The Gamora ongoing was announced a while ago. We just haven't heard anything about it recently.
can i take a moment to give a shout out to the homie my name is ed for creating my glorious avatar
dude is a real bro 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
ha hai dunno, people don't really use ed avatars anymore.
Thx MusicMan!Yes, ED is good people
I can't remember half the stuff they announce. I just found out today that Chewbacca has an ongoing with Noto on art and Gerry Duggan writing coming out the week after my birthday. Shattered Empire comes out in two weeks!
I love comics.
Rumble was sooooo good. Acurdi and Harren were on point but goddamn Stewart was beasting on colors. It was tons of fun. Not a typical story. Harren's cartooning is phenom. He might be the very best at creating motion in American comics
Shattered Empire has my attention.
Yeah she looks cool I was glad to hear that book primarily revolves around Shara Bey and her husband. They could have just done something with the main cast (if they were allowed) but new characters for new stories is always a bonus and the direction I would like the comics to go in the future.
While reading Carnage U.S.A., many thoughts cross one's mind. Thoughts such as "this is the best bad art i've seen in a while", "that's a runner up for worst Ben Grimm design ever", "who thought it would be a good idea to give cletus kasady bionic legs", and, chief amongst them "how in the name of fuck did an editor okay two double amputees maiming themselves in a fight as the finale?".
Yes you were. And I applaud you for that.
All right, thanks for the heads up. I'll pass on it then.
Tizoc mentioned I should check it out and I said this:
"I remember checking it out a while back. It doesn't have the same appeal to me as Lil Gotham. The great thing about Lil Gotham is that it's an all ages book but still has just as much (or, more, actually) appeal to older readers. Tiny Titans is pretty much a straight-up kids comic. There's nothing wrong with that, it just isn't really as enjoyable for me."
Buuuut with you guys telling me to read it too, I think I'll check it out again. I didn't read very much of it the first time around.
Edit: Yeah, just re-read the first issue that I got for free from Comixology at one point. I still stand by that quote. It's super cute and all, but it doesn't have the depth to it that Li'l Gotham has that makes it so enjoyable for me. Sorry guys![]()
I'll keep trying to get into Low but lawd the first pages have way too much dialog that I don't care about :/
Some books can's be judged by their first issue, one must push through and read on to eventually appreciate a book.
I'll keep trying to get into Low but lawd the first pages have way too much dialog that I don't care about :/
Also wtf is this
Awesome!Some books can's be judged by their first issue, one must push through and read on to eventually appreciate a book.
I'll keep trying to get into Low but lawd the first pages have way too much dialog that I don't care about :/
Also wtf is this
This is what happens when you try to sell valiant launch! communities fall apart! worlds collide! time runs out! rabum alal!
You're being a drama queen. Don't be a drama queen.
Ffs, i linked spider porn and i don't go all "i'm a pariah".
Some books can's be judged by their first issue, one must push through and read on to eventually appreciate a book.
I'll keep trying to get into Low but lawd the first pages have way too much dialog that I don't care about :/
Also wtf is this
I added them to my DCBS order last minute. It just looks like it could be a fun book. Plusultimate Reed as the villain?
How? It's amazing stuff.People hating on Hiketeia in the OT.![]()
Some books can's be judged by their first issue, one must push through and read on to eventually appreciate a book.
I'll keep trying to get into Low but lawd the first pages have way too much dialog that I don't care about :/
Also wtf is this
Some books can's be judged by their first issue, one must push through and read on to eventually appreciate a book.
I'll keep trying to get into Low but lawd the first pages have way too much dialog that I don't care about :/
Also wtf is this
It's a shame we can't get the casts of the runaways, young avengers and avengers academy back in their books again.
It's a shame we can't get the casts of the runaways, young avengers and avengers academy back in their books again.
Who isn't an Epting fan?
We could get Runaways without Nico.
I missed this. Why can't we have this?
Kate is a duo act with Clint, everyone sans the twins is doing nothing, I assume the Runaways can happen but no Nico and Academy, well, none of them really matter anymore sans Tiger and maybe Hazmat.
Oh, it's just because they're in other books?
Right now, some of them, yes.
Is it wrong that I really like that New Avengers art?
Reading the 2004 run of She-Hulk and why is it that with regular Hulk, him and Banner are basically two separate people, who sometimes even hate each other, but with She-Hulk it's one person fully in control of a powered up form? Do they explain that somewhere in the Marvel continuity?
You definitely are, make no mistake. I didn't even let more than a fifth of the spider porn load and I'm scarred for life.
Is it wrong that I really like that New Avengers art?
Is it wrong that I really like that New Avengers art?
Is it wrong that I really like that New Avengers art?
Do you like Joe Mad's style? Thats basically what that New Avengers art is doing
Is it wrong that I really like that New Avengers art?
Dude, you read ninjak.
Someone colored Samnee's Batwoman Question sketch from a few months back. They did a great job.
Why can't we have this book. It would be perfect. Imagine. Rucka and Samnee![]()
Because gamma.
Real answer: because dear god the PMS jokes a buncha dicks would use if Shulkie went all hruwhahshraaaageeee all the time. Plus we already got rage hulk with banner, and evil rage hulk with abomination. No point in just making her a female rage hulk.
Someone colored Samnee's Batwoman Question sketch from a few months back. They did a great job.
Why can't we have this book. It would be perfect. Imagine. Rucka and Samnee![]()
Someone colored Samnee's Batwoman Question sketch from a few months back. They did a great job.
Why can't we have this book. It would be perfect. Imagine. Rucka and Samnee![]()
Not really :/
Is having a in impossible waist size her super power?That New Avengers art looks so friggin' 90s. This one even moreso: