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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

I want a The Thing book where he has Sou Da's way with words and he just walks around making cynical observations about everything

Kirsten Dunst needs more recognition for how she perfectly captured her character in Spider-Man:

She needs more recognition for having great boobs in Melancholia.

I think that was the last Von Trier movie I watched. Refn has surpassed his modern work.


Black Science 23: Am I really contemplating dropping a Rick Remender joint?? Yeah, this arc is losing me fast. A serious case of fictional character not actually being familiar with fiction, like
how does Grant not immediately realize he's dealing with the fucking witch, I figured it out the second she popped up, didn't even need to read the dialogue. How does Pia reach him so quickly and easily. How does she not realize they're dealing with the fucking witch??

Is Grant's intellect really such a prize? He's done a lot of dumb shit over the course of this series. She seems to be implying that she knows about the Pillar but howwww. Oh and lol book title quote, in big scary all caps font no less.
Comics pls make sense, it's not hard to make sense

There's also a shitload of cheesy, bad dialogue. Purple Science.

2 transdimensional pillars out of 5 transdimensional pillars

I think his intellect can still be prized while still taking into account the dumb shit he's done. He does bumble along from one disaster to the next, and often rushes into things without thinking (see the Kadir cliffhanger) but he also seems to be one of the main forces, if not the main force, behind the creation of the pillars in every dimension so there's got to be something there. I guess what I'm saying is having the intellect doesn't preclude you from making dumb decisions especially when you're removed from your fields of specialty and are bumbling about in the real world.

We also know from previous issues that the dimensional jumps leave a tear in the fabric of each reality which leave a trail that certain equipment can pick up. The witch's " magic" may be able to do something similar perhaps explaining why seems to know about him and his intellect.

As for how Pia is able to find him so quickly. She's been on that world for 3 years IIRC so knows more about modes of transport like some of those figures that were floating in the air in issue 22. Could have flown there. Grant's on a horse leaving a literally bloody trail through snow... not difficult to track his whereabouts. At the end of the day though I'm glad they didn't waste panel space on that. Just leave the reader to fill in the blanks between pages and panel transitions because I don't really care about how she found him. Just get to the "good" stuff.

I do agree they both should have clocked on earlier about the witch. I actually thought that might be something he'd quip about when he first saw her. It was kind of odd he didn't given he was quipping about living in a bad metaphor earlier.

I'd give it 3 pillars out of 5. Kind of want them to move on though. I want to see Scalera draw more crazy shit.


I bought 4 Harley Quinn #1s today. Good luck stopping this train.

What did you manage to get? If I could I'd get the Jae Lee and Dodson variants. I still have like twenty issues of the last run to get through before I even read the new issue. Books been a lot of fun looking forward to the Power Girl stuff.
Another world is going to collide with Earth, and it's about the way different characters deal with that situation. It's really about depression.

Don't think I saw it. I saw Another Earth, which was about another Earth appearing out of nowhere with alternate versions of everyone on it.
I think his intellect can still be prized while still taking into account the dumb shit he's done. He does bumble along from one disaster to the next, and often rushes into things without thinking (see the Kadir cliffhanger) but he also seems to be one of the main forces, if not the main force, behind the creation of the pillars in every dimension so there's got to be something there. I guess what I'm saying is having the intellect doesn't preclude you from making dumb decisions especially when you're removed from your fields of specialty and are bumbling about in the real world.

We also know from previous issues that the dimensional jumps leave a tear in the fabric of each reality which leave a trail that certain equipment can pick up. The witch's " magic" may be able to do something similar perhaps explaining why seems to know about him and his intellect.

As for how Pia is able to find him so quickly. She's been on that world for 3 years IIRC so knows more about modes of transport like some of those figures that were floating in the air in issue 22. Could have flown there. Grant's on a horse leaving a literally bloody trail through snow... not difficult to track his whereabouts. At the end of the day though I'm glad they didn't waste panel space on that. Just leave the reader to fill in the blanks between pages and panel transitions because I don't really care about how she found him. Just get to the "good" stuff.

I do agree they both should have clocked on earlier about the witch. I actually thought that might be something he'd quip about when he first saw her. It was kind of odd he didn't given he was quipping about living in a bad metaphor earlier.

I'd give it 3 pillars out of 5. Kind of want them to move on though. I want to see Scalera draw more crazy shit.

You're right, I almost noted that perhaps Grant is a high-INT, low-WIS character. Should have dumped a few points in Wisdom, Grant. Wisdom is important. And your observations on Pia finding him and storytelling economics - don't waste panels on dumb crap - are solid. That all makes perfect sense.

Okla (I think that's the witch's name?) is honestly the worst character in all of Black Science, easily, and might be one of Remender's worst characters period. Everything about her is super hackneyed, tropey and easy, I could not roll my eyes hard enough at some of her dialogue, and even her visual design is unusually weak for this book. Which just makes the fact that Grant and Pia don't pick up on where they are or who they're talking to all the more frustrating. If I were on a quest to steal something from an old, extremely powerful witch, you better believe I'd be leery as fuck of any weird old hermits within one hundred square miles of my destination. It doesn't make any sense at all and there's no reason the story couldn't have ended up at the same place even if the characters had actually used their brains. It's so lazy I worry that Remender's passion is too focused elsewhere.

But I'll see this arc through to the end, despite not liking anything about it, because I do want to see what's next. The visual designs are almost always so cool, even when the storytelling is weak it's usually eye candy. Shame that's not really the case at the moment but I'm still hoping they'll turn it around soon.

I forgot about
the pillar creating tears in reality when they use it.
When did we learn that?

Don't think I saw it. I saw Another Earth, which was about another Earth appearing out of nowhere with alternate versions of everyone on it.

That movie surprised me. It wasn't perfect but it was incredibly engaging.


What did you manage to get? If I could I'd get the Jae Lee and Dodson variants. I still have like twenty issues of the last run to get through before I even read the new issue. Books been a lot of fun looking forward to the Power Girl stuff.

I own these along with the regular cover and the open variant

I have babs one in colour and b&w. Got babs and the regulars today. Will order more soon.
I own these along with the regular cover and the open variant

I have babs one in colour and b&w. Got babs and the regulars today. Will order more soon.

Not sure about that Dodson cover. The composition is hot but something looks a little off about the face.
Echo what do you think about Pymtron and DeusEx?

Pymtron is rad. It's shaping up to be one of my favorite Ultron stories, and this is a book I dropped early on. Everything he says is delightfully cruel, vindictive and personal. Ultron is a hard character to do properly, how do you write an unstoppable robot mastermind who we know can kill everybody and win handily whenever he feels like it? He was so problematic they launched him into space. Twice.

Pymtron is interesting in that we don't really fully understand how this transformation has impacted him, we don't know
what is left of Hank in there,
so there is an element of mystery to him that also allows them to moderate his power level. So they get to play with this awesome, classic villain, and just let him be a nasty motherfucker without pulling all of the mega-powerful characters into the story to beat him or pulling any kind of deus ex machina to stop him. This is a refreshingly personal Ultron story and I hope Pymtron remains a thing when it's over.

I'm not sure what you mean by DeusEx though.

I did I did. Almost got a little teary eyed there at the end.


I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! :D


I own these along with the regular cover and the open variant

I have babs one in colour and b&w. Got babs and the regulars today. Will order more soon.

Wow I had never seen the Babs Tarr cover before, it's amazing. The Oz inspired cover is really cool as well. How did you like the new issue?

Anyone read that Tsum Tsum book?

Haven't got round to it yet. My girlfriend collects a lot of them and I have some of the Star Wars and a few Marvel Tsum Tsum so I'm going to pick it up for the novelty.


Wow I had never seen the Babs Tarr cover before, it's amazing. The Oz inspired cover is really cool as well. How did you like the new issue?

Haven't got round to it yet. My girlfriend collects a lot of them and I have some of the Star Wars and a few Marvel Tsum Tsum so I'm going to pick it up for the novelty.

I really liked it. But I don't feel like trying out something so the others here can pick it apart.
Finished up Grant Morrison's Batman run today. Mixed feelings overall, but New 52 Batman Inc and Batman& Robin were fantastic, and I really liked Batman and Son and RIP as well. Return of Bruce Wayne, Time and the Batman, Final Crisis, and the first part of Batman Inc were really weak though, both slow and overfilled at times. Glad I read it though, quite the ride.

Also finally got through the third trade for Grayson, which I think was the second best New 52 book after Batman, and this continued that quality.

I've got the first trade of Brubaker Batman coming as well as #2 and #3 of Rebirth Batman as well.
I was going to try Tsum Tsum because I feel like there's potential there to be the good kind of stupid, but I didn't have any money left after buying the first volume of Lady Killer and a few bottles of Crystal Pepsi.


Just finished reading Tsum Tsum #1

It's exactly what you would expect, but with a few surprises. It's extended marketing for Marvel Tsum Tsums, but it's very cute and has a lot of heart. It's not great, but it's not bad either. I found the Tsum Tsum's cute and I liked how
they crash landed to earth because of the Guardians of The Galaxy.

It's very light and very kid friendly. It's not really for us but I appreciate it. Tizoc would like it because it's like one of those Sonic or Transformer hentai books he reads.

Rock solid 7/10. Is it worth buying? Your mileage will vary. You're not really missing anything if you don't read it, but you might be surprised.
I've never tried Crystal Pepsi. Is there a diet Crystal Pepsi?
Nope, just regular.

It's like a slightly less sweet regular Pepsi, but with a tiny bit of spice like that Holiday Spice Pepsi they used to make.

I've had two bottles in the last hour.

I don't know if I can even say it's good, but it's interesting and different enough that I want a bunch while it's around.


You're right, I almost noted that perhaps Grant is a high-INT, low-WIS character. Should have dumped a few points in Wisdom, Grant. Wisdom is important. And your observations on Pia finding him and storytelling economics - don't waste panels on dumb crap - are solid. That all makes perfect sense.

Okla (I think that's the witch's name?) is honestly the worst character in all of Black Science, easily, and might be one of Remender's worst characters period. Everything about her is super hackneyed, tropey and easy, I could not roll my eyes hard enough at some of her dialogue, and even her visual design is unusually weak for this book. Which just makes the fact that Grant and Pia don't pick up on where they are or who they're talking to all the more frustrating. If I were on a quest to steal something from an old, extremely powerful witch, you better believe I'd be leery as fuck of any weird old hermits within one hundred square miles of my destination. It doesn't make any sense at all and there's no reason the story couldn't have ended up at the same place even if the characters had actually used their brains. It's so lazy I worry that Remender's passion is too focused elsewhere.

But I'll see this arc through to the end, despite not liking anything about it, because I do want to see what's next. The visual designs are almost always so cool, even when the storytelling is weak it's usually eye candy. Shame that's not really the case at the moment but I'm still hoping they'll turn it around soon.

Yeah. I'm not fond of it either. The whole thing does read like your bog standard D&D quest line.

I forgot about
the pillar creating tears in reality when they use it.
When did we learn that?

I want to say issue 21 but I'd have to go back and double check that. It's when he's having a conversation with his ship's computer. It's the same part he realizes that every time they jump there's a chance they could set off a catastrophic event equivalent to multiple big bangs or something like that.
Given the choice again, knowing what you know now, would you rather...

1. Spend $4.99 on Daredevil Annual #1


2. Roll up a $5 bill and insert it into your urethra?

#1, no question. At least I can burn it and have one less copy out in the world. That way at least some good comes of it.


semen stains the mountaintops
The Incal is sooooo pretty.

I love all his environments and designs.

Since The Incal came out first, I assume this means that the way The Metabaron is portrayed in their solo comic isn't the same, right? Cus one guy was, like, "I heard he killed 7 people in one second!" and another said, "he doesn't look so impressive" but in The Metabarons he's essentially a God. Dude could destroy a city in a second and everyone in the galaxy knows what he can do.
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