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COMICS! |OT| August 2014. Infinite universes, or just fifty-two? Thanos.

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Jedeye Sniv

Really great little story that was thrown into the Bat-verse in the middle of Morrison's run. The ending, with the hands, has some damn great imagery.

That's funny, I really hated the ending but I loved the rest of the book. The story where Alfred is doing all the things is one of the greatest batman things ever.


Is Original Sin good as an event? Did we discover already who killed the Living Tribunal? Could it be also the one who killed the Watcher

Jedeye Sniv

Is Original Sin good as an event? Did we discover already who killed the Living Tribunal? Could it be also the one who killed the Watcher

I'm having a great time with it. Good characters, good art, compelling mystery... what else do you need. Have faith in Aaron.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Thanks, will likely pick it up.

They're not on the wall yet, but they are framed. I'm using dollar store frames for now.

Here's a picture from when I first framed them.

How do you keep the comics centered? Mine slipped down and it doesn't look all that good, like the bag and board stand out.


Pizza Dog
How do you keep the comics centered? Mine slipped down and it doesn't look all that good, like the bag and board stand out.

If they're bagged in the frames then you could always attach a little sticky-tape to the back of the bag to hold it in place, that wouldn't damage the book at least.

Jedeye Sniv

If you want them to look propa swish you'd need slightly bigger frames and then some mount card around the outside with the bagged comic taped in at the corners to the back of the board.

Wife is a picture framer, I knew all this crap in my head would come in useful one day.


If you want them to look propa swish you'd need slightly bigger frames and then some mount card around the outside with the bagged comic taped in at the corners to the back of the board.

Wife is a picture framer, I knew all this crap in my head would come in useful one day.

I always assumed that White=Bad. If a print I get is say...11x17, I get an 11x17 frame.

Jedeye Sniv

I always assumed that White=Bad. If a print I get is say...11x17, I get an 11x17 frame.

ewwwww, that's classless brah. A good mount makes stuff pop, doesn't even need to be white. trust me, my mrs is a pro and talks about this shit all the time.

edit: ALL THE TIME hahaha

but I totally get you, I did the same when I printed out some wedding photos, got the size to fill the frame and it looked daft. Mrs reprinted them smaller, put a nice mount around it and bam, classy pics.


ewwwww, that's classless brah. A good mount makes stuff pop, doesn't even need to be white. trust me, my mrs is a pro and talks about this shit all the time.

edit: ALL THE TIME hahaha

but I totally get you, I did the same when I printed out some wedding photos, got the size to fill the frame and it looked daft. Mrs reprinted them smaller, put a nice mount around it and bam, classy pics.

That is very interesting. I never knew there was so much that went into framing.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
ewwwww, that's classless brah. A good mount makes stuff pop, doesn't even need to be white. trust me, my mrs is a pro and talks about this shit all the time.

edit: ALL THE TIME hahaha

but I totally get you, I did the same when I printed out some wedding photos, got the size to fill the frame and it looked daft. Mrs reprinted them smaller, put a nice mount around it and bam, classy pics.

That is very interesting. I never knew there was so much that went into framing.

Until I read this, I didn't realize how much framing knowledge I picked up from my mom without knowing it. She likes going all out with framing. I guess I kind of assumed all of that framing stuff was common knowledge. I was reading Jedeye's post and thinking "Wait, doesn't everyone know proper framing technique?" Haha

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Framing is my favorite part of collecting prints. I genuinely appreciated incredible frame jobs, and as I've been to bad framers, it's pretty awesome when you see some super creative work on putting a frame job together.

Jedeye, you should get this page printed and framed:
I have some prints and custom artwork I need framed but have never known how to really get it done so this is all fascinating stuff.


Lemire did a nice job wrapping up his and Sorrentino's run on Green Arrow and setting the stage for whatever the TV writers are going to do (which I won't be sticking around for). I wish they had done a longer run, but Sorrentino was ready to move on and Lemire didn't want to continue without him.


I'm having a great time with it. Good characters, good art, compelling mystery... what else do you need. Have faith in Aaron.

TBH I didn't even know it was an event XD.
I guess the main reason I'm not reading it is because it won't matter in the long run like many other major crossover changes, and I might not enjoy it even as its own thing.



For Spider-Verse!
-So the most SUPERIOR Spider in the multiverse is leading the charge, huh? It'll be interesting to see how he comes back in the previous issue of SSM.
-Anna Maria A.I., creepy.
-Seeing the new villain, I dig the design, it's kinda like nothing really meshes well, but monstrous.
-2099 is Otto's bitch.
-It's feels so good to see SpOck again.

Really looking forward to this event.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Lemire did a nice job wrapping up his and Sorrentino's run on Green Arrow and setting the stage for whatever the TV writers are going to do (which I won't be sticking around for). I wish they had done a longer run, but Sorrentino was ready to move on and Lemire didn't want to continue without him.

Bye bye best Green Arrow run in years. I have absolutely no faith in the new creative team, but they are riding the residual awesomeness of Lemire and Sorrentino's run, so maybe it'll be okay? Maybe?

Do you know where Sorrentino is headed? I remember reading something about him going straight to Marvel.
Bye bye best Green Arrow run in years. I have absolutely no faith in the new creative team, but they are riding the residual awesomeness of Lemire and Sorrentino's run, so maybe it'll be okay? Maybe?

Do you know where Sorrentino is headed? I remember reading something about him going straight to Marvel.

Yeah, he is at Marvel now. Doing an Annual with Bendis then another Marvel project coming from that.


First tragedy, then farce.
Superman is a cursed property at the moment.

I keep getting excited everytime they add a new writer to the property and after like 4 issues: hot mess.

Superman Unchained - hot mess, probably got messed up because of release delays and Luther becoming a good guy.

Superman: Doomed - For 4 months I was liking Action Comics and Superman/Wonder Woman. Than this came along and basically turned everything bad.

Superman: So far, Johns is turning out a pretty good story that I am enjoying. I somehow don't see him sticking on the property for too long. He feels like DC throwing someone with a good battering record at a floundering property.
Superman is a cursed property at the moment.

I keep getting excited everytime they add a new writer to the property and after like 4 issues: hot mess.

Superman Unchained - hot mess, probably got messed up because of release delays and Luther becoming a good guy.

Superman: Doomed - For 4 months I was liking Action Comics and Superman/Wonder Woman. Than this came along and basically turned everything bad.

Superman: So far, Johns is turning out a pretty good story that I am enjoying. I somehow don't see him sticking on the property for too long. He feels like DC throwing someone with a good battering record at a floundering property.

Quite the contrary, from all the interviews, sounds like Johns has come really attached to the character right now.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Yeah, he is at Marvel now. Doing an Annual with Bendis then another Marvel project coming from that.
:( If it's X-men related, I ain't touching it.
Superman is a cursed property at the moment.

It's just going through the same issues Batman did with the New52. Since there are so many damn Supes books, it's hard to maintain quality throughout.

But Johns' and JrJrJr's Superman is good; Batman/Superman is good when Pak and Jae Lee are on it together, and I hear Superman/Wonder Woman is pretty good.

Just avoid Superman Unchained. I know Chris Sims said it was hot fire, but it's horseshit.


First tragedy, then farce.
Quite the contrary, from all the interviews, sounds like Johns has come really attached to the character right now.

I certainly hope that is the case.

I want Johns back on character series and off of the team series. He does his best work boiling characters down to their heart and building up mythology around them.

I don't think he's doing a bad job with JL, but I would rather have had him stick to Aquaman. Jeff Parker is doing a decent job with it but it seems to have lost a lot of focus and now has two books that Aquaman isn't the star of somehow.

Jedeye Sniv

Framing is my favorite part of collecting prints. I genuinely appreciated incredible frame jobs, and as I've been to bad framers, it's pretty awesome when you see some super creative work on putting a frame job together.

Jedeye, you should get this page printed and framed:

those are the pages I don't like though. Here I was, enjoying this really imaginative and heart rending story, and then Gaiman goes an slaps a big ol cliche on the end. I felt that he didn't know how to end it properly so he just did this. He might as well have said "and then they all lived happily ever after the end".

And as I say, I adore that story, it makes me cry every tiem


First tragedy, then farce.
It's just going through the same issues Batman did with the New52. Since there are so many damn Supes books, it's hard to maintain quality throughout.

But Johns' and JrJrJr's Superman is good; Batman/Superman is good when Pak and Jae Lee are on it together, and I hear Superman/Wonder Woman is pretty good.

Just avoid Superman Unchained. I know Chris Sims said it was hot fire, but it's horseshit.

Unchained is awful. It's also taken over a year now to tell a really wrote story that I'm pretty sure I've read at least 50 times without a new angle. Keep Snyder on Bats.

Superman/WW was doing well. Then Doomed took over.

Action was doing well. Then Doomed took over.

Superman/Batman had a really good opening arc, then had a terrible video game story, and has been stuck in awful tie-in hell since.

Basically, I think my core issue is Doomed has been an awful story that has taken over every book and has somehow taken far too many issues to get to the point it's at now.


I know I'm going to be massively late to the party on this one because I trade-wait everything, but I just wanted to post and say I loved Sex Criminals volume 1.

I don't always love everything Matt Fraction writes - I found Casanova overwhelmingly confusing, which probably suggests a lack of intelligence on my part - but Hawkeye is the only cape comic I have bought and Sex Criminals really continues that same amusing writing streak. Rather than being juvenile, as the subject matter could have been, it's a very irreverent story - yes, there's loads of sex, and sex jokes, and everything in between, but it's not really smutty in any great way.

My worry from a story perspective is that the first volume is great because it's all about setup. The "payoff" of the bank heist and the Sex Police (great idea!) is very much background stuff and I'm not sure how it's going to lead into further stories in further volumes. But I'm more than willing to see!

Art wise I am a complete luddite so have no idea how to comment on anything particularly other than I think it's a nice looking comic. It's hardly artistic or anything but the panels are well framed and drawn and... that's about all I can say.

So basically... yes, everyone is right, Sex Criminals is really rather good.

Jedeye Sniv

TBH I didn't even know it was an event XD.
I guess the main reason I'm not reading it is because it won't matter in the long run like many other major crossover changes, and I might not enjoy it even as its own thing.

Well then don't read anything ever because nothing really matters innit.

Let's go through your thinking here - "it won't matter in the long run" - what does? A story having long lasting status quo impacts isn't the only reason for its existence, and there are very very few stories that reach this lofty criteria.

"I might not enjoy it even as its own thing" - what makes you think this? I will tell you that as a panel to panel comic, it's very enjoyable. A taught mystery thriller to start with, and then a few character bombshells, some great cliffhangers and some cool world building.

IMO it's important to have a little faith in creators with proven SOLID GOLD track records like Aaron. Show me one thing he's done that isn't at least a B+, the guy is one of the most consistent, imaginative and accessible writers in comics. And Deodato is putting out the best work of his career even if he is cheating a little bit (I'm onto you and your re-using of muzzlefashes Deodato!!).

Something like Infinity I totally understand skipping since it's essentially more issues of Hickman's Avengers run with a different title. But I think Original Sin is much more inclusive, fun and exciting than you're giving it credit for. In fact, I think I would recommend it to almost anyone, Marvel fan or not.

edit: that came off tetchier than I meant it but I think it stands

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I don't always love everything Matt Fraction writes - I found Casanova overwhelmingly confusing,

Aside from the parts that are purposely obscured--what did you find confusing about Casanova? Also, you read it in trades, right?
Rereading the first volume of Y today, made me realise if this was a comic coming out today, I maybe would drop it after that first arc. Good core concept, characters are likeable on the surface due to good dialogue but there's not much emotional depth I can relate to. I saw so little of Yorick & Beth's relationship it's hard to invest in his need to find her bar the surface level empathy you can imagine in those shoes, but not because of anything actually in the comic that makes you care about them/feel sorry for Yorick being on his own cut off from her. Agent 355 is basically a cypher; a potential doorway to interesting future plots and a way to bail Yorick's character out of situations he realistically wouldn't be able to handle in a badass manner. Mann really only appears a little at end.

Now obviously a) nostalgia is currently fuelling a lot of enjoyment and b) I do actually know the characters get deeper later, but yea, just thought it was interesting that I would probably skip off this if it was something I was buying right now and I was 5 issues into. 5 months of story should be enough to invest a reader for the long haul and I'm not sure it would have done it for me. Not that I'm saying it's a bad comic now or anything, and it's still a very good first comic for people but it's very plot driven and not enough character driven for my tastes in the here and now - I think I'd rather have just seen Yorick's trip from NYC to Washington and had it much more character driven, see the sights he saw, how he felt while he's realising he's the only man left and how potentially dangerous that could be - the fear that obviously drove him to wear the gasmask. I was similarly miffed then they picked up at the front of an issue having skipped searching his sister's place looking for her, as if that was unimportant or not something I would want to see. Opportunities for character moments, introspection etc. Think I'm going to reread it all though and see how I feel as I go.

Also, had a quick look at the preview for BPRD #122 on CBR there, can't wait for this to hit trade. Art by Joe Querio (for the first time I believe), the guy who just did the witcher mini series with Paul Tobin. Gotta love that imagery:



but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh man... I just read the last issue of Fraction/Brubaker's Immortal Iron Fist run. That was by far the best issue of the run, and one of my favorite issues ever. Everything about it was just so great. The relaxed tone of it made me really want to reread the first Hawkeye OHC too.

Also, it made me realize how fantastic Aja's art is. The previous two or three issues with basically the grand finale of the run were drawn by that guy who was trying to imitate Aja's art and doing a very good job of it IMO. I knew that it wasn't Aja since I read the art credits page, but I couldn't really tell that it wasn't Aja by looking at it. But then when Aja came back to draw the last issue... There's just something special about Aja's art that takes it to another level.

But yeah, what a perfect ending to the run. That was awesome.

Also, had a quick look at the preview for BPRD #122 on CBR there, can't wait for this to hit trade. Art by Joe Querio (for the first time I believe), the guy who just did the witcher mini series with Paul Tobin. Gotta love that imagery:

That's such a cool cover.


Aside from the parts that are purposely obscured--what did you find confusing about Casanova? Also, you read it in trades, right?

I did read it in trade - I only read the first volume, though. I can't really remember - I think I just got lost in the first chapter or so as to what was actually going on, I couldn't follow it from panel to panel if I remember rightly. It's been a year or so and my memory isn't that great for things I didn't like that much!


Futures End 14

Is it me or is the heist planning going on in Robin's bar? Doesn't he have cameras hidden there? I want to sue DC for false advertising. This was supposed to be the issue where the entire DC universe began the hunt for Terry. I can't fucking wait for his run-in with Batman.
Futures End 14

Is it me or is the heist planning going on in Robin's bar? Doesn't he have cameras hidden there? I want to sue DC for false advertising. This was supposed to be the issue where the entire DC universe began the hunt for Terry. I can't fucking wait for his run-in with Batman.
Yes to the first question. Book has been a major disappointment. Nothing has happened beyond the first three isues and we are constantly reading the same shit over and over.
I know I'm going to be massively late to the party on this one because I trade-wait everything, but I just wanted to post and say I loved Sex Criminals volume 1.
I was lttp on the series as well, and yeah, it's awesome. If issue 6 is anything to go by, the next trade is gonna be really good too. Fraction and Zdarsky are doing an awesome job so far.

........Is that a Prison School reference in your avatar? :D
Yeah! I love the series, I used a Hana avatar for a brief period in June or so. Probably my favorite manga at the moment. I'm hoping the anime announcement means we'll get some figures or something, I would love one of Hana or Mari.

I felt like I should stick to one avatar for a good period of time so I figured this was the next best thing lol


There's a pretty neat Multiversity promo this week. I have no idea where it is on the print stuff, but it was at the end of Green Arrow in the digital release.
Yeah! I love the series, I used a Hana avatar for a brief period in June or so. Probably my favorite manga at the moment. I'm hoping the anime announcement means we'll get some figures or something, I would love one of Hana or Mari.

I felt like I should stick to one avatar for a good period of time so I figured this was the next best thing lol

Hana is best girl.

I'd been reading it a little at a time, but the announcement of a Prison School anime gave me reason to plow through the rest of it. Now I close my eyes and all I see are boobs and butts. XD

It's a really funny series, though.


Soooo the miracleman reprint just got to That One Issue Of Miracleman. I'd like to be smarter than this, but: ewwwww.
So is this Thanos OHC supposed to take place before Infinity or after it or what
I think it's before Infinity.
Was that Thanos one shot by Starlin any good?
If you like the character you'll probably enjoy it. I think it's a little crazy that it's $4.99 but that's Marvel for you.
Hana is best girl.

I'd been reading it a little at a time, but the announcement of a Prison School anime gave me reason to plow through the rest of it. Now I close my eyes and all I see are boobs and butts. XD

It's a really funny series, though.
boobs are just fake asses


Well then don't read anything ever because nothing really matters innit.

Let's go through your thinking here - "it won't matter in the long run" - what does? A story having long lasting status quo impacts isn't the only reason for its existence, and there are very very few stories that reach this lofty criteria.

"I might not enjoy it even as its own thing" - what makes you think this? I will tell you that as a panel to panel comic, it's very enjoyable. A taught mystery thriller to start with, and then a few character bombshells, some great cliffhangers and some cool world building.

IMO it's important to have a little faith in creators with proven SOLID GOLD track records like Aaron. Show me one thing he's done that isn't at least a B+, the guy is one of the most consistent, imaginative and accessible writers in comics. And Deodato is putting out the best work of his career even if he is cheating a little bit (I'm onto you and your re-using of muzzlefashes Deodato!!).

Something like Infinity I totally understand skipping since it's essentially more issues of Hickman's Avengers run with a different title. But I think Original Sin is much more inclusive, fun and exciting than you're giving it credit for. In fact, I think I would recommend it to almost anyone, Marvel fan or not.

edit: that came off tetchier than I meant it but I think it stands

Some good points, and I should at least read it for Jason Aaron since I like some of his work, though maybe not anytime soon.
If anything I meant with the 'Marvel status quo or continuity' with my previous comment.

Mind you, I'm feeling exhaustaed and tired today for some reason, so apologies if some of my posts aren't very 'detailed'.



For Spider-Verse!
-So the most SUPERIOR Spider in the multiverse is leading the charge, huh? It'll be interesting to see how he comes back in the previous issue of SSM.
-Anna Maria A.I., creepy.
-Seeing the new villain, I dig the design, it's kinda like nothing really meshes well, but monstrous.
-2099 is Otto's bitch.
-It's feels so good to see SpOck again.

Really looking forward to this event.
Yep. Looking pretty exciting. I recall somebody in the thread totally called this was going to happen too.
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