hahabut I like his regular posts
I think Alex might not be a fan of Mexican food.No Mercy lol! Alex De Campi must have beenwronged by a girl named Gina at some point in his life. That poor girl.
Morrison writes a story where The Flash races a proxy of Sonic the Hedgehog
so yeah, get that
Yea it's Wally. Morrison/Millar did the writing in between Waid and Johns on flashLook at the chin on... I have to assume that's Wally
Thank you. And you can think what you want but I've enjoyed reading your posts when you talk about comics you enjoy or excited about reading.I'll stop, but I don't believe you don't have anything personal against me with that initial post of yours. Not for a second.
You know, I'm a depressed wack job with a silly disposition and a random sense of humor, but I can never ever tell when you're serious 100% of the time. But I agree with your sentiment, serious or not.
There's nothing to think about, your post says it all.Thank you. And you can think what you want but I've enjoyed reading your posts when you talk about comics you enjoy or excited about reading.
Morrison writes a story where The Flash races a proxy of Sonic the Hedgehog
so yeah, get that
Yeah I gotta get it. I'm glad all this Flash stuff is getting reprinted because it's a character I've been interested in forever.You're a good guy. It's only like $9. Bought it today.
I picked up all of the BPRD stuff too.
That's how I felt too lol. I complained a lot about the second one in the past. Just a waste of time. Would have rather they skipped the two filler issues entirely.Oh yeah, comics. I finished Superior Foes. It's weird seeing those fillers existing in such an otherwise tight and compact run. I'm guessing they were a result of not being able to justify just delaying due to not the best sales or something? But yeah, they were... not the best. The first one at least tried even if it missed the mark, but the second one was baaaad. Or at least horribly missed the mark. It was kind of like if someone just read the title and was like "oh, we should show how scary the new Superior Spider-man is from the villains perspective! That's what this is about, right?" Just... odd. But the series was great, really enjoyed it.
I don't understand what is happening
I don't understand what is happening
I don't understand what is happening
That looks like a baby mask. I don't think that was a baby.
Took me like ten minutes to bust this thing out. I think it's quite beautiful.
Think of all the other ways you could have spent that 10 minutes. You could have read like 4 Mark Millar comics in that time
People here need to watch more horror movies.
I could recommend you some.
I've decided to stop watching anything really creepy, but i still watch monster/zombie movies. I try to avoid movies that make me picture things in the dark trying to run at and murder me.
Thats the only one who I can now watch and only feel remotly scared. Everything else doesnt catches me, one side of the medal when you have seen like every good horrormovie there is.
But you have to watch IT FOLLOWS. It is an amazing movie, maybe the best there was in the last years.
That Capullo Batman art prices! Holyeeeee Shit! $30,000 for a cover. $1000-$20,000 for interiors.
I'm thinking of all the things you can buy with $30k and a Capullo cover is not one of those things.
I did see It Follows as it was before the ban, I liked it overall, especially the soundtrack from what i remember, but i think i was a little disappointed in the plot at the time. Had some great tense moments though. I want to see Krampus, the blu ray comes out next week and it looks to fit the "not too creepy" category.
People here need to watch more horror movies.
I could recommend you some.
Go ahead, recommend some.
What the fuck was duckroll doing here? Dipping into this thread and making conversation like he's been here before.
For $500 dollars and a lighter I will replicate any Capullo page. $510 for a cover ☕That Capullo Batman art prices! Holyeeeee Shit! $30,000 for a cover. $1000-$20,000 for interiors.
That Capullo Batman art prices! Holyeeeee Shit! $30,000 for a cover. $1000-$20,000 for interiors.
Is he selling anything from X-Force?
Took me like ten minutes to bust this thing out. I think it's quite beautiful.
Gifs were a mistake. Jifs are still okay.
Really don't need to do tha-People here need to watch more horror movies.
I could recommend you some.
-or do it whatever I guess. MonsterIt Follows
Superia and Inferno
Videodrome to some extent
From Above, So Below
For a start right from my mind, need to look at my collection for more^^
You know exactly what this is!What is this shit?!
people are seriously bothered by the "I am your grandma" gifs? LOL, that's the most mild shit ever.
It's not like he's posting gifs from begotten.
Proud owner of both tpbsMorrison writes a story where The Flash races a proxy of Sonic the Hedgehog
so yeah, get that
You know exactly what this is!
Later that day...