Also, still no fourth Simone Secret Six (pre-Flashpoint) collection. I am extraordinarily disappointed.
That's solicited for this week.
Will check it outI've enjoyed the first two issues, plus I like the art.
HOW DID I MISS THIS? This should be the last one, yeah? Or is there one more after this?
HOW DID I MISS THIS? This should be the last one, yeah? Or is there one more after this?
We need butt windows.Tit windows are always such stupid design wtf
We need butt windows.
Was John introduced in Lois & Clark or on previous Superman series?
Never read any Superman before, but I'm onterested in the Rebirth series and Super Sons, so I might check it out.
Dept H #1
Jonesy #3
Joyride #1
also, if my shop gets it, Sun Bakery #1
What's your ceiling on price?
Depends. What one does Messi want the most?
Alternative ComicsWho's publishing Sun Bakery?
It already sold at a con. there was only one page I wanted.
What's your second favorite?
I wasn't aware New Romancer was a 6 issue mini. Apparently it is.
Will check it out
About time we get a Damian statue.
Edit: two green lanterns and Martian Manhunter still isn't in the Justice League? Wut
More edits: Superman is fighting Doomsday again? C'mon rebirth, do better.
I guess so. Feels like there were two Doomsday events across all the Superman family books in N52.Ehh, at least it is the first arc, so they are getting it out of the way quickly.
He's hard at work on something even better in my opinion.
If its Tank Girl then you are sadly mistaken
This will be mine
christmas Red White and Harley statue looks great
Written by TOM KING
More than anything I want him to actually be insane by the end of the story. Like he was nuts all along and this was all in his head. That would make me so happy.
You heard me.
Great! Imma re-read that shit soon, then.#36 is the last in the series, so yeah.
I do not remember, but yeah I was the one checking every month. Missed it somehow.I wanna say I told you this last week lol. I told someone on here who was checking the solicits every month.
Maybe you have me on ignore also.
We need butt windows.
I meant to post these a few weeks ago but I got two shutter shirts. Freeza's avatar reminded me.
I meant to post these a few weeks ago but I got two shutter shirts. Freeza's avatar reminded me.
Yeah, that's where I got the pic I used for my avvy. Some site where they had those Shutter T-shirts.
you bought a shirt just to remind yourself of Freeza?
I meant to post these a few weeks ago but I got two shutter shirts. Freeza's avatar reminded me.
I saw those a while back. Don't really care for the designs though.
I saw those a while back. Don't really care for the designs though.
I love the covers for Shutter so they are perfect for me.
Interesting that Telos is getting a trade. I thought he already had one? Also, still no fourth Simone Secret Six (pre-Flashpoint) collection. I am extraordinarily disappointed.
Enjoy being on Messi's list.
He doesn't have to like what I like. We will be just fine either way. Art is subjective.
He doesn't have to like what I like. We will be just fine either way. Art is subjective.
i'll definitely buy Teen Titans but i don't have high hopes
who drew your avi?
It's from this image in Civil War thread. I have no clue who drew it, but I'd love to find out.