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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


Green arrow#4

Pretty decent setup into the fins confrontation.

I love this type of art be I miss the cartoon look as well. Wish the art would change every arc instead of every couple issue.


Green arrow#4

Pretty decent setup into the fins confrontation.

I love this type of art be I miss the cartoon look as well. Wish the art would change every arc instead of every couple issue.

I wonder how long they are going to be able to keep this momentum going across double shipping books. I haven't read anything that says when or if they are going to go back to regular shipping. I'll be sad when Superman goes to one a month for instance.

Cover for Black Panther #7.

I am so excited for this team up!


I wonder how long they are going to be able to keep this momentum going across double shipping books. I haven't read anything that says when or if they are going to go back to regular shipping. I'll be sad when Superman goes to one a month for instance.
As long as the sales are great then it will double ship. If the sales get lower, then it will change from double shipping to once a month. I'm partly hoping that Aquaman sales go down a little so they'll change it to a monthly title and only keep Brad Walker.


It's super weird that *this*
stupid as all fuck
speech is happening so close to Civil War II, which is basically about profiling.

That speech was from 2013.

That's cool, he was such a dick lol looking forward to Jess getting her own book.

One funny thing about Otto quitting the team is that he said the Mighty Avenger should call themsevles the Champions because they're just a team of C and D listers pretending to be Avengers.


I wonder how long they are going to be able to keep this momentum going across double shipping books. I haven't read anything that says when or if they are going to go back to regular shipping. I'll be sad when Superman goes to one a month for instance.

Hopefully until the rest of the year at least.


Cover for Black Panther #7.

I am so excited for this team up!
Black Panther is smart for going to his allies, but that makes me wonder how bad things are going to get in wakanda.

Also Stick around Kamikaze lol


The speech just asked people not to have some negative bias cuz they were mutants. Judge them for what they do.

This is the problem people had with it:
The idea that ‘mutant’ is an ‘m-word’ is comprehensively wrong. The idea that equality is reached via erasing differences is wrong. And the message this scene puts across is that minorities – for, of course, mutancy in the Marvel Universe is used as a metaphor for the struggles of persecuted minorities round the world, be they of a different sexual orientation, gender, race, religion – should want to become invisible and fit into their surroundings. It’s a message that minorities should feel ashamed of who they are, and seek to become, quote “normalised”.

Bendis also went off on Remender through Kitty lol.
as much as we/people clowned on the overwrought narration in issue 3, in retrospect that was when we should've gone "ah right he's going FULL CLAREMONT huh"
I feel like Remender writes the same capes comics over and over but they're damn good so I don't even mind
Its been a while but I picked up a new statue and I'm liking it alot. Its a Batman B&W using the art style of David Mazzucchelli. Has a really cool look in B&W
Jeez that's awesome. Mazzu bats >*
It happened with Superior as well after he got beat down by Luke Cage and Jessica Jones for being a bad person.

I like how Bendis eviscerated him over that speech in one of his X-Men books.
That was a high point in ANXM. Really liked that.
Don't listen to his lies. Low is pretty good.

Yea, I like it, like the art a lot. I like deadly class more, but then again, I like low.more than black science. Low wears it's themes so heavily on its sleeve, but hey it tries and you can't say he doesn't really go for it, it's like game of thrones levels of character culling. I read plenty of comics were by the end I honestly question if the writer was inspired to try and say anything thematically, so I'll give it up to him, even if it's a little on the nose. Nice trades too.
Yea, I like it, like the art a lot. I like deadly class more, but then again, I like low.more than black science. Low wears it's themes so heavily on its sleeve, but hey it tries and you can't say he doesn't really go for it, it's like game of thrones levels of character culling. I read plenty of comics were by the end I honestly question if the writer was inspired to try and say anything thematically, so I'll give it up to him, even if it's a little on the nose. Nice trades too.

Your Game of Thrones analogy fits more with
Deadly Class
after the end of the last story arc.
Your Game of Thrones analogy fits more with
Deadly Class
after the end of the last story arc.

NONONO behave yourself! Hahah, I have a big list of trades just waiting to be purchased, probably be grabbing them at the beginning of September and Deadly Class vol.4 is up there. I can't wait man, the way that third arc end, I said wow.

I read an interview after the third arc where he talked about the concept of the box basically being
Battle Royale in a school of assassins
but he decided to come at it from an earlier angle, and how it's all been building to what is basically the actual story. Really interested to see what goes down.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Yea, I like it, like the art a lot. I like deadly class more, but then again, I like low.more than black science. Low wears it's themes so heavily on its sleeve, but hey it tries and you can't say he doesn't really go for it, it's like game of thrones levels of character culling. I read plenty of comics were by the end I honestly question if the writer was inspired to try and say anything thematically, so I'll give it up to him, even if it's a little on the nose. Nice trades too.

I feel like that is all his books. He's like Aaron Sorkin. Subtly is not his strong suit. He just beats you over the head .
I really don't know how anyone can say it's worse than the page peel logo. That was an awful design.

It wasn't awful. I get what they were going for with that design. The D needed to look thicker or something to emphasize turning a page instead of looking like a sticker being peeled off.
I wish this series did the reucrring story lines like they did in Civil War: Front Line.

The only one they've done so far is the Nick Fury one and this issue's progression was a cop out.

It also doesn't help that each issue is 24 pages. The Front Line issues were all 33 pages, so each story had a few more pages to get fleshed out.
I feel like that is all his books. He's like Aaron Sorkin. Subtly is not his strong suit. He just beats you over the head .

Haha, definitely. I couldn't read him for a long while, I remember everyone's disappointment in here after they convinced me to read FEAR Agent, and I just couldn't invest myself in it due to the writing. I figure it doesn't bother me nearly as much in Deadly Class because a) they're kids/teens and it feels a bit more naturally to have people who are basically still emotionally immature leaning on big ideas they think identify themselves and b) the time and place, the setting helps make it feel more natural when people are shouting out dissatisfaction in certain ways.

Low is definitely quite guilty of getting in your face with its themes, especially with the inner monologue, but I just really like that world and those visuals, and I do kind of want to see what happens. Black Science, I basically read for the art. It's pretty similar to Low in it's failing but I just don't love that world nearly as much and I think with Black Science he's been a little too fast and carefree with killing off characters and
introducing alternate versions etc
, if there's no character through line to a fair extent, I lose all investment in a story. I don't mind if a story swerves and ends up about someone you didn't initially consider the *hero* or whatever, but there needs to be something there.

Like I say though, I've made my peace with Remender, and I really really like Deadly Class, and get good enjoyment out of Low. Black Science & Tokyo Ghost I read but much more eh on them.I think I might skip his next image book.


Every. Fucking. Issue. I'm going to read this latest one and I'm probably done with that series. Who'd have thought Venditti would be writing the better GL book.
I expected that given that Venditti is at least decent while Sam Humphries wrote Star-Lord and Black Vortex.
Wish Venditti would go back to his own work for a little while. His mainstream never seemed to take hold. Obviously DC have kept him around as have valiant but no glowing reviews or anything. The surrogates and the surrogates prequel were really something though. Quite enjoyed the homeland directive too. He always spoke about doing a third surrogates book that would be set post the original. I'd read that book.
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