been some duds (mostly the crossovers) but so much of it has just been a joy to read.

Except Betty Brant. She's the worst. Cmon Peter if you gave up on her and just went with Liz things would be so much better. Not to mention she's rich which would probably help with your not having any money thing that's always going on.
I've been reading some OG Spider-Man and I'm enjoying it alot. Up to issue #22 or so I think? There have been some duds (mostly the crossovers) but so much of it has just been a joy to read.

Except Betty Brant. She's the worst. Cmon Peter if you gave up on her and just went with Liz things would be so much better. Not to mention she's rich which would probably help with your not having any money thing that's always going on.

I made it to issue #6, I believe. The crossovers were what killed it for me. I'm sure it gets much better.

50 issues into Daredevil, and it ranges from WTF bad to unintentionally funny. The forced drama is something else, but then you'll hit a panel with Matt swinging freely over NYC and the payoff feels real.
I've been reading some OG Spider-Man and I'm enjoying it alot. Up to issue #22 or so I think? There have been some duds (mostly the crossovers) but so much of it has just been a joy to read.

Except Betty Brant. She's the worst. Cmon Peter if you gave up on her and just went with Liz things would be so much better. Not to mention she's rich which would probably help with your not having any money thing that's always going on.
Hah yea. Stan Lee tends to write women/love interests in his comics as the most insane/irrational people ever.


I might look into it. Been a long time since I've read manga, every time I look at it on Comixology I just think it's too expensive.
I don't buy a lot of manga but if there was ever a Manga I would tell someone to buy it would be Eyeshield21. Top 5 favorite manga of all time.


I can +1 Eyeshield 21 being amazing. Not a fan of sports at all usually, but it's legitimately one of my favorite manga series. So, so very good.
Illuminati #8
This book just keeps getting better and better. Really good issue. Very personal. I like it, though it arguably had the least to do with Standoff as far as plot goes. Still really good. Art is fire.

That good eh? I dropped it after #2 but the Standoff crossover issue was really good. I was thinking about giving it another shot.

It certainly had no bearing whatsoever on Standoff but I didn't mind, it told a good story.
Gonna catch up on this
Everyone does. Didn't even know an OGN was coming out soon! It'll be sick!
Is it sad to say Illuminati might be canned?
Yes but it's expected. It's too precious for this world
The GOTG cartoon PGed Angela's outfit but kept the cleavage

God that art is just not good. Is AA worth watching, even? They tempted me with the Inhuman Royal Family. I'm not touching GotG or Ulimate Spider-Man. I've actually watched some of USM. Seemed annoying.
Continuing out series where I read old Daredevil comics so you don't have to...
You beautiful person

That good eh? I dropped it after #2 but the Standoff crossover issue was really good. I was thinking about giving it another shot.

It certainly had no bearing whatsoever on Standoff but I didn't mind, it told a good story.
I've been really enjoying it. It started off slow, but it's been getting better and better. It's villains being villains, but in a group. It's surprisingly personal at points. Personally I think it's a potential hidden gem, at the very least.


God that art is just not good. Is AA worth watching, even? They tempted me with the Inhuman Royal Family. I'm not touching GotG or Ulimate Spider-Man. I've actually watched some of USM. Seemed annoying.

AA: I dunno, the Thunderbolts episodes were good as well as the Squadron ones. Dunno when the Inhumans will pop up
USM is still annoying, I just watched the ones with Doreen.
GOTG: It's the mixed bag of the bunch, you can tell they try but man, the Rocket Raccoon design is ass.
AA: I dunno, the Thunderbolts episodes were good as well as the Squadron ones. Dunno when the Inhumans will pop up
USM is still annoying, I just watched the ones with Doreen.
GOTG: It's the mixed bag of the bunch, you can tell they try but man, the Rocket Raccoon design is ass.
The art is just ass. All of it! Like that CG Iron Man cartoon from like, 2009


If the Ultimate Universe didn't go away I would've liked to see Peter become the next Captain America. IIRC Cap was already training him and I think that would've made for a good ongoing to give them a total of two interesting books lol.

The art is just ass. All of it! Like that CG Iron Man cartoon from like, 2009

I miss that show.

The one thing I like about the current Marvel shows is all the characters they are pulling out.
Moon Knight #1
The art of mindfuck is strong with this one. Damn good first issue. Immediately added to pull list

A-Force #4
Wow this book is so okay. The charming parts are nice, and the art is a blast, but boy it's just an okay book. I'm compelled to continue, though

All-New Inhumans #6
A bad idea extravanganza portrayed by some Adult Swim comedy art. Fucking what is this? I love this book but what is this art?



Sad news about Rat Queens, but it's pretty obvious that not being able to find the right creative partnership with an artist makes things problematic for a writer and drains enthusiasm. Maybe he'll find someone eventually and the book comes back with a relaunch.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Ranking all the #1's I've read over the last few days.....

1. The Fix
2. No Mercy
3. Birthright
4. Drifter
5. The Fuse
6. Black Road
7. Rumble
8. Thief of Thieves

Went head and picked up the next 4 issues of Birthright and the next 3 issues of No Mercy.
The Fix was sooo damn good.

Everything I've read up to of ANAD so far on MU I have not much been into. :/ A lot of the more noteworthy releases haven't been up yet, but so far I'm just not much into the feel of it. Sam Cap is about the only thing I've been in to so far.


Wait they started a NEW Moon Knight book? Who's the writer?

It may not be the best TF story ever but it has its moments

I am wondering this as well? I just started the Moon Knight run from 2006 with Marvel Unlimited and really liking it so far.

I have always been interested in Moon Knight and now finally getting a chance to read his stuff really cool character.


Just came home from the doctor. Yep it was a Cyst and took about 15 minutes to cut it open and for the doc to push all of the puss and whatnot out of it. The numbing is wearing off so I'm stuck with a bandaged hole in my arm and everything is on fire. Will probably call work off tomorrow, to give the wound a bit more time to heal before I'm back to heavy lifting.
Just came home from the doctor. Yep it was a Cyst and took about 15 minutes to cut it open and for the doc to push all of the puss and whatnot out of it. The numbing is wearing off so I'm stuck with a bandaged hole in my arm and everything is on fire. Will probably call work off tomorrow, to give the wound a bit more time to heal before I'm back to heavy lifting.

That's gross.
Just came home from the doctor. Yep it was a Cyst and took about 15 minutes to cut it open and for the doc to push all of the puss and whatnot out of it. The numbing is wearing off so I'm stuck with a bandaged hole in my arm and everything is on fire. Will probably call work off tomorrow, to give the wound a bit more time to heal before I'm back to heavy lifting.
I'm glad this is one of the first things I decided to read after waking up


Just came home from the doctor. Yep it was a Cyst and took about 15 minutes to cut it open and for the doc to push all of the puss and whatnot out of it. The numbing is wearing off so I'm stuck with a bandaged hole in my arm and everything is on fire. Will probably call work off tomorrow, to give the wound a bit more time to heal before I'm back to heavy lifting.

Put comics in the hole.
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