frank miller look like Bernie
as in, Weekend at
as in, dead
as in, Weekend at
as in, dead
Who's the guy in the t-shirt behind Frank Miller?
Actually who is everyone besides the Frank Miller, Jim Lee, Tim CIA King, Scott Snyder quadrangle?
I know Capullo.
Who's the guy in the t-shirt behind Frank Miller?
Actually who is everyone besides the Frank Miller, Jim Lee, Tim CIA King, Scott Snyder quadrangle?
I know Capullo.
They will be. #21 was a one off.I really hope that in this new arc of Star Wars that Luke, Han or Leia don't show up. Some of my favorite parts of the Clone War TV Show only featured clones in them. Issue 21 of Stars Wars has me looking forward into liking this squad.
Only negative is that the art looks to dark sometimes.
They will be. #21 was a one off.
You know who this is.
bout to photoshop Paul Ryan into that pic
I do know that guy. That's Bendis, right?
so it becomes another batman vs joker story in the second half after an assault of r-rated sex, blood and language
honestly, the TV censors was probably the best thing to happen to the Batman animated series. Maybe TAS Joker never straight up murdering anybody neuters him a bit, but if they stops them from adapting the Killing Joke so Batman can FUCK Babs before she's shot and possibly raped, well the pros outweigh the cons here
bout to photoshop Paul Ryan into that pic
I think the real question is do men that are bald happen to like working in comics, or does working in comics make you go bald?
I think the real question is do men that are bald happen to like working in comics, or does working in comics make you go bald?
that's why Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman take extended leaves from the art form, to preserve themselves
Morrison looks like a straight up vampire in that first pic.
Bendis, Vaughan, and Azzarello are all bald guys from Cleveland named Brian.I think the real question is do men that are bald happen to like working in comics, or does working in comics make you go bald?
i ran into someone called Freezathegreat on overwatch, i knew it wasn't our freeza because they are playing overwatch ( and the whole other name thing).
Jim Starlin...who wrote that dialogue?
Will watch later. I've always enjoyed that movie. Never thought it was as bad as people make it out to be.Watchmen - Adapting the unadaptable:
Very great thinkpiece on the Watchmen movie and a comparison to the book.
BtVS S1 is fun to go back to. It's so campy B-movie. Even if it does have some garbage episodes.Nah it doesn't mean anything. So many great genre shows had awful first seasons. See Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek: TNG, Farscape, The Walking Dead.
Must readEvan Narcisse wrote an article about the current state of X-Men comics.
Dalek made a thread about it, I'm sure it'll go fine.
Get you a man who looks at you the way Grant Morrison looks at Gerard Way.
Get you a man who looks at you the way Grant Morrison looks at Gerard Way.
Surely she means Garbage Pail Kids.
Omg this is such an amazing gifhey now you're a rock star get the show on get paid
Omg this is such an amazing gif
hey now you're a rock star get the show on get paid
...Welp, the wait for the second Deadly Class hardcover is going to be a difficult one. But thus are the trials of my current plan of "nice fancy edition"-waiting (with some digital on the side, but I'm not gonna go digital on something where I already decided I'm in for the nice fancy editions).
Also, I finished the crappy Sonic comics and hit the point where Ian Flynn comes in, and yeah, he just immediately improves everything massively. Oh, and I realized when you throw together the main comic and Universe (plus a little Boom I guess), he should be at a giant run of over 200 issues in that universe by now, I think, which is actually pretty damn impressive.
Rumble #1
James Harren and Dave Stewart should always work together, those guys are a perfect match.
First chapter was pretty interesting, the swords and fantasy stuff is right up my alley, so I'm sure I'll like the rest.
Rumble is fucking fantastic
I hated this issue.
I read the first issue because it was free on CMX. I don't know if it's for me. Fantasy themes don't really do it for me anymore.
Health insurance rip off lying
FDA big bankers buying
Fake computer crashes dining
better than silk they're multiplying
Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson,
Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson
God damn, a New Radicals reference? Psych riding in the way-back machine.
Health insurance rip off lying
FDA big bankers buying
Fake computer crashes dining
better than silk they're multiplying
Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson,
Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson
tfw playground allegiances to multibillion dollar comic book corporations has become subsumed into the culture at large
Which culture?tfw playground allegiances to multibillion dollar comic book corporations has become subsumed into the culture at large
Given the way the Clinton and Trump campaigns conduct themselves on Twitter, I can see this shit making it into the presidential debates.tfw playground allegiances to multibillion dollar comic book corporations has become subsumed into the culture at large