Considering the title, relevant:

As soon as I read this, I thought "...because he's a no-talent hack". Then I clicked the link, and look at that, I was right.![]()
Yeah its pretty schway. They try and steal ghosts.Anybody read Ghosted? First TP comes out tomorrow and was thinking of checking it out.
What's a good starting point for Amazing Spider-Man... #1? Lol
I've read all of Superior Spider-Man so far.
of course he describes it in elevator pitches"It's Buzz Lightyear-meets-'Unforgiven' I guess and I've been motoring through it for months, really having a good time with it," Millar is quoted, also calling the series "Flash Gordon-meets-'The Dark Knight Returns.'"
The Five Pillars of Batman:
Year One - Batman's origin: "Who I Am, How I Came To Be", though focuses on Commissioner Gordon a fair bit
The Long Halloween - A holiday-themed serial killer stalks Gotham's mobsters, who hire supervillains to try and elminate the killer. Really atmospheric.
Hush - "Batman's Greatest Hits", lots of "Hey, it's that guy! I know that guy!" Jim Lee kills it on art.
The Killing Joke - All it takes to descend into madness is one bad day. Probably the definitive Joker story
The Dark Knight Returns - An elderly Batman comes out of retirement. Recently adapted into a pair of very good animated movies which are probably on Netflix or something.
Captain Dynamo, the greatest super-hero in the world, was not the most faithful husband. Now he's dead and his family is trying to piece together their lives. As his enemies descend on his unprotected city, Captain Dynamo's widow rounds up his five illegitimate children, each of whom have inherited one of their father's super-powers. Can these total strangers come to terms with their powers, their father's legacy and each other as total chaos erupts?
Man, that Millar/Goran Parlov comic looks sick.
Also, about Mahmud Asrar on Wolverine & X-Men: If you like his art, go read one of his early works: Dynamo 5.
Great ensemble book by him and Jay Faerber (Noble Causes, Near Death, and other great crime/capes books) Easily my favourite team book along with Wolfman/Perez's New Teen Titans.
It's been on my to-buy list for a while now. His Supergirl stuff was pretty good.
Remind me what issues Asrar was the artist on for Supergirl.
Most of if not all of #4-20, if I recall correctly.
1-3 also
"Pillars of Batman" conjured up this mental image for me:Some of these pillars need to be knocked down, wtf
Guy cannot create characters that are not analogues.of course he describes it in elevator pitches
Guy cannot create characters that are not analogues.
Whaaaaaaat? I thought Aaron was in for the long haul...he said he had a lot of stories planned...
I feel betrayed!
Have you read Bendis' Daredevil? You should. It is Bendis' best work (Together with USM and Alias) and it has some good story arcs with Ulrich.- I've never cared for Ben Ulrich
Whaaaaaaat? I thought Aaron was in for the long haul...he said he had a lot of stories planned...
I feel betrayed!
He'll still be writing Amazing.
Have you read Bendis' Daredevil? You should. It is Bendis' best work (Together with USM and Alias) and it has some good story arcs with Ulrich.
arrrrgh why isnt there a after market for Infinity?!?!?!
I'm watching these ebay auctions like a hawk and aint nobody selling!!
I spent dang near or over $60 on this stupid story and it'd be nice to get some of my money back,
instead I'm out $60 over a story that was hot garbage compared to everything Hickman did with FF
and even more pissed knowing that $60 coulda actually gone to purchasing good comics
at least X-Men stuff sells... got some decent coin off all my Bendis stuff,
even Battle of the Atom got me $22
I dropped that series too coz it sucks worse than Infinity lol.
Any who, Amazing Spider-Man #700.1, yay or nay? Still on the fence if I should pick this up today.
arrrrgh why isnt there a after market for Infinity?!?!?!
I'm watching these ebay auctions like a hawk and aint nobody selling!!
I spent dang near or over $60 on this stupid story and it'd be nice to get some of my money back,
instead I'm out $60 over a story that was hot garbage compared to everything Hickman did with FF
and even more pissed knowing that $60 coulda actually gone to purchasing good comics
I never thought I'd say this, but I really like what Tom Taylor is doing on Earth 2.
Why would they buy singles when the awesome HC will be out in a month.
What are you specifically liking about it? I ask because I feel his Injustice Comic is rather amazing considering its a game-tie in. It could stand alone without the tie-in, imo. So I'm not surprised he can translate that into an interesting continuation of Earth 2.
Batman 66 #1 was okay, it was free on comixology a few days ago, but it kind of lacked in plot and leaned heavily on old timey cheese.
Daredevil End of Days #2 - I've never cared for Ben Ulrich, i blame myself for buying Civil War Frontline and not liking the reporter angle, and i'm not too interested in Ben tracking down Daredevil's story here either.
My favourites are Silence! and Inkstuds. I also like Comic Geek Speak and The Comics Alternative. 11 O' clock Comics is great if you can tolerate Vince B (I can't).
I'm going to download these and check them out, thanks.
PS awesome avatar, Rat Queens is fantastic so far.
Jeez, I never realized just how popular the Injustice comic was :O I just looked it up on comixology and it has a TON of reviews. More than I would honestly expect.