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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


Not even lying m8

Wish they'd give Shadowman to a good writer, he's actually kinda cool.

Get Ellis on that ish and we'd get 6 issues of greatness before going back to mediocrity. I vaguely remember the game being kinda shitty as well come to think of it.
So my current reading plans are to finish the Doom Patrol Omnibus tonight, then read his Animal Man, then The Invisibles, and then feel every other book is too boring and basic.


Not to me it's not.

nah this thread leans super young for comics. I'm younger than that and so is Tyrant Rave and Kipp and Serpentine (who is like 12 years old or something idk)
Yeah but you post like an old dude tbh

Ryan Browne's new Blast Furnace Kickstarter is live! I recommend the Horrible Cat edition

Quoting for more Browne shine given yall killed God Hates Astronauts in the first place

Plague of Frogs 2 completed. Liz did exactly what was expected, and then passed out. Because of course she would. Still a wonderful book. Black Flame going "pleeeeeeeeeezzzzzz" was The Best Thing.

Also Mudbat said something about Secret Wars 6 being delayed in the SW thread.

I'm 26 and I'm in better shape than people 8 years younger than me.


That's not saying a whole lot, given current obesity trends.

apparently you can equip him with a knife

I have never been looking forward to a game this much



Redbox isn't carrying Mad Max Fury Road blu ray on its release, i need to see that movie....

but yesssssssssss gamefly just shipped me Until Dawn ps4, gaming saved. Die Hearthstone....die by the way i choose.
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