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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

Hopefully until the rest of the year at least.

Black Panther is smart for going to his allies, but that makes me wonder how bad things are going to get in wakanda.

Also Stick around Kamikaze lol

I'll try but I am a very busy guy! Making my own page, moving, most likely a new job.

But I read a shit ton of comics. Wish I had more time to review them.
You've never been more wrong about anything

That may not be true.

Did the new patch not fix any issues for you? I haven't seen a crash since the patch, but I don't count on that meaning anything, since the crashes were pretty inconsistent before anyway.

I didn't even know there was a new patch. Thanks I will check it out.

I'm thinking about going with no objectives this time
Wish Venditti would go back to his own work for a little while. His mainstream never seemed to take hold. Obviously DC have kept him around as have valiant but no glowing reviews or anything. The surrogates and the surrogates prequel were really something though. Quite enjoyed the homeland directive too. He always spoke about doing a third surrogates book that would be set post the original. I'd read that book.

Ehh? His Valiant stuff got a bunch of recognition

How was Batman/TMNT?



He's also the guy that pushed Kitty and Star Lord according to Bendis and it makes perfect sense when you look at all of his cosmic books, including his Secret Wars one lol.

I know that but I didn't know he actually was the figure head of Vortex, man, that event was pointless. Anti Standoff.
One of the best cape comics I've ever read.
I should read this
Yes you should
You really fucking should
Another hit from the relationships that will probably never be referenced again bargain bin.
It's so upsetting, too
Shortly after the page above half of his face melted. I don't remember why.
Kang hit him with cosmic radiation that was waaaay too powerful for him to heal from because it was a Celestial.
Trust Him.

I suppose I should find a hobo...
I like how Bendis eviscerated him over that speech in one of his X-Men books.
Deserved it. I wasn't a fan.
Ah the main thing that made me drop that book the first time. Then I went back to it, only to see Rogue being written like a dumbass tool and Wanda of all people giving her a hard time for no reason.
Rogue literally started it. Wanda went to go pay her respects at Xavier's grave and Rogue gave her constant shit for it. Eventually Wanda was like, "Fuck it. Fuck you." and then Wanda tore her apart.

Then again, so did Grim Reaper

Cover for Black Panther #7.

I am so excited for this team up!
The hype is astounding.
Sam Humphries, we get it. Same start every fucking issue.

"Every issue is a first."-Sam Humphries.

Which explains why the book has been going absolutely nowhere.
How was Batman/TMNT?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thats the same Grim Reaper that was killed with a frying pan
Some weekly impressions:

Aquaman #5: Not sure why I stuck with this so far. It became very clear early on that it's a simplistic "punch shit" book. The political stuff is done so poorly and just ruins it. I think I'll give it one more issue to see the conclusion... maybe.

Batman #5: Yikes. Is it too much to ask for a Batman title to be focused on Batman? Out of the three Batman titles, looks like All-Star is the only one that'll do that. Gotham and Gotham Girl? Yawn. Year One for Gotham Girl? Dropped.

Black Widow #6: Good issue but a weak ending to the arc I feel. Too much dialogue as well, which kind of ruins what made the first 5 issues so enjoyable.

Ultimates: #10: I love Miss America.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #12: Maybe the first few issues of Green Arrow are fresh on my mind but this feels refreshing to read in terms of how it handles political issues. Like it's on the nose for sure at times, but not in the preachy "I don't understand the issues" kind of way. Good stuff.
Started reading Ivar Timewalker. Really digging it so far. :D

Is there more coming or something? The hardcover has the number 1 on it despite the book having all 12 issues.

On another note, beginning Robin Vol. 2, and Alfred and Harold watching a soap opera together is one of the best things commited to print.
Ehh? His Valiant stuff got a bunch of recognition

Well to be honest, sure, I was thinking more his Green Lantern/general DC stuff with that comment, I think I misspoke there in terms of specifying reviews and including Valiant. I actually think you hit it closer with recognition as being more that I was getting at. The Surrogates was awesome and got him a (bad) movie made of his work with Bruce Willis in it haha, not every comic creator can claim that one. My thought is, some creators blow up and you accept they just don't have time for the indies anymore. I think Venditti obviously gets his bills paid and then some, especially considering how smart he's been doing that Percy Jackson stuff, and it's been ages so I'd love to see him get something out there that I actually care about, basically haha. I really want that third Surrogates book.

I knew that Valiant comment wasn't gonna sit right with lunchpad

Haha, hey, I'm happy with some stuff not to sit right with people, and I don't mind stepping back form something if I've flubbed. He actually nailed more what I was getting at.

Think I'm going to pull this off the shelf this weekend and finally get around to reading through it, excited to see where this one goes. The series really took a big jump with Chapel Of Bones,



hasn't Sam been through enough?

Alright. I'm becoming okay with this guy.
But i'm more on board with Panther fucking his shit up.

When it comes down to it even though I'm excited to get Rich back Sam ain't all that bad in the end. He's really grew as a character, looking forward to that Champions book. Kamala and him really bounce off each other.

The webcomic, Kill 6 Billion Demons is finally getting a physical trade release soon.



$14 for just 104 pages is a little expensive.

This does seem a bit expensive but I'm definitely buying it because the little I've seen looks amazing.
Was at the Lego Store in Stockholm(the only one in the country)and saw a bunch of nice sets. Funny how we now have figures for every Robin(aside from Steph). Didn't know there was a Blue Beetle figure already. Thinking about buying the Warsuit!Lex+Superman and Batman one for my youngest little sister's christmas present later.
Lego is superior to figures(and cheaper!).
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