Yo Otto Schmidt is legit amazing. He is arting and coloring the shit out of Green Arrow. Please tell me Juan Ferreyra isn't replacing him full time. I need them to rotate.
That's a mean thing to say about someone.
tfw playground allegiances to multibillion dollar comic book corporations has become subsumed into the culture at large
He looks fine. But how did Katana even get on this team? Is she a criminal or something?
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Black Spider had some other shit going on with him thoughShe's probably the volunteer like Black Spider was in New 52 version.
Man, after GA I can't stop looking forward to this.![]()
Nice. Some good reference comics.
remember that time Cyclops lost an argument with Claremont's captions
Yo Otto Schmidt is legit amazing. He is arting and coloring the shit out of Green Arrow. Please tell me Juan Ferreyra isn't replacing him full time. I need them to rotate.
The power of Claremontremember that time Cyclops lost an argument with Claremont's captions
Rumble #3
Alright, yeah, Rumble is fucking awesome. Definitely getting Volume 2 ASAP.
I settled on an iPad Air 2, which should arrive Thursday. Super excited. I'm going to hold off on reading my Wednesday purchases so I can break it in right.
That is what I have. It's pretty sweet.
She's probably the volunteer like Black Spider was in New 52 version.
Does that mean she gets to go home to a nice warm bed when the rest of them just have to go back to jail? >![]()
OstranderWhich one again was the to go Run from Suicide Squad?
First volume of Ostrander's run is on sale on CMX now.Which one again was the to go Run from Suicide Squad?
Captain America: Steve Rogers #3
So is Steve secretly working against Hydra as a whole, or just Red Skull? Because he clearly isn't on Skull's side, since he kept Selvig alive, but we've nothing to indicate that he's against Hydra as a whole. I suppose aside from leaving Jack Flag alive. We also don't know if Zemo is also alive, but I'll assume he is.
Also Taskmaster as sheriff is the best.
Captain America: Steve Rogers #3
So is Steve secretly working against Hydra as a whole, or just Red Skull? Because he clearly isn't on Skull's side, since he kept Selvig alive, but we've nothing to indicate that he's against Hydra as a whole. I suppose aside from leaving Jack Flag alive. We also don't know if Zemo is also alive, but I'll assume he is.
Also Taskmaster as sheriff is the best.
Steve has philosophical differences regarding what "good Hydra values" mean. Presumably because his rewritten past is based on Kobik's idea of what Hydra means, not Red Skull directly.
That's what the Red Skull gets for reading her Hydra bedtime stories lol
remember that time Cyclops lost an argument with Claremont's captions
He looks fine. But how did Katana even get on this team? Is she a criminal or something?
You have failed this cityNightwing #1: I think I'm out on this book. Raptor seems cool, but I really don't like Seeley's dialogue. His attempts at jokes are just bad. Cheese Vikings!
You have failed this city
Ayyyyye.The Parliament of Owls sends it's regards...
Freezathegreat or regular Freeza?Happy Birthday Freeza!
I know there might be an obvious website, but is there a intuitive place to keep track of released issues for active ongoing series?
Many of the links I go to on the go have no release dates or links to issues months out.